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Example sentences for "proclamation"

Lexicographically close words:
proclaimed; proclaimer; proclaimeth; proclaiming; proclaims; proclamations; proclamed; proclivities; proclivity; proconsul
  1. Just at the point where they intersect stands Delhi, the chief city in India since the King-Emperor's proclamation in 1911.

  2. The married sailors, they said, naturally waited for the impressment, for 'we know that has always been and always will be preceded by the proclamation of bounty.

  3. The naval historian, Burchett, writing of 1691, cites a 'Proclamation forbidding pressing men from colliers.

  4. It was not a time then for sealing up, but for breaking seals, a time for prophecy, for the loudest, clearest, and most urgent proclamation of the truth.

  5. Such an effect could hardly follow the mere proclamation of judgment on the world.

  6. After a short time the proclamation of Cyrus is read, the candidates are unbound, and start to go to Jerusalem, to assist in rebuilding the temple.

  7. We heard rejoicing, as of good news; the proclamation of Cyrus, King of Persia, was read in our hearing.

  8. With the dearly-bought girdle he returned homeward, and on the way he heard the proclamation of Laomedon that whoever would save his daughter Hesione from the sea-monster should receive a large reward.

  9. Then the king issued a proclamation that if any one dared to touch the body of the dead prince, he would be buried alive.

  10. And yet every proclamation of our devastators declared boldly that they made war only on the Emperor; they had the audacity to repeat this statement, and some were foolish enough to believe them.

  11. I read with enthusiasm the admirable proclamation in which he announced that his eagles would fly from steeple to steeple, and that he himself would follow so closely in his triumphal march from the Bay of Juan to Paris.

  12. After breakfast, went down to Carlton House to see the Proclamation of King George IV.

  13. Jonadab heaves in sight, bowin', and makes proclamation that dinner is served.

  14. One finds it difficult to account for this difference unless by the assumption that immigrants into the American Republic had taken advantage of her wide proclamation of the ideal of liberty and had abused the ideal by turning it into licence.

  15. Within three days after President Lincoln issued his proclamation calling for troops for the defence of Washington, a body of Rhode Islanders, well armed and equipped, was on its way thither.

  16. Lord Edward's document was purely military, and, although highly mischievous, it was defensible; but the proclamation to be issued on the 24th of May betrayed a ferocity of intention which no circumstances could palliate.

  17. On the 30th March the kingdom had been declared by proclamation 'in actual rebellion,' the troops were directed to act without magisterial authority whenever their own officers deemed it proper.

  18. On the 11th of May the proclamation that offered L.

  19. The proclamation conveys an insinuation that it was to be effected by their own force, entirely independent of foreign assistance.

  20. Among others, he was afterwards denounced by proclamation dated the nth of May, and £1000 offered for such secret information as might lead to his arrest.

  21. But, gentlemen, out of the proclamation I convict him of duplicity.

  22. The proclamation of the provisional government speaks for our views; no inference can be tortured from it to countenance barbarity or debasement at home, or subjection, humiliation, or treachery from abroad.

  23. Seating himself by his mother's side, with a copy of the proclamation in his hand, Marcy proceeded to read it aloud.

  24. Now, here are some copies of a proclamation that Captain Benton gave me, with the request that I would spread them around where they would do the most good.

  25. Before the final proclamation of Governor Pillsbury every source of ingenuity had been exhausted in devising plans for the destruction of the grasshoppers.

  26. It may be by accident, however, that the proclamation of the Lords, as given by Knox, omits the article securing the departure of the French.

  27. The Lords, July 2, replied to the proclamation of Mary of Guise, saying that she accused them of a purpose "to invade her person.

  28. It was denounced against shooters of wild fowl, and against those, of either religious party, who broke the Proclamation of October 1561.

  29. The practice was forbidden in a proclamation by the Queen on May 31.

  30. There is not a word of the kind in the Regent's proclamation as given by Knox himself.

  31. If her proclamation was disobeyed, could she do less than summon the disobedient to trial?

  32. This or a similar proclamation is continued for three days; after which the body is embalmed with sandal wood, camphor, and saffron, and is then burned, and the ashes are scattered to the winds.

  33. Every day, the supreme judge causes proclamation to be made, that of any man has been wronged by the viceroy or governor, or by any of his relations or officers, or any other person, he shall receive ample justice.

  34. Hamilton, who had fled and had been vainly cited by proclamation at the City Cross to appear before the Estates, was pronounced not to be clear of the blood of the Glencoe men.

  35. Footnote 219: Proclamation of the Privy Council of Scotland, Feb.

  36. One proclamation announced that, if the property of any Protestant should be injured by marauders, his loss should be made good at the expense of his Popish neighbours.

  37. A proclamation appeared promising a reward of a thousand pounds to any person who should stop the runaway; but it was too late.

  38. It was that a proclamation should be prepared with great secresy, and published at once in all parts of the kingdom.

  39. This proclamation was to announce that hammered coins would thenceforth pass only by weight.

  40. Since the Revolution he had put his neck in peril for King James, had been chased by officers with warrants, and had been designated as a traitor in a proclamation to which Marlborough himself had been a party.

  41. Here copies of Ginkell's proclamation were profusely scattered about; and English officers went through the ranks imploring the men not to ruin themselves, and explaining to them the advantages which the soldiers of King William enjoyed.

  42. Locke recommended, as Dudley North had recommended, that the King should by proclamation fix a near day after which the hammered money should in all payments pass only by weight.

  43. The other proclamation was unprecedented.

  44. His spleen was excited one week by a dry answer from William, and the next week by an absurd proclamation from James.

  45. A State government is formed as follows: The Governor of the Territory issues a proclamation declaring that on a certain date there shall be an election of delegates to a convention; such convention is to be held on a certain date.

  46. The Queen's Proclamation to India issued by Lord Canning, first Viceroy.

  47. The amended Proclamation was read in every province in India and met everywhere with cordial approval by princes and natives alike.

  48. After the Mutiny in India a proclamation was issued to the native races, and the Queen insisted upon alterations which would clearly show that their religious beliefs should in no way be interfered with, thus preventing a fresh mutiny.

  49. The Queen took the deepest interest in the Proclamation to the Indian people in 1858, and insisted on a number of alterations before she would allow it to be passed as satisfactory.

  50. But, then, its proclamation was attended by circumstances that undeniably proved that the Holy Father in pronouncing the dogma had been inspired and guided by the Holy Ghost.

  51. Thus, by the proclamation of the dogma of the immaculate conception, the Church combats human pride and sensuality, the foremost vices of the age.

  52. God reserved the solemn proclamation of this dogma, which seemingly has no practical bearing on the Christian life, for our age, to recall to our mind the doctrines resulting from it.

  53. No sooner had this man heard of the proclamation than he summoned his attendant spirits and commanded them to gild his head and teeth.

  54. The queen wept all the way home, and for many days after, and the king issued a proclamation that whoever should bring back his lost daughters should have one of them to wife, and should, after his death, reign in his stead.

  55. The king had given out a proclamation that anyone who could beat the princess in a race should have her for a wife, but that all who failed in the competition should lose their head.

  56. Mr. Redworth reserved his assent to the proclamation of any English disadvantage.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proclamation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    advertisement; allegation; announcement; appointment; assertion; avowal; brevet; broadcast; bull; circular; circulation; communique; conclusion; creed; declaration; decree; dictum; edict; encyclical; enunciation; fiat; issue; law; manifesto; notice; notification; observation; order; ordinance; position; predicate; predication; proclamation; profession; program; pronouncement; proposition; protest; protestation; publication; regulation; report; rescript; revelation; rule; ruling; say; saying; stance; stand; statement; ukase; utterance; vouch; word