At their knock a muffled voice came through the panels, hardly to be understood because of the weather-stripping used to make the joining of door and frame light-tight.
The Chief ought not to have keys loose like that in his old duds--Doc mightknock them down the way I did and be too busy mooning over something to hear the noise--and a key would be lost.
Why did he knock the books down to me of all people?
Not to be baffled by this, and beginning to feel desperate, he made his way to the back of the house, and was just about to knock at the back door when a voice hailed him from an adjoining shed.
How the man met his death was no secret among the dredgers, and they had to keep a wary eye on their own lives; for a captain would often move the tiller so suddenly as to knock a man overboard, accidentally, of course.
June Mason was mixing perfume the following morning when a little knock came at her door.
Her knock was answered immediately and Esther stood there in the doorway.
Esther looked up eagerly; she had had rather a dull day of it.
Knock three times on the tree when the moon is full, remember.
You stay here while I go across and knock three times on the other door," said Jack, at once decided.
Knock on the door behind us and go back home," suggested Jack.
Watching breathlessly, they saw it knock three times deliberately and heavily against the bark, and then roll back a few paces and wait.
One evening, as they were all sitting cosily together like this, there was a knock at the door, as if someone wished to come in.
With the rod knock thrice at the iron door of the castle, and it will spring open.
Children," begged the bear; "knock some of the snow off my coat.
We thought now was a good time to knock him on the head, and called to Friday to stand still, and we would shoot the bear; but he cried out earnestly, "O pray!
You fool wid me now an' I'll knock you into doll rags, Tony or no Tony.
Git way from me befo' I knock every nap off of yo' head, one by one.
DAISY Jim, aint you gointerknock off a li'l tune fo' you go?
Just then a knock was heard at the door, and presently entered that very female whom I had met with at Villars's.
To knock at Thetford's door, and put my questions to him who should obey the signal, was the obvious method.
Naturally, I slept little during the night, and was awake even before the earlyknock which sounded at my door.
It was long before my ring and knock were answered, so long that I had my finger on the bell again.
Five minutes later, as I restlessly paced the room, the wished-for knock sounded, but there was no cablegram to be presented on a tray.
Every step along the corridor outside the private sitting-room I had taken made me start like a nervous woman, fancying each time that a knock on my door might follow and the wished-for message be handed in to me.
They knockout their opponents, they lift enormous weights, but they die of phthisis or dyspepsia.
Frank was just expressing his unfeigned pleasure to be of the slightest use, when Levy's knock resounded at the street-door, and in another moment the Baron entered.
And yet I stood before that fellow face to face, and didn't knock his brains out!
Knock out their coms," that was Ali continuing to plan.
I wouldn't put it past you to knock me out and load me aboard if I did say no.
And when his knock brought no answer he pushed the panel open.
But the German had had time to knock the lid from a battery cell and to plunge the envelope into the liquid contained in the jar.
Uncle Sam and his international friends will have to kill, cripple or lock up most of the men of Germany before we can hope to knock the foolishness out of their heads.
We went to the Morgue and then to the hospitals, and finally to the police -- " A knock interrupted him, and a policeman appeared at the door.
And with ostentatious delay he produced three letters and a newspaper, which Rex took, restraining an impulse to knock him down.
As he stooped to drop them in, there came a knockat his studio door.
When you come to my room, knock first, for "Baby" doesn't like to be startled.
I shall knock the whole place about their ears like a card house if I don't get back my silver.
I shallknock at your door this night at twelve o'clock.
I shall return about midnight, and will knock at your door to announce my arrival.
Phrenologists discovered that Mr. Thurtell had a very fine organ of Conscientiousness, yet, somehow or other, that erring personage contrived to knock the brains out of his friend's organ of Individuality.
Charley might find some more difficulty in meeting her views on the general subject of girls, but for a knock at the door.
To knock at the door of the past was in a word to see it open to me quite wide--to see the world within begin to "compose" with a grace of its own round the primary figure, see it people itself vividly and insistently.
Had I a heart to fight, I'd knock the Doctor down; Or could I read or write, Egad!
Except you judged them by the knock Of near an equal hardy block; Such an experimental stroke convinces.
He was dozing then (my father said) with his chin dropped forward on his chest, when a knock sounded upon the door, and the door opened, and in walked an upright young man in scarlet regimentals.
With a knockat the door, Louis came in, in his usual sleek and deferential fashion.
I think that Lucinda must have been listening for my steps; she opened the door herself before I had time to knock on it.
We may very likely knock up against them some day,†I remarked with a laugh.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.