By this time the mixture of races in Lancashire is so complete that it is not easy to gather at first hand fresh data as to indigenous superstitions.
But experience has shown that these humble materials afford really important data for the student of mythology and anthropology.
Archaeological data from Central Asia have been analysed again by K.
In many cases, these recent studies produced new data or arranged new data in a new way without an attempt to draw general conclusions.
I prefer to differentiate between slaves and serfs, and relied for factual dataupon texts from oracle bones, not upon historical texts.
As such sources are most often written in Chinese or Japanese and, therefore, inaccessible to most readers, only brief hints and not full bibliographicaldata are given.
Data on the size of early cities have been collected by T.
If we enter these data together with the census of 1953 into a chart (see p.
We have so much personal data on Wang that a psychological study could be attempted; and we have since Williamson's time much deeper insight into the reforms and theories of Wang.
Meaningful statistical data on literacy in China before 1937 are lacking.
In the meantime the works were to be suspended and not to be resumed until the Home Indian Government had received the additional datafor a satisfactory settlement of the question, which Sir Seymour was directed to collect.
This evidence was confirmed by Sir Francis Freeling; and, taking all thedata that can be obtained upon the subject, no doubt remains that the tolls on turnpike roads in England and Wales averaged, for a coach with four horses, nearly 5d.
It fortunately happens that Mr. Stephenson furnishes in his address the data for checking his own accuracy on this particular point.
From the data thus secured he divides them into four classes: 1st.
That it succeeds only on certain soils is known but data are not at hand to determine what conditions of soil suit it best.
He had the genius to see from even the few and imperfect data that he had at hand what the true explanation of the diverse phenomena of the heavens was.
He held that from these data all true knowledge really comes.
It is provoking that the inventory, minute as it is, should desert us at the most important point, and give insufficient datafor estimating the size of the room.
From these data it is not difficult to calculate the cost of each palm, and from that the number of palms that 170 ducats would buy.
I am able to reconstruct this library because I have had the good fortune to come across a very curious document[345] which gives sufficient data for the purpose.
Insects furnish us with similar facts wherever sufficient data are to be had, but owing to the abundant collections that have been made in Java, an unfair preponderance may be given to that island.
An estimate based on these data may therefore be regarded in the meantime as approximately correct.
It is impossible for me to supply accurate dataas to the incidence of the disease amongst the Maori race at present, but I am confident that reports have a natural tendency to become exaggerated.
If only morphological criteria of lower jaws were considered, without recourse to other data derived from the study of many samples of populations of the living species, time alone might account for the differences among B.
Most specimens examined were accompanied by an attached label bearing data on locality and date of capture, name of collector, external measurements, and sex.
Data obtained by me from three litters born in captivity agree with his findings.
I am acquainted with no sufficient and authentic data for computing the population, at this time, of the crown of Aragon, always greatly below that of the sister kingdom.
This | instantaneous slip from empirical | data to rational and essential dogmas | is made possible by the very nature | of the human mind.
On the other hand, care was taken not to represent the maximum of the better class, data being taken only from permanent forest land and not from rich potential agricultural land which might show unfairly rapid forest growth.
Much data has been collected showing that with oil at a reasonable price its use is economical from a labor-saving point of view as well as from that of safety.
From this data were prepared tables and diagrams showing the average development of trees and stands under fairly favorable conditions in the region west of the Cascades.
Here the papyri and ostraca have put a large material at our disposal, but the circumstances in Egypt[3] were too peculiar for us to generalize upon these data as to the Seleucid and Antigonid realms.
All this would be important enough and indeed even distinguishing, were I relating it by way of "gilding refined gold"; but they acquire meaning the moment we regard them as data for a character.
Historically, there is thought to be a difference in the ideas which predominate over successive epochs, and there are data for marking the genius of the Classic, of the Romantic, and now of the Reflective or Philosophical age.
Exploration of the region in which it seems probable that the disturbance took place will undoubtedly furnish the data necessary for the complete solution of the problem.
Further data would probably reduce this; but it is a department in which we have so little material, that we must leave it till these be accumulated.
In these visits, I collected accurate data of the cost of raw material, the place where obtained, the expense of manufacture, and the price of the finished fabric.
Cimbal remarks that German data show that home furloughs should be avoided in every instance where possible.
Self inflicted injuries and malingering among recruits under observation; according todata of the Kiyev military hospital for 1911.
He gave various dataabout his life, but not fully.
Nonne states that the data of the war prove that hysteria is neither a degenerative disease according to classical theory, nor a disease based upon Freudian principles.
Certain data concerning insane warriors, prepared by the combined Statistico-Psychiatrical Bureau of the Unions of Zemstvos and Municipalities.
In the first place, all will concede, some order of consideration of collected data is a prime necessity to the tyro.
Data on the question of psychoses in time of war).
According to Claude and Lhermitte, these data concerning hydromyelia, which they regard as secondary to trauma, are an argument in favor of the traumatic origin of certain syringomyelias.
We may await the correlation of these data by some worker, equally skilled in otology and neurology, with the profoundest interest.
Statistics of the movement of insane soldiers, according to data obtained by an inquiry.
Later data impossible to get, except that there was apparently an arthritis of the hip and a sacral decubitus with eventual recovery.
That was his predicament too: insufficient data about his own motives.
But we are now dealing with the matter speculatively, academically, and I contend that our data yield a definite conclusion.
His height I judged roughly to be five feet eight inches, but my measurements would furnish data for a more exact estimate by Thorndyke.
And if there be human beings on Roraima, what new data must not their language, their condition, contribute for the study of philologers, anthropologists, sociologists?
Few engineers, as Jack himself knew, could have led them thus straight to their goal from the data he had had to work upon.
His own reasoning from trustworthy data at the earlier point of departure, is, with such aids, his best guide.
The absence of data as to the additions to his field force through the means which I have analyzed, shows how absurd a result was drawn from his premises.