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Example sentences for "disseminate"

Lexicographically close words:
dissembled; dissembler; dissemblers; dissembles; dissembling; disseminated; disseminating; dissemination; disseminator; disseminators
  1. But by preaching against it in their pulpits, and by prohibiting its sale as far as they could, bigoted priests of the stamp of the Cologne Dominicans did most to disseminate it.

  2. The upper part of these clubs disseminate a great abundance of straight and very slender spermatia.

  3. The zoospores being furnished with vibratile cilia, are for some time active, and need only water in which to disseminate themselves, and this is furnished by rain.

  4. The only apparent object in all this was to disseminate broadcast living examples of Spanish vengeance, in order to overawe the populace.

  5. This severe punishment for the mere expression of opinion only served to fix the opinion more firmly, and disseminate it more widely.

  6. From the outset of my experience in the final attack of the hen fever, I took advantage of every possible opportunity to disseminate the now world-wide known fact that nobody else but myself possessed any "pure-bred" poultry!

  7. As we traveled the road, we reflected that we were covering the footsteps of a departed brother who had traversed the same roadway many a time in his mission to disseminate the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  8. For nearly ten years this monk was allowed to disseminate his errors unchecked, till a Council obliged him to retract.

  9. Biedermann, who was for a long time his deacon, and then his successor in the pastoral office, sympathised with his master’s views, and subsequently made vigorous attempts to disseminate them in his writings.

  10. He earnestly admonished me to beware of giving occasion to those unfriendly to the school to allege that I was taking advantage of my position to disseminate my antislavery opinions and spirit.

  11. I wish I had room for a full account of Mr. Birney’s courageous and persistent defence of his antislavery opinions, and of his right to publish and disseminate them.

  12. Convinced that this was the vital doctrine, he determined to do all in his power to disseminate it among the people.

  13. And now that he was preparing to disseminate his doctrines through the press, he was to be denounced and silenced.

  14. The duration of this last stage is very short, it is true; but it is, nevertheless, during this period of her life that the mother scatters the eggs which are to disseminate the species.

  15. Pigs disseminate the eggs, and the embryos infest these larvae, in the bodies of which they pass through their principal changes.

  16. The efforts exerted to publicize the Faith, disseminate its teachings and spread its fame, should be redoubled by all administrative agencies concerned with this vital sphere of Baha’i activity.

  17. Simultaneous with the united efforts that must be strenuously exerted to ensure its success, a systematic endeavour must be made to proclaim the verities of our glorious Faith to the masses, and to disseminate far and wide its literature.

  18. He interspersed a variety of reflections, tending to conciliate and blend those different interests--and to disseminate the sentiments of union and concord.

  19. Suppose an agricultural society were to establish itself, and under that title to disseminate opinions subversive of good order; the difference of a name should not make Mr. S.

  20. A proof of the absurdity of this charge may be found in the writings of those who wish to disseminate this mischievous idea, and yet, in their relations of facts, they themselves contradict it.

  21. The model of our Christian psalms is without doubt given in the canticles which Luke loved to disseminate in his gospel, and which were copied from the canticles of the Old Testament.

  22. You have therefore, no reason to fear that these belles will be sent to disseminate corruption in your happy island.

  23. The sub-prefect at Abbeville, the once famous Andre Dumont, was ordered to disseminate a report that she was shut up as insane in a madhouse.

  24. Patrick came to Erin to baptize and to disseminate religion among the Gaeidhil--i.

  25. Sire, I never have attempted to disseminate my opinions.

  26. What the thieves take they soon disseminate abroad again; what the laws take they hoard.

  27. Then, there are the political faqirs, who use their position to disseminate political propaganda, usually of a seditious nature.

  28. This indicates his deep interest in political problems and to disseminate the principles in which he believed, he founded La Nationaliste as the organ of the party, and for a time was editor of that publication.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disseminate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    assign; bed; broadcast; carry; circular; circulate; communicate; consign; convey; declare; deliver; deport; diffuse; dispense; disperse; disseminate; dissipate; distribute; diverge; drill; emanate; expel; export; forest; give; hand; impart; implant; import; issue; overspread; pass; plant; pot; proclaim; promulgate; propagate; publish; radiate; radio; relay; release; render; report; retail; scatter; seed; send; share; signal; sound; sow; splay; spread; straw; strew; switch; tell; throw; toot; transfer; transfuse; translate; transmit; transplant; transpose; utter; hand; impart; implant; import; issue; overspread; pass; plant; pot; proclaim; promulgate; propagate; publish; radiate; radio; relay; release; render; report; retail; scatter; seed; send; share; signal; sound; sow; splay; spread; straw; strew; switch; tell; throw; toot; transfer; transfuse; translate; transmit; transplant; transpose