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Example sentences for "annual"

Lexicographically close words:
annoying; annoyingly; annoys; anns; annua; annuall; annually; annuals; annuatim; annuitant
  1. On going, afterwards, to receive the sum, which was the annual pay of a captain only, that being his rank when he sustained the loss, the clerk observed that he thought it had been more.

  2. A curiosity of the neighborhood is La Parra Grande, the "Great Vine," having a trunk four feet in diameter and covering a trellis sixty feet square, its annual product being eight thousand pounds of grapes.

  3. It has many manufactures and some of the most extensive ore-smelting works in the world, the annual output of gold and silver being enormous.

  4. Each year when the fleet put into Leghorn we were inseparable, for in long years past, at Portsmouth, we had been close friends, and now he was able to pay me annual visits at my Italian home.

  5. This result is attained by substituting for a perpetual annual charge (or one lasting until the capital which it represents can be paid off en bloc), an annual charge of a larger amount, but lasting for a short term.

  6. Those reserved benefices only were to pay the annalia which were rated above twenty-four gold florins; and as none were so rated, whatever their annual value may have been, the annalia fell into disuse.

  7. As ally of the Bourbons of Naples, from whom he had received an annual subsidy, he attempted, after 1860, to facilitate their restoration by fomenting brigandage on the Neapolitan frontier.

  8. In speaking of their public funds (rentes) they do not mention the ideal capital sum, but speak of the annuity or annual payment that is received by the public creditor.

  9. In the 19th century the annalistic form was once more employed, either to preserve year by year the memory of passing events (Annual Register, Annuaire de la Revue des deux mondes, &c.

  10. Ecclesiastical power is vested chiefly in the metropolitan (later called archbishop), and the semi-annual provincial synod (cf.

  11. If not otherwise stated, it is always understood that an annuity is payable yearly, and that the annual payment (or rent, as it is sometimes called) is L1.

  12. These Paschal tables were thin books in which each annual date was separated from the next by a more or less considerable blank space.

  13. The next annual conference convened at the home of Wm.

  14. The entire expense of maintaining the library is met by an annual tax of ten cents for each member in the state.

  15. Considerable annual conference business was transacted at this meeting.

  16. These annual fairs were recognized as something to be aided by all parties, and the various toll bridges notified intending exhibitors that all live stock taken to the fair would be passed free.

  17. Steadman, the mayor of the city, to represent the city at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the C.

  18. The annual conference of 1852 chose Lisbon as the place of meeting for the next annual session.

  19. The annual destruction of adult birds is very great--more than double that, I believe, which takes place in other passerine families.

  20. The annual return to the hybernating den is then a fixed unalterable instinct, like the autumnal migration of some birds to a warmer latitude.

  21. The names of the persons are mentioned, together with the quantity of land, for which a fixed annual sum was due.

  22. Full descriptions of some "finds" are given in the annual issues of the Société Jersiaise, together with illustrations.

  23. The Lord President of the Council gives an annual dinner to his colleagues, at which the list of Sheriffs for the ensuing year is settled.

  24. The Lord President's annual dinner to the Cabinet, at which the Sheriffs for the ensuing year are selected, to be appointed by the King at the next Council.

  25. Carlisle; manufactures woollens, hardware, and lead-pencils; is the seat of an annual religious convention which gives its name to a phase of Evangelicalism.

  26. Its annual spring horse-fair is among the largest in the world.

  27. BUCEN`TAUR, the state galley, worked by oars and manned by 168 rowers, in which the Doge of Venice used to sail on the occasion of the annual ceremony of wedding anew the Adriatic Sea by sinking a ring in it.

  28. Annual Parliaments have been advocated, though at present triennial legislatures are the rule.

  29. But, in addition to its mines, Ballarat is renowned for its pastoral and agricultural advantages, the Ballarat farmers being always large prize-takers at the various annual shows.

  30. Rain falls at long and uncertain intervals: the annual total is small; night-dews are not common, and agriculture is virtually impossible unless assisted by irrigation.

  31. Western Australia entered into the contract upon the understanding that the annual imperial expenditure should be sufficiently large to be of importance to the colony, and in the hope that cheap labour would attract capital to it.

  32. The annual income arising from this source is now divided, being expended partly upon education, partly upon apprenticeship, and a certain amount upon coals and blankets to be distributed among the poor of the parish.

  33. Here also are held the annual meets of the Four-in-Hand and Coaching Club during the season.

  34. Annual championship meetings are also held in South Africa, New Zealand and the different states of Australia.

  35. In New York State, where the population is largely industrial, the annual deaths per million are only three, but of the agricultural population eleven.

  36. This is one of the reasons why in the figures for the annual and diurnal variations in Tables I.

  37. The north-west coast, particularly the portions north of Cambridge Gulf and the shores of the Gulf of Carpentaria, are favoured with an annual visitation of the monsoon from December to March, penetrating as far as 500 m.

  38. The rainfall in the extreme north, especially in January and February, is very heavy, and the annual average along the coast is about 63 in.

  39. The annual rainfall over the greater part varies from 24 to 28 in.

  40. That the 8-hour and 6-hour waves, though small near midsummer, represent more than mere accidental irregularities, seems a safe inference from the regularity apparent in the annual variation of their phase angles.

  41. Finally, Coleridge contributed six epigrams to the Keepsake, of which four had been published in the Morning Post, and one in the Annual Anthology.

  42. Seventeen epigrams, of which twelve are by Coleridge, two by Southey, and three by Tobin, were published anonymously in the Annual Anthology of 1800.

  43. I was invited to take a seat at the Royal Highland Society's annual dinner, at which his Grace the Duke of Richmond presided.

  44. Interior View of the Medicine (or Mystery) Lodge of Mandans, during the first three days of an Annual Ceremony.

  45. The secretaries of the Boat and Cricket Clubs had looked him up, to whom Frank, with much pleasure, had paid his entrance fee and annual subscriptions.

  46. To the former Frank went, surreptitiously of course, for the Grinds are with annual regularity forbidden, but with equal regularity carried out.

  47. Where the revenue is 5,000 francs, they can accumulate a sum only equal to three times their annual expense, and for others the reserve fund should not be in excess of over six times the annual outlay.

  48. In 1906 the Government was forced to require from the liquidators an annual report of their proceedings.

  49. With more generosity than was usually shown by these Eastern barbarians, Mahomet agreed to leave the King in possession of his throne on condition of his paying an annual tax to the Porte.

  50. The third day after my arrival I dined at the house of a gentleman who had summoned a multitude of his friends to the annual celebration of his wedding day.

  51. In 1402, Sir William Clopton granted to Thomas Smyth a piece of ground called Dokmedwe, in Haustede, for the annual payment of a rose to Sir William and his heirs, in lieu of all services.

  52. The prevalence of this insect on the rose, and its annual appearance, coinciding with the blossoming of that flower, have gained for it the popular name by which it is here known.

  53. Perhaps it'll be the grand annual ball of the Truck Drivers' Association, or just one of them Anarchist talkfests in the back room of some beer parlor.

  54. When, from various causes, the annual north and south migrations of the buffalo herds of the Far West were discontinued, an east and west migration took place--the herds moving westward to more protected portions of the country.

  55. Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, p.

  56. History of the American Bison," Ninth Annual Report, Department of the Interior, p.

  57. During the reign of the buffaloes in the Ohio basin their greater thoroughfares were undoubtedly made by their annual migrations, even though the extent of this movement did not exceed a few hundred miles.

  58. Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, PP.

  59. The annual report made by the Secretary was given in full in our November Magazine, and is also published in leaflet form for free distribution to those desiring it.

  60. But the crowning mercy of the year came at our Annual Meeting, when we were able to announce the gift of over a million of dollars from that generous friend of the poor Negro, Mr. Daniel Hand.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "annual" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    account; accounting; album; amphibian; annual; biennial; blotter; brief; bulletin; calendar; catalog; cutting; daily; daybook; diary; diptych; diurnal; docket; evergreen; fortnightly; fungus; hourly; journal; ledger; log; magazine; menstrual; minutes; momentary; monthly; notebook; organ; pad; perennial; periodical; pictorial; plant; pocketbook; proceedings; publication; record; regular; report; returns; review; scrapbook; secular; seedling; semiannual; semimonthly; serial; statement; table; tablet; tally; triennial; triptych; vegetable; weed; weekly; yearly

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    annual average; annual festival; annual fish catch about; annual growth; annual income; annual interest; annual meeting; annual message; annual pension; annual plant; annual production; annual rate; annual rent; annual rings; annual salary; annual tribute