An imperial ukase ordered that all the serfs in certain of the Russian states, between the ages of 30 and 35, should be enrolled.
Russian ukase prohibiting the introduction of British goods into the Russian ports.
And thus, after having so minutely absorbed my Georgia, here was this ukaseobliging me to abandon it!
In April, 1714, a ukase was issued directing that all buildings should be erected in a particular manner; another, three months later, ordered a large number of nobles and merchants to erect dwellings in the new city.
Finally, in the closing days of the year, he issued a ukase excluding wines, silks, and similar luxuries from France, but facilitating the entry of the colonial wares in which England dealt.
An imperial ukasehas been promulgated granting self-government to all Siberia.
By this ukasethe Russian Empire loses nearly one-half of its territories.
Placards--Empty Coffins containing Ukase of Banishment Carted to the Doors of Obnoxious White Citizens--Its Ideas of Social Decorum.
For Bud Perkins, in a moment of pride, issued an ukasewhich forbade all North End boys to look at a certain bill-board near his home.
This ukase and his strict enforcement of it made him the target of North End wrath.
Notice after notice was given to the serf-owners that they were not to be molested, that no emancipation was contemplated, and that the ukase contained "nothing new.
But at last, in 1842, Nicholas issued his ukase creating the class of "contracting peasants.
Surely the little Grand Duchess, the madcap of the Romanoffs, had not sacrificed her great love in vain, even though while that Imperial ukase was being written she sat with bitter tears rolling slowly down her white cheeks.
Therefore, read that," and he took from his table the Imperial ukase and handed it to him.
Thus he wrote the ukase abolishing exile by administrative process--that law which the camarilla had so abused--and signed it with a flourish of his pen.
The ukase I have written is the law of the Empire from this hour.
This ukase had been intended originally to exclude seditious literature from Russia, but what was unfavorable for the rebellious Poles proved, in a measure, very beneficial to the law-abiding Jews.
Begun in 1835, at Ozar, near Grodno, an imperial ukase directed the removal of the work to Vilna, the metropolis of Russo-Poland.
If he could have cancelled with one stroke the glorious ukase that had proclaimed the emancipation of the serfs, he would have been only too glad to disgrace himself.
More direct and equally inexplicable, save on the ground of animosity to whatever was not Slavonic, was the ukase to close the Sabbath Schools and the Evening Schools, the only means of educating the laboring men (1870).
The emperor made no difficulty about it, and issued a ukase to that effect.
I thanked him for the paper he sent me yesterday, and also for the Ukase published last evening, allowing the Jews to retain their present costume for three months, till after the 1st of July.
He shewed him a Ukase about to be published, which gave them some privileges, but compelled them, within a certain number of years, to adopt some occupation of an active nature, or to be punished as vagrants.
He recommended that no public steps should be taken in the way of petition to the Emperor, as there were two years still before the Ukasewould take effect; he thought it a bad measure.
He promised to give Sir Moses copies of the Ukase relating to their removal from the villages, and he showed him the Journal des Débats, which stated that Mr Gilbert had put a question to Sir Robert Peel on the subject.
The Emperor himself has given orders to the Minister of the Interior to present him with a minute report on the situation and property of the Jews in the villages and frontier towns, before the terrible Ukase is put into execution.
On July 13th the first step was made for the repeal of the Deportation Ukase in Russia.
However, blessed be the Highest One, I learned of this ukase just the day before we arrived, and was able to borrow the difference from a fellow-passenger, who lent me the money to show the Commissioners.
They work with their hands, and the Czar issues a ukase that they are to be driven off the soil they have tilled.
He issued an imperial ukase ordering the sick sailors to get well.
The ukase against the beard was soon followed by one against the caftan, or long cloak, the old Russian dress.
Curtin at St. Petersburg, protesting against the ukase of banishment.
The protest was heeded by the Czar and the ukase was rescinded.
It was by this ukase that private property in land and serfdom were finally recognized in Russia as institutions of private law.
The imperial ukase of 1864, created zemstvos or district assemblies composed of representatives of the landed proprietors or gentlemen; or rural communes or mirs, and of the towns.
Russian thinkers, however, reflect that, so long as autocracy exists and the tchinovnik admit no other authority but that of the czar, another ukase may revoke the doubtful boon.
While the plenipotentiaries were discussing the terms of peace, autocracy launched a ukase calling for a consultative assembly.
He gives his reasons in the ukase wherein the change is announced.
On the 31st of December, a remarkable ukase was published, beginning "Now that Russia has regained possession of this valuable region, etc.
In 1890 there appeared a ukase ordering the return of the Jews to those provinces and districts where they had been formerly allowed to settle--that is, chiefly in the South and West; and all foreign Jews were expelled from the Empire.
The scheme now became practicable, and in March 1891 an imperial ukase appeared sanctioning the mighty undertaking.
In June there appeared an imperial ukase assimilating the postal service of Finland to that of Russia--an illegal act which led to the resignation of the Finnish Ministers.
By an ukase of 1827, however, they were declared an integral and inseparable portion of the soil.
Then when I--which Heaven forbid--come to the throne I will promulgate another ukase annulling that one.
Then he published the ukase that only the daughters of reigning families might be raised to the throne of Russia--that was the answer to my dreams!
And he prepared the ukase condemning his son to banishment in Uralsk, then kissed the Czar's hand.
In the State Archives is a ukase of Czar Alexander to the effect that only women descending from reigning families may be raised to the imperial throne, and the descendants of those who are not of royal birth may not inherit the throne.
But there is a further obstacle, which not even the Czar's ukase can overcome.
And after having been exploited she had been driven out by ukase on week-night to class-meeting and on Sunday night to chapel, to find Christ, with the result that she had found the barman at the Vaults.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ukase" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.