The audio track is running, but it's just talking heads, not a transmission from the mothaship, so I tune it out.
The first transmission comes a whole pitcher later.
The transmission of heat is powerfully influenced by the mechanical state of the body through which it passes.
Among the substances here examined, hare's fur offered the greatest impediment to the transmission of the heat.
Again, the low prices charged for the transmission of messages produce an amount of business which the lines running through thickly-inhabited England cannot boast.
The more ignorant class of people actually believe that it conveys parcels and letters, and they sometimes carry them for transmission to the office.
It works by contact, touches the particles nearest it, and transforms them into vehicles for the further transmission of influence.
This will explain any apparent delay in the transmission of this report, there being obvious inconveniences in sending part in print and part in manuscript.
In their presence, Mr. Tilden dictated another and longer telegram, which was sent to the committee-room for transmission to Washington.
Transmission of disease may also occur by the infection of open wounds through contact with infected flies.
This may be effected either by a reflecting surface at right angles to the line of transmission or by several reflecting surfaces, which end in bringing the sound back to the point of issue.
The possibilities offered by electrical transmission of water power for sections of country favored with waterfalls are numerous and have been extensively developed, which should result in making them great industrial centers.
The electric transmission of power is effected by employing the source of power to drive a machine called a dynamo, which generates an electric current.
The opening of the transcontinental telephone line has been followed by the extension of “extreme distance” transmission into all the states of the Union, by applying these new improvements to the plant of the Bell System.
Numerous efforts, since then, have been made to utilize electricity for the transmission of power over a long range.
For this purpose the alternating current seems eminently adapted, as transformers only are needed to raise the line to high transmission voltage and to lower it again for use.
In the rear of the transmission department is the motor assembly.
Transmission over the Zone is effected through four substations and a connecting high voltage transmission line which follows the main line of the Panama Railroad.
This has been accomplished through the invention of the multiple switchboard and a great number of inventions and improvements in all the apparatus used in the transmission of speech.
In this process of transmission there is a certain loss of light, and to allow for that the image is magnified to about one-quarter above natural size.
The full service-charges for the mortars will be sent on board ready filled in white cotton bags, and their transmissionfrom the magazines will be in leather passing-boxes.
His father was a cavalry officer, but as he died when his son was only three years old, he could have exerted no influence upon the future philosopher, save such as comes of transmission through blood and tissue.
The force of transmissable diseases will be gradually weakened, until their quality of transmission vanishes.
But his interest in solving the problem of duplicate transmission proved so absorbing that he continually neglected his duties, and on the occasion of a change of officers he was dismissed as a useless member of the staff.
The idea of the transmission of messages in opposite directions by the same wire was one that had early occurred to Edison, but he was long in reducing it to practice.
The receipt and transmission of sanitary stores, and the immense correspondence growing out of it; the general oversight of the needs of the hospitals, and the monthly reports of the same all fell heavily upon one brain and one pair of hands.
Miss Wormeley, herself, still superintended this matter, and though an Associate Manager of the New England Women's Branch of the Sanitary Commission, preferred this direct transmission as a saving both of time and expense.
Huyghens and Newton had made considerable progress in optics; Newton had approximately calculated the rate of transmission of sound; and the continental mathematicians had succeeded in determining some of the laws of sonorous vibrations.
Moreover, the more prompt transmission of letters and of news produces further changes--makes the pulse of the nation faster.
What may be the forces in operation on the part of the sun, and earth alike, which may so interfere with the development or transmission of light through the solar cone-space?
What is certain is, that there ought to be, between the sun and planets, a means of communication of force, and the transmission of movement.
Any cause which is capable of producing results of such character and magnitude can only act by more or less completely interrupting the development or transmission of this fluid.
If it be expended upon a lengthened wire, then, as sound, it is transmitted according to the laws of magnetic transmission through wire.
We may therefore with reason suppose that perturbations, however produced, occur within those spheres, of such an extent and character as might be a sufficient cause of the interruption of development, or of transmission of that fluid.
Time may no longer be estimated in noting the transmission of light and heat, since, like gravity, each acts instantaneously.
An instrument for transmission of auditory vibrations through the bones of the head, so as to be appreciated as sounds by persons deaf from causes other than those affecting the nervous apparatus of hearing.
First, the atmosphere was warm, a poor condition for the transmission of ether waves, and after all, night time is the ideal season for such doings.
But you have overlooked one important fact, namely, that the human spirit is dependent on her physical senses for the transmission and reception of the power of friendship.
In this way a constant stream of sparks may be ensured, without incurring the risk of running faster than the coil will supply the electrical impulses necessary for the transmission of the message.
The advantages of electrical transmission of energy will greatly favour this kind of installation on the farm, as compared with any other method of distribution which is as yet in sight.
The transmission of power through the medium of the electric current will naturally attain its first great development in the neighbourhoods of large waterfalls such as Niagara.
This is a type and indication of what will happen all along the industrial line, the electric current taking the place of the majority of other means adopted for the transmission of power.
Thompson has not yet arrived, the simple reason being that electric power storage--apart from the special purposes of the subdivision and transmission for lighting--has not yet been tried on a large scale.
From this it may be inferred that the cheap transmission of power by the electric current will effect a more profound revolution in the gold-mining industry than in almost any other.
Wireless transmission of a small amount of power has been proved to be experimentally possible.
Easy and effective transmission is a sine qua non in this case, just as it is in the utilisation of waterfalls situated far from the busy mart and factory.
With a view to checking its ravages, the Government took all possible steps for preventing the transmissionof infection, and, amongst others, that of slaughtering sound cattle was adopted.
In this emergency Haynes, of the Engineers, was sent for, and asked if he could not do something with the heliograph, and bring the rays of the sun into requisition for the transmission of messages.
The chances for a survival and transmission of atavistic traits are greatest in those classes that are most sheltered from the stress of circumstances.
They seem to have persisted by force of the tenacity of transmission that belongs to an hereditary trait that is present in some degree in every member of the species, and which therefore rests on a broad basis of race continuity.
The possession of goods, whether acquired aggressively by one's own exertion or passively by transmission through inheritance from others, becomes a conventional basis of reputability.
Especially is the transmission of the habits of thought which characterize the predatory master somewhat precarious in the case of a line of descent in which but one or two of the latest steps have lain within the leisure-class discipline.