They represent nothing which God desires or in which he delights; but they are divine in the sense that they are things to be done under the circumstances.
The Twelve represent the Spirit as sent by the Son, who has been exalted that he may send this new power out of the heavens.
Abraham's two wives, and the two classes of people in the two sons, represent the two covenants (so Calvin).
Others have used the doctrine to cancel moral differences; for if God be in all things, and if all things represent his will, then whatever is is right.
Like banners of a hidden army, or peaks of a distant mountain range, they representand are sustained by compact, continuous bodies below.
And yet you represent God, the absolute goodness, as alone impassible?
Balfour, Foundations of Belief, 326--"Even the poet has not dared torepresent Jupiter torturing Prometheus without the dim figure of Avenging Fate waiting silently in the background.
Conscience must therefore represent to itself always some other than itself as Judge, unless it is to arrive at a contradiction with itself.
Moses Stuart, in his Commentary, and Warren's Parousia, represent this preterist interpretation.
But when Ritschl comes to his doctrine of God, he is strangely inconsistent with all this, for he fails to represent God as having any end in himself, and deals with him simply as a means toward the kingdom of God as an end.
He however refused to accept the decision and said that he would go and find two people to represent him on the panchayat.
So that son was sent for, and when he appeared before his father and heard the story of the dream, he said "This is the interpretation: the three golden animals represent us three brothers, for we are like gold to you.
The dots representthem and their situations in the Gallery; they are chiefly by two modern artists, Canova and Boher, though I fear the reputation of my taste and judgment will suffer by the confession.
By using strings of different colors to represent the various coils, the path of each coil is easily traced when the winding is completed, as in fig.
These probably represent the simplest form of brush, but are not extensively used owing to the lack of flexibility.
For instance, if in the figure the curve O B C represent the efficiency of a 100 K.
Form a manikin, made out of very thin, soft rubber tubing, to represent the stomach and small and large intestine, holding the various parts in place with elastic bands, and cotton to represent fat.
The wrist-band of the sleeve will represent the anal tube if drawn into a pucker and turned slightly backward from the direction of the sleeve of which it is a continuation.
I did not pretend to genius," said Gwendolen, still feeling that she might somehow do what Klesmer wanted to represent as impossible.
Few words could less represent her than "coquette.
If I had said that your were living, he would have interfered with my plans: he would have taken on him to represent my father, and have tried to make me recall what I had done.
I cared for the wide world, and all that I could represent in it.
And the poor lady had been used to represent her Catherine as a model of excellence.
The design shows, as clearly as that of the Massacre of the Innocents, Giotto's want of power, and partly of desire, to represent rapid or forceful action.
Tezozomoc and Duran represent this campaign as having been undertaken by Tizoc, after most extensive preparations, for the purpose of obtaining captives, but attended with little success, only about forty prisoners having been secured.
I-200] The painting of Boturini seems actually to represent Huitzilopochtli appearing in a burning bush in the mountain of Teoculhuacan to the Aztecs.
Other authors represent the Aztecs as victorious, they having added to their possessions Tochpan, Tototlan, Tlaximaloyan, Ocuillan, and Malacatepec.
Ixtlilxochitl, Duran, and Tezozomoc represent Tlacahuepantzin as the brother of Montezuma, and Ixtlilxochitl implies that he was sent to this war, placed in 1508, in the hope of his death.
These fragments represent the history of many peoples for many centuries; they are not necessarily contradictory, for in the absence of all chronology we have no means of knowing to what epoch each refers.
Influenced by this motive, he was so indiscreet as to represent to the king, that the Church was persecuted in its rights, property and ministers, and drew a picture of the reign of Charles III.
These Arabs and the Fellahs (whom, by the way, many of our countrymen are so ready to represent as friendly to the French and hostile to ourselves,) had taken the opportunity of attacking the vessel.
Ciruso and Circuso are each used once but may represent the same individual.
I am not by any means an artist; but we had had drawing lessons at Broxville Academy, and I managed to represent the boy as walking rapidly, as if in a great hurry to get to where he was going.
Its special function was to represent correctness, coldness, and stiffness amid the luxuriant disorder of nature and the freedom of the other arts.
Certain Little Theatres, also, have educated their followers in the significance of the new use of light and design to represent the mood of a play.
These words represent the re-action of Christian morality against the abuses of classical study, to which I allude in my text.
The extinction of such differences could only take place if a few individuals constituted a whole species; but the number of individuals which together represent a species is not only very large but generally incalculable.
But it is only a popular notion that a corpse must represent the entire organism.
There does not seem to be any objection to the view that the microsomata of the nuclear loops—assuming that these bodies represent the idioplasm—are capable of dividing into halves, equal in form and appearance, but unequal in quality.
But even if these granules represent the true idioplasm, their division into two exactly equal parts would give us no proof of equality or inequality in their constitution: it would only give us an idea of their quantitative relations.
They sometimes differ from the adult organism in their smaller size and simpler structure (Gregarinidae), but they represent the same morphological stage of individuality.
One might represent the germ-plasm by the metaphor of a long creeping root-stock from which plants arise at intervals, these latter representing the individuals of successive generations.
It is obvious that the phyletic development of colonies or stocks must have succeeded that of single individuals, and that the formation of germ-cells in the latter must therefore represent the original method.
I do not think that I can represent the state of the subject better than by again referring to the metaphor of the ship.
What we must represent to ourselves is the activity of free thought; we have to present the history of the world of thought as it has arisen and produced itself.
It may appear as if Religion demanded that man should abstain from thinking of universal matters and Philosophy because they are merely worldly wisdom and represent human operations.
By this we must not represent to ourselves subjective thought; in thinking we think immediately of our thought as it is in consciousness.
Mind, however, has not yet got itself as a medium whereby it can represent itself in itself, and from which it can form its world.
This idea is often found in the common conception of God—where permanence is attributed to the world and where men often represent two kinds of actuality to themselves, a sensuous and a supersensuous world of equal standing.
This is the meaning which is present when we represent to ourselves that thought constitutes, orders, &c.
Thought in this manner does not represent and know itself as the ultimate and absolute culmination of the content, or as the inwardly self-determining Thought.
But, considering the absence of philosophic mind in such historians as these, how should they be able to comprehend and represent the content, which is reasoned thought?
The History of Philosophy has to represent this science in that form of time and individualities from which its outward form has resulted.
Now since these three represent three different genera, the subjects and the two-fold opposite, there must be a higher genus over each of them which takes the first place, since the genus comes before its subordinate kinds.
It is not atoms as we should speak of them, such, for example, as we represent to ourselves as floating in the air, that are alone the principle, for the intervening nothing is just as essential.
But, if we are told that it was expected that only the States we represent would accept the proposition, we respectfully submit that even then it involves a sum too great for the financial ability of this Government at this time.
I represent the African Slave Trade interest of that Section.
I am approached with the most opposite opinions, and advice, and that by religious men, who are equally certain that they represent the Divine will.
I grant, further, that it would help somewhat at the North, though not so much, I fear, as you and those you represent imagine.
Let the States which are in Rebellion see definitely and certainly that in no event will the States you represent ever join their proposed Confederacy, and they cannot much longer maintain the contest.
It is impossible to represent the pangs, agonies, and convulsions which Sir Timothy expresses in every feature of his face, and muscle of his body, upon the reading of a bad poet.
The same noble condescension, which never dwells but in truly great minds, and such as Homer would represent that of Ulysses to have been, discovers itself likewise in the speech which he made to the ghost of Ajax on that occasion.
We descry millions of species subsisted on a green leaf, which your glasses represent only in crowds and swarms.
For though I can clash swords when they represent a battle, and have yet lungs enough to huzza their victories, I question, if I should prompt them right, whether they would act accordingly.
Your writers are very large in recounting anything which relates to the figure and power of one party, but are dumb when they should represent the actions of the other.
The poet wishes for abilities to represent so great a hero: "Oh for a muse of fire!
He sympathized with the Third Estate, yet he had been elected to represent the nobles, and his commission bound him to vote according to their wishes.
Lafayette found considerable opposition among the nobles of Auvergne, but the common people begged him to represent them, promising to give him their unanimous vote if he would do so.
Cornwallis did not appear to give up his sword, but sent General O'Hara to represent him, and it was received on Washington's part by General Lincoln, who had given up his sword to the British at Charleston.
General Conway was there ahead of him to represent the War Board, and told him curtly that the expedition was not to be thought of.
Before the Assembly of Notables adjourned it advised the king to authorize legislative assemblies in the provinces, which he did, Lafayette being one of the five men named by the monarch to represent the nobility in his province of Auvergne.
Do you fancy that scarlet commends itself to a rebel maid like me, or that the cause you represent can be aught but hateful to a loyal Wolcott?
Even Hypatia, which is supposed to have been written to represent entirely pagan surroundings, is full of Bible phrases and ideas.
The translation does not quite representthe fact, and the revisers have therefore replaced the old Hebrew word Asherah.
At any rate, the five named will represent worthily and with sufficient completeness the Georgian period of English literature.
There is no doubt that in this effort both to save the language, and to represent accurately the meaning of the original, they sometimes overdid that avoidance of uniformity.
His principal tendency is to represent Russia as the natural central point of the Slavic race.
Like these, the Slavic poems seldom represent wild passions or complicated actions; but, by preference, scenes of rest, and mostly scenes of domestic grief or joy.
Even funerals were performed then with more display than at present, in order to represent symbolically the glorious resurrection, especially as it had not then been so clearly revealed by the Word of God as it is to ourselves.
He did not abolish the images, nor allow the persecution of their opponents; and the ecclesiastical writers represent him, on account of this liberal policy, as a perfect monster.
We can let the line, e f, represent the limit of resistance of the air if the field be drawn to scale; and we can thus trace the conditions that determine disruptive discharge.
It follows, therefore, that the number of equipotential surfaces per unit length can represent this limit, or rather the stress which leads to disruptive discharge.
It will representthe progressive spirit of the nineteenth century.
And that was simply torepresent their idea of power, of swiftness, of wisdom.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "represent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.