When the town was finished, he established a rule that no one should have direct access to the king, but that all communications should pass through the hands of messengers.
All communications in relation to the Convention must be directed to the care of H.
In taking action on such communications thereafter the Continental Congress followed the policy of leaving the matter to the various States, which were then jealously mindful of their rights.
Communications relative thereto directed to the Continental Congress provoked a debate in that body in September, 1775.
In the third place, owing to our dependence on freedom of sea-communications for food and raw materials, we could not sit still if Germany elected to develop her fleet to such an extent as to imperil our naval protection.
But I repeated what I had said to the Chancellor, that the necessity for secure sea-communications rendered it vital for us to be able to protect ourselves on the seas.
The first communications between Bonaparte and Paul I.
By persevering in the taking of Tyre he secured, his communications with Greece, the country he loved as dearly as I love France, and in whose glory he placed his own.
Might be a good idea to visit the Fixed Communications Section.
And you will use them in place of the conventional communicationswhenever possible.
To be sure, the leader had insisted that his subordinates use the devices for their own communications, and he'd cut Fixed Communications to the bone.
He took the elevator to the communications level and walked slowly along the hallway, glancing at the heavy steel door leading to Warning as he passed it.
You're responsible to me that Fixed Communications are kept in order, and I don't mean to relieve you of a bit of that responsibility.
It's obvious to me that this thing will never be any good for practical application in any community communications problem.
The justification showed figures which indicated an increase in executive type communications during the past few months.
British air bombs upon guns, stores and communications do some of the work that the French effect by their systematic demolition fire.
We do ourselves the honor of making these communications to you, Sir, that you may transmit them, and the papers accompanying them, to your Court, and inform us of their answer.
But from what I have collected bycommunications with your Ministers, with those of the French, and by private intelligence, I conclude; 1st.
Communications of the French Minister to a Committee of Congress at a second Conference.
The committee appointed to receive thecommunications of the Minister of France, reported the following summary, accompanied with extracts of papers, which he had recently received.
Report of a Committee of Congress respectingCommunications from the French Minister.
The important communications made by your Majesty's Plenipotentiary have been considered by us with the greatest attention.
Clearly, divine communications were unmistakably distinguishable from the recipient's own thoughts.
It is very true that "evil communications corrupt good manners;" and that if one would not be bad, one means of safety is to keep out of bad company.
The young and happy came to mingle tears of sympathy with her, but returned to dwell upon her words as upon communications from the spirit-land, rather than from a creature like themselves.
Such incidents as this, of personalcommunications between masses of enemies on the eve of a battle, were very common in ancient warfare, though impossible in modern times.
Communications were made from Rome to the governors of provinces, and information was received from them, by means of these posts: see Suet.
Why did you have notes in the planetary language in your communications room?
Upon my arrival, I discovered that Elwar had managed to open the communications room and had been using the equipment.
When I attempted to question him as to how he had opened the room, and where he had learned the operation of the communications equipment, he became hysterical and I could find out precisely nothing.
I then turned on my viewsphere to keep watch on the village from the communications room.
Co-ordinates were not given and I checked the planetary co-ordinates with the call sign and the Communications List.
I was on duty in the emergency communications room at Increment Four.
The old marshal felt he had a right to complain of Ney and of Napoleon himself, and, it is said, opened communications with Fouche and the remnant of the republican party.
The island is served by British, French and American steamship lines, and local communications are carried on by small coasting steamers and by subsidized mail coaches, as there are excellent roads.
Palamon and Arcite, is less valuable, it is because it is deficient in one of the most essential conditions which such communications ought to possess--that of originality.
He writes with reference to the communications from MR.
Two other platoons of Americans were on the line of communications and one at Soyla Lake ready for counter-attack.
Spring thaw-up severed the Red communicationswith Kotlas, which was on the Dvina.
The internal communications are barely fifty miles in length; one road, fit only for two-wheeled traffic and thirty miles in length, connects Noumea with Bailoupari, and there are some short roads in the agricultural settlement of Bourail.
Particular communications were sent to my old commander, Col.
The assignment from my Colonel was, in brief, that we had lost touch with the 48th Toronto regiment fighting on our left, that for the time allcommunications between us had mysteriously stopped.
The enemy had cut off telephone communications and what was worse had temporarily assumed an aƫrial superiority that had cleared our planes out of the sky.
I am also persuaded that he has had intimate communicationswith the Governor of Casale; perhaps, though, the detention of the Sieur de Lestang may have changed the dispositions of the latter.
He certainly had visited, or had received communications from those who had visited Ethiopia as far south as eleven degrees north latitude.
Between Frankfort and Italy literary communications were kept open through the medium of the great fair, which took place every year at Michaelmas.
His communicationswith the Assembly were of the most friendly description; and though circumstances, consequent on the death of George IV.
Having reason, however, to consider his communications with that place intercepted, he determined, on the 26th, to advance to the attack.
But if men have always maintained some relation and some commerce with the deity, they have not always represented in the same manner the mode in which communications have been received from Him.
A very few obscure traitors opened communications with the enemy.
There he held some communications with the Macdonalds and Camerons about a rising.