Possessing the amplest and most complete mind that ever lived, he took no care to give to any of his works the seal of completeness and perfection.
The hosts who perished are evidence of the completeness of the triumph; and the completeness of the triumph is the measure of merit, and the glory of the conqueror.
But instead of this absolute submission and completeness and joyfulness of surrender of ourselves to Him, what do we find?
They should have added something to the clearness and completeness of our perception of the deep simplicity of God's gospel.
Wotton then proceeds to review systematically the field of science, and easily shows, with more completeness and precision than Perrault, the superiority of modern methods and the enormous strides which had been made.
No accidents, no chance, but everywhere order and completeness One by one exceptions vanish, and all becomes systematic.
Each one is giving expression to an overflowing fulness and completeness of life; and never before have I felt my life so incomplete and isolated.
We observe that there is hardly any limit to the completeness and the length of time during which our memory may remain in abeyance.
We leave it to every reader, whether there would not be more historic unity and poetic completeness in the tableau, were we to read that these good creatures dined upon the ci-devant, after the execution.
The sufficient reason is simply the completeness of the conditions, with the existence of which the event takes place, and the absence of which the event fails to take place.
Races survive in virtue of thecompleteness of this correlation.
Your strength is now literally made perfect in weakness: because of the completeness of your dependence, a fresh life is infused into you, such as your old separate existence never knew.
It indicated a depth of resources, a completeness of renunciation, a poise and repose in the universe, which to me is almost inconceivable; which in you seemed domesticated, and to which I look up with veneration.
My verses on Friendship are already printed in the Dial; not expanded, but reduced to completeness by leaving out the long lines, which always have, or should have, a longer or at least another sense than short ones.
As a philosophic creed, at least in details, it affords a completeness of presentation that leaves no room or indeed desire to pass behind the veil and dwell on the unknowable and the unknown.
And the completeness of its result is seen, not only in this widely-extended impression and firmly-rooted attachment, but also in the maturity of unbelief which now took active steps to take Jesus and put Him to death.
I think that this testing of the poet’s words by map and compass may have shaken a little of my faith in the completeness of his knowledge.
In a selfish world that life was sure to end on a Calvary of some kind, but the very fact that it did so demonstrated the completeness of its victory over all considerations of self-interest.
That life and death have become a moral force, a spiritual dynamic greater than any before or since, just because of the completeness of the self-offering that culminated on Calvary's cross.
And in token of this reward it is well sometimes, in grateful spirit, to go over the names of those who made even its present stage of completeness possible.
The main argument on which Miller rested was the 'high' state of organization of the ancient fishes of the Paleozoic formations, and this was apparently combined with a confident assumption of the completeness of the geological record.
Such questions as these will test the completeness of his knowledge: Why is the symbol of water H{2}O?
The system was developed with great perspicuity and completeness in a work remarkable for the vivacity of its style and the felicity of its illustration.
Indeed, the completenessof our voluntary discipline and the systematic manner in which we employed our time was little less than marvellous.
But no pains have been spared to combine fulness and completeness in the following account.
Dreariness, flimsiness, bad taste reduced to mathematical completeness is what the inside offers to the eye, if it remains yet what it always has been.
The completeness of his appointments was the envy of the corps, and the gay fellow himself was the admiration of the camp servants, axemen, teamsters and cooks.
It is, however, certain that many numbers and details were symbolical, and there was a deep insight and magnificent completeness in the manner in which certain truths were shadowed forth by its construction and its central service.
The discussion of such a question is, indeed, wholly absurd and profitless, and is only here alluded to in order to illustrate the completeness of Solomon's fall.
So that he is scarcely likely to cavil at results so marvellous by inquiring into the nature and completeness of our government at any particular place,--for instance in Ireland, in the Hebrides, or at the Cape.
As the result of this absolute clearness of ideas, and completeness and simplicity of expression, Hauey attracted to him a large number of pupils.
That was all the Head wanted; he had got at David’s character, as seen by Maddox, with far more completeness than Maddox knew.
It is the condition of completeness and fullness of moral and spiritual life; and the man who will live at his best must accept these pains with courage and resolution.
Being a perversion of some object, it renders impossible that realization of ourselves through the object, or in the higher relations, that realization of the object through us, on which the harmony and completeness of our life depends.
The light of conscience will be clear and pure, or dim and clouded, according to the completeness of our moral environment, training, and insight.
The Stoics made much of it; and boasted of the completeness of their indifference.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "completeness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.