Reality falls in passing into conceptual analysis; it mounts in living its own undivided life--it buds and bourgeons, changes and creates.
The absolute, it thinks, makes the world by knowing the whole of it at once in one undivided eternal act.
The undivided affections now feel the blessedness of perfect unity with him--married indeed to him who is raised from the dead.
It soon becomes a significant fact thoroughly understood that Jesus requires theundivided heart and every affection.
As the husband and father continued to gain in power, with the reassertion of individual interests, it was inevitable that the mother should lose the authority she had held, under the free social organisation of the undivided clan.
Kinship was reckoned through the mother, since in this way alone could the undivided family be maintained.
As we have seen, the undivided family of the clan could be maintained only by descent through the mothers, since its existence depended on its power to retain and protect all its members.
Within the large and undivided family of the clan the restricted family became gradually re-established by a reassertion of individual interests.
Work will save you and yours, Lionel, undivided energies concentrated upon problems which are far beyond me.
They must stick to the land, and concentrate undivided energies upon it.
And— strictly between ourselves—we must give undivided attention to a match which more seriously concerns the fortunes of our family.
He is saturated with a sense of his own undivided responsibilities.
Dr Drummond's voice had a wonderful claiming power, but he often said he wished his congregation would pay as undivided attention to the sermon as they did to the announcements.
His audience neglected the opportunity for applause, but he had their undivided attention.
In the remote days of Greek antiquity, we find an example of undivided wifely love in Alcestis, whose devotion to her husband sent her to voluntary death in order to lengthen his life.
The year 1639 was to witness what was to be the last great effort (before the Portuguese revolt) of the still undivided Spanish monarchy for supremacy at sea.
The emperor on the other hand was obstinate in claiming the undivided Spanish inheritance for the Archduke Charles.
The weather was cold and rainy, the temptation of securing comfortable quarters and the undividedprofits of the sack irresistible.
Also one undivided half of the following named negroes, slaves for life, held jointly with the heirs of Baine, viz.
He pointed to several piles of letters, lying unopened upon a desk, and Mollie slipped into the chair before it and prepared to give her undivided attention to his instructions.
Give to the Bible the undivided homage of a childlike heart; and bow down before its revelations with a suppliant understanding also; and let no characteristic of its method by any means escape you.
How does it happen that the Book is not for ever in our hands which comes to us with such claims to our undivided homage?
Thus repulsed, she said no more, but gave her undivided attention to her employment; and so diligent was she, that Miss Day had no excuse whatever for fault-finding this morning.
The custom in France is not that a woman be the undivided property of three brothers.
Parnell once removed, the Church at once aimed at undivided rule, directing all her energies to this end mercilessly and without scruple.
I find no fault with them, but I say their object hardly commends itself to my undivided admiration, and, being still friendly, we on this subject part company.
Nevertheless is it not plain that a society which would represent the imperative claim of Christ to the undivided faith and loyalty of His followers must found upon a personal sense of obligation and personal eagerness?
His aim was fixed when he commenced to teach at Halle; and he prosecuted it with undivided assiduity until the close of his useful life.
Reinhard avowed himself in favor of the undivided supremacy of faith, and would have reason subordinate.
Sholto therefore found himself left with the undivided responsibility for the safety of the castle and all who dwelt within it.
His Grace of Brittany will now give you his undivided attention," said the President from behind, without moving a muscle either of his body or of his face, save those necessary to propel the words from his vocal cords.
Thirty to sixty radial spines cylindrical, curved, as long as the shell diameter, simply forked at the distal end; both branches one-third as long as the undivided part.
Every tube forked at {112}the distal end, with two or three short irregular branches of unequal size and form; branches much shorter than the undivided basal part of the tube.
Arms at equal distances, forming a rectangular, regular cross, in the distal half forked; both fork branches of the same length as the basal undivided part of the arm, which is nearly square.
Arms at equal distances, forming a regular, rectangular cross, in the distal third forked; both fork branches half as long as the basal undivided part of the arm, which is twice as long as broad.
Phacodiscida# with simple medullary shell and with numerous (ten to twenty or more) simple radial spines on the margin of the disk (commonly with a variable number and an irregular disposition of the undivided spines).
Phacodiscida# with double medullary shell and with numerous (ten to twenty or more) simple radial spines on the margin of the disk (commonly with a variable number and an irregular disposition of the undivided spines).
In Arachnopila and Arachnopegma the threads pass directly and undivided from each spine to the neighbouring spine (three pairs from the three edges), and therefore all meshes are triangular.
The undivided essence of the Godhead belongs equally to each of the persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each possesses all the substance and all the attributes of Deity.
The Directory now abolished the old Confederation, and proclaimed in its stead the "one and undivided Helvetic Republic," forcing on it a new constitution elaborated from the draft by Peter Ochs.
A National Church is within her rights when she compiles a Liturgy for National Use, provided that it is in harmony with the basic Liturgies of the Undivided Church.
The Prayer Book is the Court of Appeal from the pulpit--just as the Undivided Church is the final Court of Appeal from the Prayer Book.