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Example sentences for "prosecute"

Lexicographically close words:
proscription; proscriptions; proscriptive; prose; prosector; prosecuted; prosecutes; prosecuting; prosecution; prosecutions
  1. Mr. Parkinson, the painter, found it difficult to prosecute his labors; for the flies covered his paper to such a depth that he could not see it, and eat off the color as fast as he applied it.

  2. He wrote to Don Diego Columbus, who governed at San Domingo, informing him of the existence of a new ocean, bordered with shores of gold, and asking for a thousand men with whom to prosecute its discovery.

  3. He finally abandoned all attempts to prosecute the voyage, and, profiting by the west winds, returned through the Strait to the Atlantic.

  4. Da Gama now found that he could prosecute the voyage no further in his disabled vessel, the San Gabriel, and chartered a caravel in which to proceed to Lisbon.

  5. I am extremely doubtful if any chief of those nations can be induced to prosecute the voyage with us, as their dread of the Tetaus and the objections of the Pawnees seem to outweigh every argument and inducement to the contrary.

  6. The people, however, were a very uncourteous and clownish race, and teazed them so much with their rudeness and begging propensities, that they were glad to prosecute their journey to save themselves from any further importunities.

  7. Early in the year 1803, Otto, the French ambassador, wanted the Government to prosecute him, along with Peltier.

  8. No answer came, and as I had learned in the meanwhile that there was a design to prosecute me for sedition, that was an additional motive to be quick in my movements.

  9. I hear that they do prosecute the business against my Lord Chief Justice Keeling with great severity.

  10. But the very persons needed to lead the enterprise, were, mostly, persuaded to reject the proffered aid, and the society was left to prosecute its plans with such materials as offered.

  11. The other Europeon powers, having now the monopoly of the trade, continued to prosecute it with a vigor it never felt before.

  12. Mr. Chase of Ohio; and no wonder, since the Legislature of his own State has passed a law, making it a penitentiary offense in the master who should thus prosecute his constitutional right as declared by this decision.

  13. This was a great improvement compared with the time, not many months earlier, when he was so long in making up his mind whether or not to prosecute us for promoting the sale of an "obscene" book.

  14. Government one by the Marquis of Tullibardine (now the Duke of Atholl), to ask the Home Secretary if he intended to prosecute the N.

  15. Next to providence it was chiefly owing to the skill of our surgeon, Mr Patten, that he recovered to prosecute the remaining part of our voyage, with the same spirit with which it had hitherto been carried on.

  16. In all unforeseen cases, I was authorised to proceed according to my own discretion; and in case the Resolution should be lost or disabled, I was to prosecute the voyage on board the Adventure.

  17. It was to those properties in her that those on board owed their preservation; and hence we were enabled to prosecute discoveries in those seas so much longer than any other ship ever did, or could do.

  18. On the Bowens it is so immeasurably scurrilous, that I think they must prosecute her.

  19. Captain Bowen informed the authoress, by the channel of the papers, that he shall prosecute her for the libel.

  20. I, and cease to offer violence to that lady, whom thou bearest away by force; or prepare to defend thyself against one who will die, before he will suffer thee to prosecute thy unjust designs.

  21. Mr. Rymer would prosecute me in turn, I expect, if I did.

  22. And if you do overdraw it, Joe, I hope the bank will prosecute you!

  23. But the fifer of Hardt did not return home that night; and as Albert could no longer restrain his desire to prosecute his journey, he saddled his horse at break of day.

  24. I had little inclination to prosecute my pilgrimage in these unsettled times, but it is said, an unfulfilled oath is displeasing to the Almighty; so I was obliged to perform my vow.

  25. If the schools are to prosecute this study, history is the chief field for it.

  26. Only a few know the art of making axes, and they prosecute it as a means of livelihood.

  27. Helen threw her arms about her father's neck, thanking him tenderly, and with a beating heart retired to prosecute her plans.

  28. I shall not prosecute any further the details of this complicated process of Fourcroy; because it has been superseded by a much better one contrived by M.

  29. I am come down to see you, and take your orders and wishes, and to-morrow I sail for America to prosecute my search, and not leave it until I find them dead or alive.

  30. An unmarried female may prosecute as plaintiff, an action for her own seduction and recover such damages as may be found in her favor.

  31. The court may order either party to pay the clerk a sum of money for the separate support and maintenance of the adverse party and the children, and to enable such party to prosecute or defend the action.

  32. No suit or proceeding shall abate or be in anywise affected by the return or release of the person confined, but he or she may be permitted to prosecute or defend jointly with the other.

  33. It is sufficient if it appears that such party is without means of support and unable to prosecute the action without such allowance.

  34. Guardians of the property of minors must prosecute and defend for their wards.

  35. A father, or in case of his death, or imprisonment, or desertion of his family, the mother may prosecute as plaintiff, an action for the expenses and actual loss of service resulting from the injury or death of a minor child.

  36. On the contrary, as the event plainly shows, his answer was just such a one as encouraged them to prosecute their attempts to seduce him.

  37. Thus he had two vessels with which to prosecute his lawless career.

  38. Their sickness was so great that day as caused them to remain there till the next morning, without being able to prosecute their journey, as they used to do, in the afternoon.

  39. A public subscription, headed by the duke of Wellington, was now raised to prosecute Carlile's assistants.

  40. On reaching Bengal in 1793, he and his companions lost all their property in the Hugli; but having received the charge of an indigo factory at Malda, he was soon able to prosecute the work of translating the Bible into Bengali.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prosecute" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.