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Example sentences for "invincible"

Lexicographically close words:
invigorated; invigorates; invigorating; invigoration; invincibility; invincibly; inviolability; inviolable; inviolably; inviolate
  1. Beneath its shade, they sacrificed victims and, on its branches, they hung their weapons, imagining they would become invincible by this verdant contact.

  2. Pierrette was overcome with a sudden and invincible aversion for her two relatives,--a feeling that no one had ever before excited in her.

  3. While ignorance and custom are invincible in the country regions, where the peasants are left very much to themselves, the town of Issoudun itself has reached a state of complete social stagnation.

  4. More far-seeing than were the Lord of Stoutenburg and Mynheer Heemskerk, he had very quickly realized that sword in hand no one was a match for this foreigner and his invincible blade.

  5. Such were the preparations for the vaunted Invincible Armada.

  6. On many a wild spot of the shores of the Western Isles, and those of Scotland and Ireland, you are still told, "Here was stranded one of the great ships of the Invincible Armada.

  7. This, combined with his mode of employing his archers, which we have described in the account of his battles, gave him an invincible superiority over his enemies.

  8. Huayna Ccapac died in the year 1524 of the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the invincible Emperor Charles V of glorious memory being King of Spain, father of your Majesty, and the Pope was Paul III.

  9. Sudden passion has sprung up in you, an invincible force seems to carry you away.

  10. Faster and faster their once invincible power slipped from their hands.

  11. Perkins, in spite of the fact that the Great Lady had fixed her with her invincible north eye.

  12. Mrs. Catesby fixed the breakfast table with her invincible north eye.

  13. Undaunted courage, invincible optimism were his in amplest measure; and this attitude of mind could not fail to react upon his comrades in arms.

  14. England was hopelessly Protestant: the "Invincible Armada" had been miserably wrecked, and Philip's plan for bringing England once more within the fold of the Roman Catholic Church was forever frustrated.

  15. In 1588 he brought together a great fleet, including his best and largest warships, which was proudly called by the Spaniards the "Invincible Armada" (i.

  16. So invincible was his gravity that he was never known to laugh or even to smile through the whole course of a long and prosperous life.

  17. Thus waged the fight, when the stout Risingh, surveying the field from the top of a little ravelin, perceived his troops banged, beaten, and kicked by the invincible Peter.

  18. Standing here to-day, alone and much enfeebled, between these two young images of mournful fate, I am overpowered with disgust, invincible disgust for life.

  19. Between the count, who would have talked to me incessantly of himself, and the new mistress of the house, who would have shown me invincible dislike, I should have found myself horribly annoyed.

  20. Without ever speaking of Madame de Mortsauf, Arabella endeavored to kill her in my soul, where she ever found her, her own passion increasing with the consciousness of that invincible love.

  21. The loss of the invincible Armada in 1588 put an end to Spain's naval supremacy, and the richly-freighted American galleons often became the prey of British buccaneers.

  22. It was to meet outside competition with a force which would be invincible that Young conceived the idea of Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution, which was incorporated in 1869, with Young as president.

  23. The Wild would crush those defiant pigmies that disputed the majesty of her invincible calm.

  24. The trail was in a terrible condition, sometimes well-nigh impassable, and many a time, but for the invincible spirit of the Prodigal, would I have turned back.

  25. I found she had all the sad sophistication of the lowly-born, yet with it an invincible sense of purity, a delicate horror of the physical phases of love.

  26. We reverently admire the wisdom and the goodness of Faraki, who, desiring to secure to the world a continued population, has implanted in the sexes an invincible mutual attraction, which constantly draws them towards each other.

  27. But my guardian angel protected me from becoming a victim to seduction, defeating every attack by that prudence which has hitherto been my invincible shield.

  28. In the circle of the Senate, ranged in invincible row, sat seven ladies, from quite pretty to quite plain.

  29. Thomas Jefferson's ideal of steady courage, of invincible human puissance, was formed on the model of the stout-hearted old soldier who had fought under Stonewall Jackson.

  30. I might escape at the last by virtue of my 'invincible ignorance.

  31. The voice of reason crys louder than ever for their perpetual banishment; and the further use of them must be accounted for but by the force of invincible prejudice.

  32. I was undisturbed by thoughts which during the preceding year had pressed upon me, notwithstanding my endeavours to throw them off, with an invincible burden.

  33. My life had hitherto been remarkably secluded and domestic, and this had given me invincible repugnance to new countenances.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "invincible" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    assiduous; calculable; constant; continuing; dauntless; deathless; dependable; diligent; dogged; enduring; faithful; fast; firm; immortal; immutable; impenetrable; imperishable; impregnable; inalterable; incomparable; incontestable; incorruptible; indefatigable; indelible; indestructible; indomitable; industrious; ineradicable; inextinguishable; inflexible; inimitable; insistent; insuperable; insurmountable; invincible; inviolable; invulnerable; irresistible; lasting; loyal; matchless; obstinate; overpowering; overwhelming; patient; peerless; permanent; persevering; persistent; pertinacious; plodding; plugging; power; predictable; preoccupied; rapt; relentless; reliable; resolute; secure; sedulous; sleepless; solid; sound; stable; staunch; steadfast; steady; stout; stubborn; substantial; sure; tenacious; tireless; trustworthy; trusty; unapproachable; unassailable; unbeatable; unconquerable; undaunted; undying; unequaled; unexcelled; unfailing; unfaltering; unflagging; unflinching; uninterrupted; unique; unmatched; unparalleled; unquenchable; unrelenting; unremitting; unrivaled; unsurpassed; unswerving; untiring; unwavering; unwearied; unyielding