And parallel with this temporal Empire founded by Julius Caesar, was the spiritual Empire of the Church, founded by Jesus Christ.
On the north, the parallel of latitude which passes through the rapids of the river Desmoines, forms the boundary between that river and the Missouri.
Ecclesiastical history presents no parallel to this people, inasmuch as they are establishing their religion on a learned basis.
River bottom is a space, sometimes of many many miles in width, on the side of the river, runningparallel with it.
On the fourth day we were lying to, at a quarter of a mile from the shore, exactly under the parallel of 39 degrees north latitude, and at the southern point of a mountain called the Crooked Back-bone.
Fine specimens of jointed basalt are these mountains; flow upon flow can be traced for miles in almost horizontal parallel lines.
These long ridges, with rivers flowing in parallel lines on each side, form one of the geographical features of Iceland.
It is a most extraordinary break in the earth, extending for three or four miles across the country in a line parallel to Hrafna-gja, showing a face of lava with a drop of something like a hundred feet.
We could see nothing distinctly, though, for it was approaching midnight and the light was failing fast, so we pushed on along a line parallel to the cliff, unable to distinguish anything clearly.
Turning round before coming within gunshot, they began to move off to the right in a direction parallel to the river.
The vast flat plains on either side were almost on a level with the sand-beds, and they were bounded in the distance by low, monotonous hills, parallel to the course of the Arkansas.
The main body of the imperial barrack was divided into three rooms, a saloon, a vestibule, and a grand dining-room, which communicated with the kitchens by a passage parallel to that I have just mentioned.
It extends from near the 32d to the 49th parallel of latitude, and from the lakes and the Mississippi river to the Pacific.
The parallel accounts of the comet in Wace, Benoit, and Gaimar, are as follow: WACE.
Footnote 17: The original passage, and the parallelaccounts in Benoit de Sainte-More and Gaimar, will be found in our appendix.
Fanciful as the resemblance may at first seem between the fiery ambitious man of action and the shy meditative man of letters, the parallel is on one side good.
A parallel has been drawn between Montrose and that singularly interesting and attractive man, William Drummond of Hawthornden.
The sapient Gun had recommended that the little fleet should keep a course parallel to the land route, and that the heavy guns and ammunition should be sent on board not to cumber the march.
In it, we find a parallel to the division of power between the ruler and a separate council of experienced men, an arrangement that represents a legacy from the period of tribal organization, but that only now becomes firmly established.
On the contrary, both may possibly be equally original, grounded as they are in universal human motives that run parallel and independent courses.
The weapons not infrequently have a series of triangles included within two parallel straight lines.
Much more nearly parallel to the development of the other forms of art is that of the musical arts, meaning by this all those arts which consist in the direct activity of man himself.
Corresponding to it, not so common and yet obviously a parallel phenomenon occasionally connected with it, is the taboo of the father-in-law.
Besides I have pointed out repeatedly that it is of the essence of God's wisdom that all should be harmonious in his works, and that nature should be parallel with grace.
A close parallel is afforded by people's ordinary thinking about the instinct and the marvellous behaviour of brutes.
In such simultaneous approach it commonly occurred that the attacking line ceased to be parallel with the foe's, its van becoming nearer and rear more distant.
None could go closer than the line through her parallel to the enemy.
In construction, the sides were palmetto logs, dovetailed and bolted together, laid in parallel rows, sixteen feet apart; the interspace being filled with sand.
Suffren ranged his fleet in the same manner, parallel to the enemy, and was careful to see the order exact before bearing down.
Suffren drew up his line (a) on the same tack, parallel to the British, and at 11 A.
Being bound for nearly the same point, the two hostile bodies steered parallel courses, each ignorant of the other's nearness.
Parallel to the river on the north side the Boers had constructed, with their wonted cunning, long sandbag trenches and various complicated breastworks, which afforded them splendid cover.
This, however, is what was actually done, and it would be difficult to find a parallel for the stubborn pluck of the men who accompanied Colonel Barter across the 300 yards of dam and weir.
Northumberland Fusiliers, in column of companies, on the left, directing, and fifty paces from them moved the Northamptonshire Regiment in similar formation, and parallel to them.
The route they took was parallel to the river, which continued to flow in a deep and picturesque ravine.
Mr. Atkinson continued his route in a north-westerly direction, towards one of the lower chains which run nearly parallel with the Syan-Shan.
The neighbourhood of the water was first indicated by numerous high ant-hills, which, arranged in almost parallel lines, presented a sufficiently curious spectacle.
The streets are wide, laid out in parallel lines, and intersected by others at right angles.
This fjeld lies a little above the sixty-second parallel of latitude, and is about one third of the distance from the southern to the northern extreme of the country, which reaches from the fifty-eighth to the seventy-first parallel.
The valley through which the railroad passes, often parallel with the canal, on the way from Gottenburg to Trollhaetta, is one of the most fertile in Sweden, and when we saw it was rich with ripening grains.
On the Amaliegade, which runsparallel with the Bredgade and which is the next street to it, are four spacious palaces, which form a square, in the centre of which stands a bronze statue of Frederick V.
The Strandgade is the longest thoroughfare in the city, and runs parallel with the harbor.
There is a curious parallel between the life of Marx and that of Richard Wagner down to the time when the latter discovered a royal patron.
There is still another parallel which may be found.
Other sidings adjoining Dalheim station have no fewer than ten pairs of parallel rails, and there are still others on the west of the same station, towards the Dutch frontier.
On this occasion he specially advocated the use of "moveable batteries" for coast defence in conjunction with railways constructed more or less within a short parallel distance of the entire coast line.
Improvement of the navigation of the four great Atlantic rivers, including canals parallel to them.
At about the same time two other parallel trunk lines were developed, the Grand Trunk on the north, and the Erie, between the Lake Shore and Pennsylvania lines.
The United States Government could parallel to-day the line of either road for less than the amount of its first mortgage bonds, and its subsidy bonds are therefore nearly worthless.
Just at the point where we were posted, the line left the ridge, and dipping a little, on the front face of the slope, ran along about parallel with the ridge.
The road ran, for some distance, nearly parallel to our lines, and then bore away toward the rear.
To the right, in front, stood a body of thick pines coming up to within two or three hundred yards of us, its edge running along to the right about that distance parallel with our line.
Next day we resumed our march up the valley, parallel to the Yakima.
I shall make no reference to them, but only, by use of parallel facts here and there, show that the phenomena of this case recall many in which there is nothing marvellous, but which are manifestly grounded in our common existence.
There is also an interesting story of a quack who treated her with amulets, whoseparallel may be found in the action of such persons in common society.
This structure consists of tendinous fibres, lying deeper than, but parallel with, those of the superficial arch.
When the limb is abducted from the side, the main vessels and nerves take their position parallel with the axis of the arm.
The neck of the sac is then to be exposed by an incision carried through the integument across the upper end of the first incision, and parallel with Poupart's ligament.
The anterior half of this boundary supports also the crus penis; hence, therefore, in order to avoid these, all deep incisions should be made parallel to, but removed to a proper distance from this situation.
Plate 43, which enclosed in its proper sheath lies parallel with and close to the outer side of the passage.
An incision commencing a little way above Poupart's ligament, is to be carried vertically over the hernia, parallel with, but to the inner side of its median line.
The several species of the organ in these classes are parallel to the various stages of change in the human organ.
Subscapular artery, crossed by the intercosto-humeral nerves and descending parallel to the external respiratory nerve.
I do not think I shall have any difficulty in getting a model made of the fire-drill, which at Kizuki is a thick board of dense white wood, all the holes being drilled near one edge, in an almost parallel line.
A parallel truth is disclosed on watching how there evolves the regulating system of a political aggregate, and how there are developed those appliances for offence and defence put in action by it.
He controlled France with an absolute sway; under him she achieved a European ascendency without parallel save in the days of Napoleon.
When we consider these simple facts, we see how absolutely futile are the attempts that have been made to draw a parallel between the story told by so much of the crust of the earth as is known to us and the story that Milton tells.