From the beginning of the dim past, when man slumbered with only a feeble thought of his possible vast future, the great law of his progress has been that only personal effort can achieve desirable things.
Differing attainments must be forgotten in the desire to permit all to develop their powers to the utmost, and thus to achieve joy both here and hereafter.
He who would achieve his end dwells not on failure.
Every time you go out observe what women look the nicest, and what makes them achieve this effect.
It needs to be strongly built upon a foundation of natural qualities to achieve success.
Fortune would be in a hard mood indeed if it allowed such a combination of knowledge, experience, ability, and enthusiasm to achieve nothing.
You see altogether I have a good set of people with me, and it will go hard if we don't achieve something.
And the Brahmanas, also uttering benedictions said, 'Achieve thou the object thou hast in view.
He that faileth to achieve fame, by failing to chastise his foes, is like an unclean thing.
O sinless one, thy (present) task thou wilt be able to achieve even against powerful enemies.
My horse could achieve a tolerably rapid gait when he desired to do so.
Illustration] [Illustration] A joint high commission which would devote itself with philanthropic ardor and untiring energy to a dispassionate consideration of the subject of the immortality of eels might, perhaps, achieve important results.
We must defeat Smiley even if we have to violate all the rules of propriety to achieve that result.
If this little venture shall achieve popularity, I must attribute the fact largely to the admirable pictures with which it has been adorned by the artists whose names appear upon the title page.
In our desire to reprobate the immorality of Henry's methods, we are led to deny their success; or, in our appreciation of the greatness of the ends he achieved, we seek to excuse the means he took to achieve them.
A brilliant figure, no doubt, who might have been thought capable of much, had he not failed to achieve anything.
Whatever art Man can achieve in his progress through time, Man's reason, in time, can suffice to explain.
Had he then the arts that could thus influence the minds of others to serve his fell purposes, and achieve securely his own evil ends through agencies that could not be traced home to himself?
Then the King said, "The highest leap was taken by him who jumped up to my daughter; for therein lies the point; but it requires head to achieve that, and the Skipjack has shown that he has a head.
It was no use to read and be industrious, for if a person was not well-born, he could never achieve anything.
In so doing we may not decrease it, we may, indeed, increase it--but we shall none the less be taking that step in the only possible direction to achieve our purpose.
In so doing, he may battle with the current and achieve nothing but fatigue, or he may use the force of the stream, as far as he may, to reach his own goal.
I may go further and say that the rigidity of British social life would make it impossible for the library to achieve these things.
Give a man opportunity and a free path and he will achieve what is before him in the measure of his strength.
Many things are hastily and wrongly condemned because they do not achieve certain results that they were not intended to achieve.
And on their track, astir with wild desire, Like falcons fierce closing on doves that flee, Shall speed the suitors, craving to achieve A prey forbidden, a reluctant bride.
But thine is the balance of fate, thou rulest the wavering scale, And without thee no mortal emprise shall have strength to achieve or prevail.
At the commencement of this period, the first half of the sixteenth century, we notice the preparatory movements to the full growth of mental life which was to achieve such great results in the following periods: 1.
The founder of systematic optimism was Gottfried Leibnitz, whose philosophy sought to achieve an ingenious harmony between divergent systems, but is really a form of dynamism, or a monism somewhat akin to the energism of Ostwald.
I made the first attempt to achieve this difficult task in founding stem-history or phylogeny as an independent historical science in my "General Evolution" (in the second volume of the General Morphology).
But she cannot endure this dejection: back to her centre of gaiety, trust, and courage Pippa must somehow swing--and how shall she achieve it?
He failed even to achieve during his life what he had in his mind, which was to found by the help of his scanty earnings a library as a memorial to Ram Mohan Roy, and thus to leave behind him a visible symbol of his devotion.
Vishvâmitra sought to achieve power and was proud of it; Vashishtha was rudely smitten by that power.
Seldom has a man occupying an unofficial station in life been able to achieve so much evil.
The Schmitz-Ruef case will at least have been an ill-wind blowing good to somebody if it helps to achieve that result.
A novelist may achieve a reputation with only a single type, created and re-created in varying forms.
Lastly, he must not expect his interpreters to achieve physical impossibilities.
A noble man, who much hath sinn'd, some god Doth summon to a dangerous enterprize, Which to achieveappears impossible.
And when at length The time for action claims our powers combin'd, Then will I summon thee, and on we'll stride, With cautious boldness to achieve the event.
While idle compliments you round, You mightachieve some useful ends.
Then at the last shalt thou achieve thy quest, And in one final, firm conviction rest: What bears for thee true fruit alone is true.
Nor couldachieve the rite, for he was hinderèd, Or by approaching foe, or intervening God.
Victory was to achieve what treachery, violence, and ingratitude had begun; the arms of Temugin and his lieutenants subdued successively all the hordes whose camps arose between the wall of China and the Volga.
But in this warfare he was sternly resolved on the victory over the Governor, and at this moment it seemed as though all Philadelphia was much more eager to achieve this than to defend the borders of the colony.
He would have been better satisfied had Montcalm been consulted; but he was away at Beauport, and if the citizens were to achieve anything, it would be better for them to strike whilst the iron was hot.
You know how often he has said to us, 'If I could achieve that, I could say my Nunc Dimittis with joy and thankfulness.
What are the things that will yield the most satisfaction, and that are most worth while to seek and achieve as the outcome of our own lives?
When we have fixed upon the fruitful knowledge, the right attitudes, and the lines of conduct and action which must result from our teaching, we must then ask, What means shall we select to achieve these ends?
What shall be my plan or method of presentation of this material to make it achieve its purpose?
Dress would not merely increase her physical attractiveness; it would achieve the far more important end of gaining her a large measure of consideration.
In his long reign of fifty-five years he had, indeed, time to achieve much, but what he did achieve was much even for so long a reign.
Defn: The practise of coercing governments to accede to political demands by committing violence on civilian targets; any similar use of violence to achieve goals.
A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants.