Natural resources, in the absence of local manufacturers, become worthless without means of transportation to the coast for export.
And remember that there is no such thing as cold, for what we call cold is merely an absence of heat, and we call it cold for convenience.
Now the first Reason, Tom, why I have uneasy fears for our Country, and for my having little Expectation of mending her Circumstances is, the utter absence of all Industry and Frugality among us.
You have sometimes remarked to me the difference of the manners of the country girls in England and in America; attributing the reserve of the former to the climate--to the absence of genial suns.
The current of life seemed congealed at the source: all were not frozen, for it was summer, you remember; but everything appeared so dull that I waited to see ice, in order to reconcile me to the absence of gaiety.
The elegance which she wished to introduce was termed lasciviousness; yet I do not find that the absenceof gallantry renders the wives more chaste, or the husbands more constant.
Thinking of death makes us tenderly cling to our affections; with more than usual tenderness I therefore assure you that I am yours, wishing that the temporary death of absence may not endure longer than is absolutely necessary.
But our absence of the previous night had gone further abroad, and the local Angling Association, the Conservancy Board, and the police had each interested themselves in our doings.
Illustration] I conceived the idea of openly shooting certain well-stocked coverts during the temporary absence of the owner.
The rabbits' burrows had been ferreted, the ferrets having been slyly borrowed at the keeper's cottage during his absence for the occasion.
At least I know that absence has not in the least abated the sisterly affection which I feel towards you.
An absence of five years; a dividing expanse of three oceans; the wide difference between a man's active career and a woman's passive existence.
Your absence leaves a sort of vacancy in my feelings which nothing has as yet offered of sufficient interest to supply.
Your absence would be a real and grievous disappointment.
And so he is gone, and stern and abrupt little man as he is, too often jarring as are his manners, his absence and the exclusion of his idea from my mind, leave me certainly with less support and in deeper solitude than before.
There is nothing so appalling as the unaccountableabsence of life in places habitually populous; nothing so desolate as a deserted city.
In the 'tzin's absence the garrison of the temple had been heavily reinforced.
In her absence, it would play and sing, would go on as of old; but in her absence who would be there to see and hear?
Some of the officers retired; during their absence a solemn hush prevailed; directly they returned, carrying a palanquin.
The absence of the heathen and the condition of yon bridge are parts of one plan, and signs certain of battle now ready to be delivered.
For now, as I eyed him more in detail, I could not but observe the even favourable alteration which the time of his absence had produced in his person.
There was no trace of nervousness about him, and, to Steve's wonder, there was an entire absence of excitement.
He lures his patron away, so that his absence shall not be detected.
The great deficiency in Lord George Murray's character was the absence of hope; but, independent of that vital defect, his attributes as a soldier and a general cannot fail to excite admiration.
In his twenty-first year, the young Duke of Perth came over to Scotland, and devoted himself, in the absence of his father, to the management of his estate.
That want of faith in human nature, of reverence for good motives, that absence of a generous confidence which one can suppose strongly characterise the lost angels, were among the many odious features in the character of this truly bad man.
Then came a little squadron of horse grenadiers, with whom were incorporated the Perthshire gentlemen, in the absence of their own commander, Lord Strathallan, who was left Governor of Perth.
THE last meeting I had with Lowell was in the north room of his house at Elmwood, the sleeping-room I had occupied during a two years' tenancy of the place in his absence abroad.
Baron Bruno, therefore, craving the indulgence of the Grand Duke, begged permission to retire at once with his bride, and entreated that their absence should not be allowed to cast a shadow over the rejoicings at court.
As fragrance distilled by the cold air of night, So Absence and Time shall bring forth to the light, The deeds and the virtues of one without guile, Whose genius and wisdom shed light o'er your isle.
This apartment, the best in Fort Laramie, was that usually occupied by the legitimate bourgeois, Papin; in whoseabsence the command devolved upon Bordeaux.
In the absence of liquor we offered him a cup of sweetened water, at which he ejaculated "Good!
Shaw had for an upper garment an old red flannel shirt, flying open in front and belted around him like a frock; while I, in absence of other clothing, was attired in a time-worn suit of leather.
Instantly the colonel seizing me, in the absence of buttons by the leather fringes of my frock, began to define his position.
Shaw and I were in keeping with the rest of the rude cavalcade, having in the absence of other clothing adopted the buckskin attire of the trappers.
So, in the absence of better, we resolved to go out on the plains and look for an antelope.
After a short absence all three of them came back, their horses loaded with the choicest parts of the meat; we kept two of the cows for ourselves and gave the others to Munroe and his companions.
Despite the plain cut of the garments of this time, and the absence of superficial trimmings, it must have been a fine sight to witness one hundred lords and ladies, all clothed in silk, seated about the Round Table of Kenilworth.
He was really attracted towards her by her childlike absence of artificiality.
Until her last absence in Paris it had been their custom to write to each other every second day.
He was employed in various public matters abroad; and during the absence of Bishop Reid, he acted as Vice-President of the Court of Session.
The absenceof all those peculiar blunders which occur in Vautrollier's edition, evinces that the Glasgow MS.
Yf in my absence thei shall speak any thing, which in my presence thei do nott, I protest that ye suspend your judgement till that it please God ye hear me agane.
He had predicted the calamity of that war, which he attributed to the mental decadence of the French army, and to the absence of any adequate General Staff organization.
This was very far from being the case with the war of 1870, when the absence of literature was strongly felt during and after the crisis.
If now red litmus paper is tested in the same solution, its color also will remain unchanged; such a result indicates infallibly the absence of any basic quality.
A song played on tuning forks instead of on strings would be lifeless and unsatisfying because of the absence of overtones.
It is really the presence or absenceof overtones which enables us to distinguish the note of the piano from that of the violin, flute, or clarinet.
The absence of air prevents the filament from burning, and it merely glows and radiates the light.
Such a result indicates infallibly the absence of any acid qualities in the solution.
The absence of air prevents ordinary combustion, nevertheless the intense heat affects the wood and changes it into new substances, one of which is charcoal.
Any substance or object which reflects none of the rays which fall upon it, but absorbs all, appears black; no rays reach the eye, and there is an absence of any color sensation.
He was profoundly impressed and tenderly affected by the entire frankness, the absence of all attempt at concealment, which Maurice showed in placing these papers at his disposal.
Unfortunately, Maurice's slumbers did not remain tranquil during the absence of the nurse.
Durham and Yorkshire, between the Wear and the Tees; and Mr. King thinks that the character of the shells and the absence of corals indicate a deposit formed in shallow water.
The absence of marine shells helps to this conclusion, and the nearest living analogues of some of the fishes are found in the fresh water of Africa and North America.
In some parts of Wiltshire the beds of bituminous matter have a shaly appearance, but there is an absence of the impressions of plants which usually accompany the bitumen, derived from the decomposition of plants.
The red colour of the Old Red Sandstone of England and Scotland, and the total absence of fossils, except in the very uppermost beds, are considered by Professor Ramsay to indicate that the strata were deposited in inland waters.
Defrancii, which only differs from it in theabsence of the sharp spines which terminate the lateral angles of the carapace in the former; while Portunus leucodon (Desmarest) bears some analogy to Lupea.
The order of Edentates is more particularly characterised by the absence of teeth in the fore part of the mouth.
Mr. Im Thurn found the absence of any sense of a difference between man and nature a characteristic of his native companions in Guiana.
In the same spirit Paracelsus is said to have attributed night, not to the absence of the sun, but to the apparition of certain stars which radiate darkness.
On this topic Mr. Spencer writes: "Along with absence of surprise there naturally goes absence of intelligent curiosity".
If we look at the account of the Fuegians described in Admiral Fitzroy's cruise, we find a similar absence of rank produced by similar causes.
He believes in the spirits of rocks and stones, undeterred by the absence of motion in these objects.
Let it not be thought that the silence of the annals in other years is compatible with the absence of the unrecorded event.
In 733, Cathal seems to have attempted to preside over this assembly, in the absence of the high-king Flaithbertach, who was engaged at the time in a losing struggle to preserve his own authority in the north-west.
Why then should it be imagined, in the absence of any positive indication to the purpose, that they occupied these islands more than a thousand years earlier?
It says: "The Assembly of Taillte is not held, in the absence of just and worthy cause, a thing which we have not heard to have befallen from ancient times.