The whole body of turtles frequenting a praia does not finish laying in less than fourteen or fifteen days, even when there is no interruption.
This did not quite finish the remarkable circumstances attending this funeral of the ants.
To finish his education his father sent George for one quarter to a better school.
The lower part of the hall was black in shadow, while a flood of moonlight bathed roof and rafters, painted wood-work, gilded pinnacle, all that elaborate ornament and finish which had been above the level of the conflict.
It was valuable, no doubt, yet more from its exquisite finish than intrinsic worth, and she had presence of mind to appear only desirous of possessing it as a gaudy trifle with which they could have little disinclination to part.
I didn't see thefinish of the bank trouble before they buried me, did I, Barton?
We shallfinish here in a week or so more, and then I'll see.
You and your adversary were to be stationed one hundred yards apart, each armed with as many Colt's revolvers as he chose to carry; to fire upon each other at the word, and to advance at pleasure and finish the conflict.
It says:-- "Wherever a marked personal care is exhibited for the cleanliness of the person and for neatness in dress, there is also almost always found extra carefulness as regards the finish of work done.
This brilliant finish is the result of most patient work, as he delivers but five or six sermons a year.
When you finish a thing you ought to be able to say to yourself: "There, I am willing to stand for that piece of work.
As previously stated, I have taken it for granted that you preferred to finishall the lower portion of the staff while the work was held in the chuck.
We will suppose that the workman has a moderately true chuck, and that he prefers to turn and finish all the lower portions in this way.
Finish the ends of the pivots flat and round the corners off slightly; and right here comes a point worthy of consideration in all watch work.
I have assumed that you prefer to work in this way because I have noted the fact that nine watchmakers out of every ten start with, and first finish up, the lower portion of the staff.
We will take it for granted that you have a true chuck and that you prefer to finish all the lower portion of the staff while held in the chuck.
On the other hand, one often sees staffs whose pivots are faultless in shape, but the execution and finish so bungling as to offset all the good qualities as regards shape.
It is that completeness or finish which gives pleasure to the mind.
A new fox-skin cap, too, with the plumy white-tipped tail bobbing to his neck, added the finish to this forest dandy.
Dangle is--" The shouts of the Moderns drowned the last words, and the captain had to wait a minute before he could finish what he had to say.
The rhino went down in a heap eleven yards away, and one of us promptly shot him in the spine to finish him.
Then he is quite likely to finish what was at first a blind dash by a genuine charge.
There, in the earthy obscurity, one sits down on empty herring-boxes and vegetable cases to wait calmly for the exasperating Boches to finish their nonsense.
The empress had a wardrobe; and such variety and elegance and finish of attire of all sorts rarely falls to the lot of a doll.
But Juanita, I shall have tofinish the play now — I cannot help it.
And I might finish it off at the top with a narrow shelf.
I expect him to finish by Friday night and to start the following morning, raid Long Bridge, Newmarket, Bermuda Hundred, and the extreme left of the army around Petersburg.
If you can possibly do so, push on from where you are, and let us see if we cannot finishthe job with Lee's and Johnston's armies.
They would call them in to finish their notes if considerations of space demanded, or, now and then, merely to indulge in a pastime of alternate writing.
Only, to let others step in at the last and finish even this--I say He must forgive me, but I cannot.
When I'm through there'll be plenty of time for you to finish up.
When the Wyndham captain declined to make a change and sent Leach back to the mound in the second inning, the wondering Oakdalers told one another that they would finish the foolhardy southpaw then and there.
We're after old Lefty again, and now we'll finish the job we started in the first round.
To finish and launch the schooner, therefore, was now the first great object, and, after a week of indecision and consultations, it was determined to set about that duty with vigour.
My meat is to be ever doing the will of Him that sent Me, and so when the time comes by one great decisive act to finish His work.
It came to the last piece of his work, a rivet which it was difficult to finish properly; for it was of peculiar shape, intended by the contractor who employed him to pin the metal work of a bridge which he was constructing over the river.
His record is none too good, and a question in the American Senate would just about finish him, even in San Juan.
Years had not made Lauzun in love with his benefactress, and he arrived to meet her well resolved to finish simply with expressions of gratitude and of love.
I only avow that you can do much on your part in facilitating things a little; this is my only request, and having nothing to add to so sincere an explanation of my sentiments, I finish this letter, praying God, etc.
In vain Mazarin hastened; he did not have time to finish his task.
If we may judge of the danger this man incurred by the finish of the execution and the merit of the work, it must have been immense.