The inks rich in gum, or those concentrated by evaporation from standing in an open inkstand, give a more lustrous and thicker stroke.
Feeble acids, or those diluted by water, act like water; but the concentrated mineral acids, in altering more or less the substance of the sizing, produce spots that present differences.
The force isconcentrated in one district if there are counterfeiting operations in progress, and then sent to another district as required.
In Scotland under the Stuarts, when the vital energy of the land was concentrated upon politics and theology, native literature was reduced to a mere reflection of the pre-Spenserian classicism of England.
The quieted mind must receive and hold, yet without discursive thought, the idea which it desires to realize; and this idea must interest and be real for it, so that attention is concentrated on it spontaneously.
He concentrated attention on Christ's death and made the cross rather than the doctrine of the Messiah the burden of his teaching.
Each god has a history of his own; he has grown up separately as men concentrated their attention upon him.
As the professor gave the last cut and the balloon soared aloft, there was a report as if a thousand rounds of artillery were concentrated in one shot.
It seemed to have concentrated in its ebullient elements the exhilaration of life.
Sinister design lurked in the woman's features, a concentrated purpose of revenge on the other sex--so it seemed to him then.
His face grew colder and more shrunken as he stood concentrated on the moment, and a minute or two after, he found himself in the street, walking along he did not know whither.
Mac Mahon concentrated his whole force and occupied a strong position near the village of Woerth, where he was again attacked on the 6th.
Pippin paid him all external signs of allegiance, kept up the ceremonies of his Court, supplied him with ample revenues, and governed the kingdom in his name; but the actual power was concentrated in his own hands.
If we all concentrated on this ideal, realising that the morality of Christ is essential, I don't think there would be much bother taken, outside professional circles, about points of doctrine.
One thinks that he has drawn up and concentrated so effectually all the forces of his personality into the intellect that it is now impossible for him to see religion except as an intellectual problem.
It has a more solemn and concentrated look than Stewart's Washington--more expressive, but not so symmetrical.
But you must know that the enemy have latterly specially applied themselves to subjugate the Transvaal first, and for that purpose have concentrated all their forces upon us.
The Higher Command all this time had the fixed idea that the enemy could be driven out of Lens, and all the efforts of the 46th Division and of the Canadians on the right were concentrated to bring this about.
Our energies at first were therefore concentrated on trying to make ourselves comfortable, and a considerable time was spent in carrying out improvements, making bathing arrangements, cookhouses, canteen and reading rooms.
The former had apparently spread a rumour that an invasion of the German Coast was to take place, and the enemy concentrated numbers of troops there in case it happened.
Usually he flew extremely low, and there is no doubt that he did considerable damage; especially as there were such masses of troops and transport concentratedin a particularly small area.
The whole of the 139th Brigade was concentrated here, and as our stay was likely to be a lengthy one, we soon set to work to make ourselves comfortable.
On Friday, August 7th, the Battalion concentrated at Newark, under the Command of Lieut.
All the efforts of the troops of our Division who were not actually holding the line, were concentrated on preparing the Divisional front for the attack.
The real strength of the minor planet method rests hardly so much on the individual accuracy of the observations, as on the fact that from the nature of the method a considerable number of repetitions can be concentrated on the result.
We attach a powerful spectroscope to the eye-end of a telescope in order to get as much light as possible concentrated on the slit; the latter has therefore to be placed exactly at the focus of the object-glass.
We find that when the sodium vapour is heated, it gives out light of a very particular type, which, viewed through the prism, is concentrated in two lines.
When he was six years old an accident to his foot incapacitated him for ten years, and he developed habits of continuous and concentrated study.
Jefferson saw that the growing popular rage against the Alien and Sedition Laws must be gathered into one or two concentrated thunderbolts and thus hurled at the heads of the already quaking Federalists.
The Assumption of State debts was the strategic point of attack, especially for the Virginia politicians; and upon Assumption, therefore, they wiselyconcentrated their forces.
XI She was right: those few minutes of concentrated agony had in truth made me ill.
His silent, concentrated nature would not let him.
But he was a boy who usually clung tenaciously to an idea, and, sitting down, he concentrated his mind upon the plan that he had formed.
When the four ships of the Queen Elizabeth class came into action there was a while when they were receiving the concentrated fire of practically the whole High Sea Fleet, and possibly some of that of our battle-cruisers as well.
Robin's ardor was concentratedfor the moment in his pride of possession.
He was concentrated upon himself and his own decision, so concentrated that the conventions meant little to him.
Her whole nature was concentrated in the desire for immediate release from Dion Leith in order that she might be free to pursue consciously the search which till this moment she had pursued unconsciously.
In her nostrils there seemed to be a perfume, like an essence of concentrated prayers sent up among these stone traceries, these pointed arches, these delicate columns, by generations of believers.
He was concentrated not upon her but upon the problem which was troubling her.
She knew that wherever he was, however far off, his mind was concentrated upon her.
Perhaps indeed, if she had not been secretly concentrated on herself and her own desires that evening, she would have made Jimmy stay up till at least half-past ten, even though he was "jolly sleepy.
She could identify herself with the concentrated life here, without feeling it a burden upon her.
She was apparently concentrated on her boy, and seemed to be thinking of him, not at all of Dion.
Attention is thus concentrated upon common sentiments and universal relationships, and prayer acquires a deeper ethical meaning.
At first man's efforts have no definite direction; but some are found effective, others are futile, and attention is concentrated on those that produce satisfactory results.
Then soon the voluminous but indefinite sensations of mental tranquillity concentrated their soothing messages to make the comfort of one definite thought, and Dale said to himself: "Christ has returned to me.
The atmosphere our streets are breathing now is no longer an atmosphere of blank despair, it is an atmosphere of concentrated indignation which seeks for means and ways for revolutionary action.
The revolutionary elements, who prior to the war had ignored the passive masses, were affected by the atmosphere of despair andconcentrated horror.
Water and water-power were felt to be the most urgent, forestry is considered next, and when the forest laws are made satisfactory, other branches of Conservation will receive concentrated effort.
Private capital, seeking the greatest possible immediate return on the investment, naturally confines its attention to the most concentrated portion of a given fall.
The control and destruction of enemies and the protection and multiplication of friends by the concentrated and cooperative action of the States are subjects that clearly come within the scope and interest of National Conservation.