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Example sentences for "terminated"

Lexicographically close words:
terminal; terminalis; terminally; terminals; terminate; terminates; terminating; termination; terminations; terminator
  1. In this way a week is passed, and it is terminated with the entire exhaustion of the little fortune of the poor mechanic.

  2. Now all these pleasures were terminated forever.

  3. If the fourth age had lasted only 52 years, it would have terminated in the year 1 Tecpatl instead of 1 Calli.

  4. This dastardly assault by the mob of a surrendered city lasted for two days, until it was terminated by the vigorous military measures of General Scott.

  5. A few days after the conclusion of this contract with the zealous missionaries, the government of MontaA+-ez was terminated by the arrival of his successor, the Conde de Montezuma.

  6. Thus terminated the first series of American victories in the valley of Mexico.

  7. In perambulating the city one pleasant evening about sunset, he found that the street in which he was walking terminated abruptly against a mass of wretched tenements, apparently the lurking places of vice and beggary.

  8. But the first Otomi who was reduced to the necessity of abandoning his nomadic habits and building for himself a regular habitation, not only destroyed his wife and children, but terminated his own existence by hanging.

  9. Thus, amid the embittered quarrels of parties, who had actually designed to transfer their contests from congress and lodges to the field of battle, terminated the administration of Guadalupe Victoria, the first president of Mexico.

  10. As soon as the armistice was terminated bold reconnoissances were made by our engineers in the direction of Chapultepec and the Molino or King's Mill and Casa Mata.

  11. Thither he proceeded, in full uniform, to pay his respects to the figure, and after imploring the Virgin to take the government into her own hands, he terminated his appeal by laying his baton of command at her feet.

  12. The terrible drama of the bridge of Andert, which cost the life of two persons, has just terminated on the scaffold.

  13. One is the nature of the infinite terminated and concreted by three distinct subsistences--the Beginning, the Word, the Spirit.

  14. Even Phillip, although his honeymoon had terminated long before ours began, appeared to feel as gloomy as myself and L.

  15. Having now terminated the narrative of Gordon's reconciliation with the Futai, the next chapter will describe the subsequent events.

  16. Thus terminated the question of the marriage.

  17. This was the signal for that war of centuries, which terminated in the overthrow of the throne of the Cæsars.

  18. Thus terminated a rebellion which cost the lives of more than a hundred thousand men.

  19. The disgraceful carousal was briefly terminated during the night, but renewed, with additional zest, in the morning.

  20. The executions being terminated and the exiles out of sight, Sophia was ordered to leave the Kremlin, and retire to the cloisters of Denitz, which she was never again to leave.

  21. These outrages were terminated by a proclamation from the soldiery that Ivan and Peter should be joint sovereigns under the regency of Sophia.

  22. Thus, singularly, providentially, terminated this last serious invasion of Russia by the Tartars.

  23. In less than six weeks the war was terminated and the Danes thoroughly humbled.

  24. Thus terminated for ever the sway of the Tartars over the Russians.

  25. The death of Feodor terminated the reign of the house of Ruric, which had now governed Russia for more than seven hundred years.

  26. Monk Bethune's dormitory life had terminated abruptly--for the good of the school, but the name had fastened itself upon him after the manner of names that fit.

  27. Suppose this one that she had chosen at random terminated in a cul-de-sac?

  28. Needless to say that as this was known to be his weak point, the teasing always terminated in this way.

  29. The long martyrdom she had undergone and the terrible illness with which it terminated had made great ravages in her appearance.

  30. A captivity of more than four years was terminated by a ransom of three million crowns in gold,--an enormous sum, more than ten million dollars in our day.

  31. About three inches from the end there was a vertical line or crack about a foot in length that reached the bottom of the pedestal, and at its upper end terminated in another line at right angles to it, that extended to the corner.

  32. Dutch, as to the navigation of the Scheldt, had just terminated the incident pacifically: the king had concluded a treaty of defensive alliance with Holland.

  33. His Majesty would regard it as one of the happiest successes of the expedition," said the instructions, "if it were terminated without having cost the life of a single man.

  34. In the month of February, 1746, Marshal Saxe terminated the campaign by taking Brussels.

  35. The first Punic war was terminated after having been waged for three-and-twenty years.

  36. The war of the Pirates and the third Punic war were terminated with incredible celerity.

  37. The Peace of Monsieur may fittingly be said to have terminated the period of the religious wars of France.

  38. If, as the result of fatigue or a truce, a respite was made, the time was brief, and was terminated as soon as one or the other side had accumulated some substance again.

  39. Very pleasant relations terminated on a note--on a note of--on an unexpected note.

  40. But no doubt they had been wise in giving her the secretaryship before committing themselves to the irrecoverable step; thus testing her in a relation that could be easily terminated if by any chance it proved embarrassing.

  41. I have been working hard in order to be released as soon as possible; this morning I terminated the revision and selection of my correspondence, and hope that my final account will be settled on Monday.

  42. Our argument is in the press, and I have every reason to believe that we will have terminated all that remains to be done for the present by the 1st of next month.

  43. All that I can possibly do here must be terminated by that time, provided the instructions I have asked on some points be such as not to render another reference to Washington necessary.

  44. In the first it terminated by the overthrow of the Administration and by a general exclusion from public life of nearly every man concerned in it.

  45. It would afford me a pleasure to inform the department that the unforeseen evils of our scientific convention terminated here.

  46. The battle was a fierce one, as the combatants were equally matched in strength and endurance, and was finally terminated only by the interposition of a small party of Washoes, our own guide being of the number.

  47. And, reading the verses over and over again, to bring the proper expression to her mother's face, the young girl marvelled that they brought likewise a look so sad that she would fain have made some excuse, and terminated the sitting.

  48. At last, when there was but one week left--a week whose every hour of daylight must be spent in work, the hope and fear were at once terminated by her mother's sudden illness.

  49. Sybilla's favourite system of killing time by half-hours in various idle ways, at home and abroad, was terminated at once.

  50. There was a little demur about Christars being left alone, but it was soon terminated by the incursion of a tribe of the young lady's "friends," whom she had made at Farnwood Hall.

  51. In this way we explored the beach for miles, until it terminated in a savage promontory that rose abruptly from the sea against which the huge billows broke in thunder.

  52. The fingers of the forelegs were of the ordinary dimensions, and terminated with crooked nails, and these were probably used to suspend themselves from trees.

  53. As the long body encountered the ground after striking, and Bismark jumped back snorting alarmedly, Nat picked up a big rock and terminated Mr. Rattler's existence on the spot.

  54. This was the strange manner in which the abyss terminated at the pierced cliff.

  55. The result of his action was that his career came very near being terminated then and there.

  56. Directly ahead of them the gorge terminated abruptly in a blank wall of rock, in precisely the same manner that a blind alley in a city comes to a full stop.

  57. The arrival of the woodman's son terminated the difficulty.

  58. He was glad that the affair had terminated without the loss of life; glad that his conscience was not burdened with the blood of a fellow-creature; glad, too, that he had escaped unhurt.

  59. In 324 he marched once more to the north, passed Echatana, and terminated his career at Babylon.

  60. They had just terminated a march of 14 miles, under a burning sun, and were all covered with dust and sweat.

  61. In front, the view is terminated by a long and level line of the Mediterranean.

  62. To the further extremity of the porcelain tube a glass tube was luted, which terminated in a water-trough under an inverted glass receiver placed to collect the gas.

  63. After finishing his preliminary studies in his father's house, he went to college, and terminated his attendance on it at the age of sixteen.

  64. In order to maintain the uniformity of the four angles of the square hip roof, a rod was run from the main conductor down the fourth angle to the hip, where it terminated in an erect point.

  65. In the pediments of the windows are sculptured eagles, and women, terminated like sphinxes, as lions or dogs.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "terminated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    complete; conclude; dead; decided; defunct; deleted; done; down; ended; expunged; extinct; fini; finished; over; perfected; settled; shot; terminated; through