As the young editor looked upon the girl before him, a passion of yearning love took possession of him.
Therefore it was a matter of surprise to the young editor when he came home from his office one night, just after twelve o'clock, and found the mistress of the mansion standing in the hall by the register, in charming evening attire.
That she had been unusually interested in the young editor she knew from the first; that she had been mortally wounded by Cupid's shaft she only now discovered.
That afternoon the young editor left his office at five o'clock and asked Miss Lawrence to be his wife.
She had first met Poe at the Mackenzies, when he was editor of the Southern Literary Messenger, and he afterward boarded at the same hotel as herself; but she saw most of him on his visit to Richmond previous to his last.
This letter, which is addressed to the editor of the paper, is from a certain Dr.
When he became editor of Graham's Magazine and could afford it, he sent wine to me, gratis.
This account refers to a time when Poe was assistant editor of The Gentleman's Magazine, and the family were enjoying a degree of peace and prosperity such as they never subsequently knew.
As aneditor writing for other editors, he found himself trammeled by what he called their narrowness and timidity.
This lady, when a resident of Louisville, Kentucky, many years after Poe's death, gave to the editor of a paper some reminiscences of him at this time.
She saw herself at forty another such passé newspaper woman trudging from one indifferent editor to another peddling "space.
It was characteristic of her not to ask questions, which was one of the several reasons why the city editor approved of her.
But she had grown stale with the grind, and having no special talent or personality had been easily replaced when a new Managing Editor came.
I ken na periodical whar the editorwill gie ye a clear stage an' no favour to bang him ower the lugs.
And then he told me that the editor of a popular journal, of the Howitt and Eliza Cook school, had called on me that morning, and promised me work enough, and pay enough, to meet all present difficulties.
And the working men were solemnly warned to beware of me and my writings, till the editor had further investigated certain ugly facts in my history, which he would in due time report to his patriotic and enlightened readers.
What an abominable thing this whole business of the press is then, if each editor is to be allowed to humbug his readers at his pleasure, without a possibility of exposing or contradicting him!
I declined, informing him that I had been smoking all the evening in the sanctum of the editor of the Examiner.
Possibly," I replied; "but the position of an editor is a powerful one.
He is the highest authority on questions affecting the Irish nobility since the death of Sir Bernard Burke, and is the editor of "Lodge's Peerage," a volume which relates exclusively to them.
Sir James Henderson, editor of the Daily News-Letter, who was lord mayor of Belfast at the time that the school was established, is the chairman of the committee in charge, and is to be congratulated upon a great success.
Noyes, editor and publisher of The Chicago Record-Herald, and to gratify many readers who have asked for them, they are herewith presented in permanent form.
Bouvier, editor of a French newspaper at New Haven.
The village or country editor has time to mix among the people, and hears them talk to reproduce it artistically.
The editor had joined the rebel army a few days before our arrival, and was among the loudest denunciators of our government.
Bailey, of Washington, the editor of The National Era, to which she had contributed, that she was planning a story that might run through several numbers of the Era.
An obscure editor of an obscure paper in an obscure part of the State of New York, will in a few days step into public notice through the medium of a book.
I was much indebted for understanding all this, and acting on it boldly, as I did, to the city editor and chief reporter on the Evening Bulletin, Caspar Souder.
Let the reader imagine such a paper as the London Illustrated News with one editor and one assistant!
A Richmond editor paid me the compliment of saying that the articles in the Bulletin were the bitterest and cleverest published in the North, but inquired if it was wise to manifest such feeling.
I also became editor of Graham's Magazine, which I filled recklessly with all or any kind of literary matter as I best could, little or nothing being allowed for contributions.
Boker came to me and informed me that there was a writing editorwanted on the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.
There lived in the house a Colonel John Du Solle, the editor of a newspaper.
The actual editor was Gibson Bannister Peacock, who was going to Europe for a six months' tour, and some one was wanted to take his place.
I have said that I had no assistant; I forgot that I always had Mr. Barnum as assistant humorous editor for that department.
Mr. Hunt gave up teaching, and became editorof Littell's Magazine.
I do not care much for this one; his ears are not alike; still, editor suggests the sound of Edward, and he will do.
The editor in the picture probably looks just as Edward looked when it was first borne in upon him that this was so.
Another plan is to get Mr. Ritchie interested as editor of the Globe--all of which I gave you an intimation of, and which I thought had been put down.
How little a city editor can really know of his men any way!
With a voice that trembled in spite of his efforts to control it Myles thanked the city editor and turned away.
Thus saying the city editor handed Myles a paragraph that he had just clipped from a morning paper, and instantly resumed his interrupted work.
Once in a while the cityeditor offers me an excursion assignment.
To be sure, it was only promised for one week; but even in that short time he felt that he could prove so useful that the city editor would wonder how he had ever got along without him.
When at last he found his way to another editorial waiting-room it was only to be informed that the city editor was out and would not be back until six o’clock.
Myles had so completely dismissed all thoughts of the boat-race from his mind, that had Mr. Haxall offered him the position of managing editor he could hardly have been more amazed than by this assignment.
The city editor was perfectly right,” said the old gentleman, when Myles had finished; “and I should have done exactly as he did under the circumstances.
By the way, that little story of mine about the suicide brought in twelve dollars, sent to the city editor in small sums, for the benefit of the family.
If the city editor says some fine morning, ‘Mr. Manning, the Phonograph wishes to locate the North Pole; will you be kind enough to go and discover it?
A subsequent edition, modified and improved as regards the earlier volumes, and supplemented with an account of English history, was published toward the close of the eighteenth century, the editorbeing the famous Dr.
This phase of Assyrian art has been examined by the Editor in a paper called “The Influence of Modern Research on the Scope of World History,” a Prefatory Essay to Vol.
The editor of the State Trials is mistaken in supposing that the quotation from Caesar's speech was made in the debate of the 13th.
To be stigmatized by the popular branch of the legislature as a teacher of doctrines so servile that they disgusted even Tories, to be joined in one sentence of condemnation with the editor of Filmer, was too much.
Footnote 419: The editor of the Carstairs Papers was evidently very desirous, from whatever motive, to disguise this most certain and obvious truth.
The same argument will be found in the journals, but has been put by the editor into a little better English.
The editor of the Monthly Mercury maintains that it was manufactured at Paris.
I was theeditor of the Friday Review, but I've given that up.
The editor saw several typical cases in young children in London who passed into long “sleeps” apparently as a result of the air raids.
Arthur Meyer, editor of the Gaulois, remarked: "France is now herself again!
I subsequently received a cable message from theeditor of the Tribune expressing the wish to count upon my services during the present crisis.
Arthur Meyer, the genial and venerable editor of the Gaulois, and about forty French and foreign journalists.
As the editor points out: "This may be journalism, but it is not business.
Charles Humbert, senator of the Meuse, gave the helmet and sabre that had been worn by Lieutenant Marshall von Bieberstein to the editor of the Matin.
We were talking at the Ministry of War, where I also met the Marquis Robert de Flers, the well-known dramatist and editor of the Figaro, and M.
There had been the sensational assassination of Gaston Calmette, editor of the Figaro, by Mme.
Whilst he was here, too, he was for a brief space the first editor of the Daily News, and in March 1850 opened his Wellington Street office and started Household Words.
Journal, gives his solemn assurance, as an editor and as a man, that the documents from which he derived his information are authentic.
It is to be regretted that the editor of this, in so many respects valuable, pamphlet, in speaking of Northern men of influence who belong to the K.
The editor of the pamphlet has good grounds for asserting that the K.
The writer saw a copy in the Church Liverpool Office Library, in 1887, while acting as assistant editor of the Millennial Star.
The editor of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Rev.