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Example sentences for "embody"

Lexicographically close words:
emblems; embodied; embodies; embodiment; embodiments; embodying; embolden; emboldened; emboldens; emboli
  1. The singing of the choir, that moved like an apparition of spirits in the dim cloisters, seemed to embody our thoughts and feelings.

  2. I have wished to take our militia from their homes and embody them as soldiers.

  3. Now, the scholastic definition of substance and Spinoza's definition embody two entirely distinct notions.

  4. They embody necessary truths which are for our minds the standards of all truth.

  5. Not content with the organization of the two literary societies, Yeats, with courage and relentless tenacity, cast about to realize his long-cherished dream of a theatre that should embody the ideals of the Revival.

  6. He has the story-teller's beguiling gift, and he bristles with ideas which his books cleverly embody and to which the dramatic moments of his novels give point and relief.

  7. The three greatest deities, among those who embody much of primitive tradition, are Jupiter, Minerva, and Apollo.

  8. By preference, I shall always, when possible, embody the abstract in the personal.

  9. The Danes apply and remodel, or they embody kindred ideas in more favourable and more plastic material, such, or instance, as that provided by the Scandinavian mythology and legends.

  10. The mind would embrace all thoughts, both high and low, and embody them into one stream of sensations, all sprung from simple melody, and without the aid of its charms doomed to die in oblivion.

  11. That mind alone whose every thought is rhythm can embody music, can comprehend its mysteries, its divine inspirations, and can alone speak to the senses of its intellectual revelations.

  12. But it will always embody man's highest thought concerning the mysteries that surround him, and will express his finest attitude to life.

  13. There was as yet no literature in Wales or Ireland to embody the Celtic traditions; and the Scandinavian Saga was unborn.

  14. The new faith declared that there was no finality in revelation, and while recognising the Koran as a product of past revelation, claimed to embody a new manifestation of the divine Unity.

  15. In order to possess her in the most intimate manner, and embody her in his own person, Zeus suddenly swallows her.

  16. It was an ideal that failed to embody itself and justify itself by its fruits.

  17. She considered the Baptists, as I do, as the only sect who thoroughly embody the Calvinistic doctrines.

  18. Characters must have some way to embody themselves in an outward form to be of service to the world.

  19. The man who should embody all the vices and none of the virtues, would be intolerable to others, unendurable even to himself.

  20. It is their aspirations I have tried to embody in the portrait of Carl.

  21. But all these secret feelings and desires are in the hearts of other men, who have not the boldness to tell them nor the ability to embody them exquisitely.

  22. You embody your principle in some concrete person; canonise him or damn him, as he represents truth or error; and take credit to yourself for insight and for a lofty morality.

  23. The first donations toward the work themselves embody a suggestive lesson.

  24. The 'ethics of language' embody many lessons.

  25. Shakespeare means him to embody the type of the perfect Italian gentleman.

  26. My book is intended to embody in concise form these remnants of early instruction.

  27. Suggestive as the ritual of the sin-offering is to the Christian conscience, it must not be isolated from other developments of the sacrificial idea or taken to embody the whole permanent meaning of the institution.

  28. They embody suggestions for new stanza forms and fresh verse in general.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "embody" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    absorb; add; admit; affect; amalgamate; amount; assemble; assimilate; betoken; blend; body; brandish; breathe; build; coalesce; combine; complete; compose; compound; comprehend; comprise; connect; consolidate; constitute; construct; contain; count; cover; dangle; demonstrate; develop; disclose; display; divulge; dramatize; embody; embrace; enact; encircle; enclose; encompass; envisage; epitomize; evidence; evince; exemplify; exhibit; express; fabricate; figure; fill; flaunt; flesh; flourish; flux; foreshadow; form; fuse; have; highlight; hold; illuminate; illustrate; image; impersonate; incarnate; include; incorporate; indicate; integrate; involve; join; make; manifest; materialize; mean; merge; mirror; mix; occupy; organize; parade; perform; personate; personify; possess; prefigure; present; produce; project; realize; receive; reflect; reincarnate; represent; reveal; shadow; show; solidify; spotlight; structure; substantiate; subsume; symbolize; syndicate; synthesize; token; transmigrate; typify; unfold; unify; unite; encompass; envisage; epitomize; evidence; evince; exemplify; exhibit; express; fabricate; figure; fill; flaunt; flesh; flourish; flux; foreshadow; form; fuse; have; highlight; hold; illuminate; illustrate; image; impersonate; incarnate; include; incorporate; indicate; integrate; involve; join; make; manifest; materialize; mean; merge; mirror; mix; occupy; organize; parade; perform; personate; personify; possess; prefigure; present; produce; project; realize; receive; reflect; reincarnate; represent; reveal; shadow; show; solidify; spotlight; structure; substantiate; subsume; symbolize; syndicate; synthesize; token; transmigrate; typify; unfold; unify; unite