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Example sentences for "replenish"

Lexicographically close words:
replaces; replacing; replant; replanted; replanting; replenished; replenishing; replenishment; replete; repletion
  1. Wading through the snow she brought branches and logs to replenish the flames.

  2. McClelland, the elder of the two, accordingly set out alone in search of a spring or brook from which they could replenish their canteens.

  3. If he wants to replenish his reserve, he may ask for it, suppose, just when the alarm is beginning.

  4. Aunt Julia; "here, my dear, here is a small trifle to help you to replenish the stock you have lost in the service of your country.

  5. In order to enforce the attention of the engine-man to replenish the boiler when partially exhausted by evaporation, a tube was sometimes inserted at the lowest level to which it was intended that the water should be permitted to fall.

  6. When evaporation has reduced the water in D below the level of G', it will be necessary to replenish the boiler D.

  7. She's been lying off-shore waiting for the weather to moderate in order to replenish her fuel, and now she finds her depot in our possession.

  8. It was a part of the skipper's plan to replenish his bunkers at Port Said, an operation involving a detention of three hours.

  9. The man whose turn it was to replenish it with fuel, and whose yell had awakened the white men, said that a lion had sprung through without warning and carried off a sheep.

  10. At other times they landed on one of these isles when opportunity offered to rest and replenish the water-casks.

  11. We have plenty of food for some days, and our guns can at any time replenish the store.

  12. When I went to take her dish away next morning, to wash and replenish it, only my own celerity in beating a retreat prevented my legs from being viciously bitten.

  13. An injured foot had held him in camp for a week, but the injury was now almost completely repaired and the week's change of work only served to replenish his store of snap and vim.

  14. Then how will they replenish their supplies of food and fuel?

  15. Occasionally, the Essex put back to port for several days to replenish her bunkers and to take on provisions.

  16. The highest order of animals can not reason enough to start a fire or replenish one.

  17. A dog, or a cat, or even a monkey, will enjoy the warmth from a fire but will not replenish it, although they may have seen it done many times.

  18. Of no value whatever to any other species, because they can not make or replenish a fire.

  19. He will not quench the smoking wick,' but will replenish it with oil, and fan the dying flame.

  20. The fact remains that in obedience to a great law of life, all living things are fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and multiplication in a state of nature is limited only by space and food.

  21. Multiply and replenish the earth" as a command to Noah, meant in the mind of the Rector of Harleybury, "People the earth with men after your own image.

  22. Government provisions were not to be had, so that we could not replenish our now impoverished stock.

  23. It will be remembered that, after a copious meal, Sancho having neglected to replenish the gourd, both he and his master suffered greatly from thirst.

  24. During the first week Payer and two men returned daily to the ship with the dog-sledge in order to replenish the store the party had consumed.

  25. De Long wished to know whether there was any bay in which he could place the ship, and whether there was animal or bird life with which he could replenish his waning stock of provisions.

  26. Say to him that he must exert himself to the utmost to obtain means himself, to replenish his store, for it must be replenished, and it is his duty to attend to it.

  27. Bishop Whitney, also, started for New York at the same time, to replenish his store in Kirtland, with money enough to pay all the debts of both establishments, and expects to bring a larger supply of goods than at any former time.

  28. It is better, yes, much better, to have a surplus than to turn out before daylight to replenish your fire.

  29. After I had come around to the youth's satisfaction the eldest one started off after the cause of all my trouble, leaving his younger brother to replenish the fire and attend to my wants.

  30. The looking at his traps and resetting of them would take him an hour or two, then he would come back to his fire place, throw the rats he had caught in a pile, replenish the fire and stretch out for another smoke.

  31. Then we cut a lot of pitch pine dry wood in short lengths and split, ready to replenish the fire from time to time during the autumn night.

  32. I had intended to turn aside to the depot and replenish our supply of meat as a precaution, but Johansen suggested leaving out this detour and going straight on.

  33. Here was food enough to give both ourselves and the dogs an extra feed and to replenish our supplies.

  34. In the immediate neighbourhood of our present position we could not reckon on being able to replenish our supply in the continued unfavourable state of the weather.

  35. Too, during the long sermons in forenoon and afternoon a servant or some member of the family would replenish the coals in the foot-stoves from the coals in the fireplace of this noon-house.

  36. This might have been resorted to in order to replenish the state but this was of rare occurrence.

  37. Things had come to such a condition that it seemed to be of little moment what might be the personal character of the pontiff; the necessities of the position irresistibly drove him to replenish the treasury by shameful means.

  38. We should, therefore, sedulously endeavor, not only to guard against exhausting our present stock, but to adopt every means in our power to replenish it.

  39. It was fortunate that they had economised their small stock of water and provisions, as they had been unable to replenish them at the island from which they had just escaped.

  40. Still, they hoped to reach some island where they might replenish their stock; but that was very uncertain.

  41. Before he could hope to reach their final destination, it would be absolutely necessary to touch at some island where they might replenish their stock, both of one and the other.

  42. If after a while the soup seems to be boiling away too much, replenish it with a little hot water from a kettle, kept boiling hard for the purpose.

  43. As the lard boils away, replenish it with more.

  44. If the water boils away replenish it with more hot water from a kettle.

  45. Keep at the fire a kettle of hot water, to replenish the pudding-pot, as it boils away.

  46. Replenish the pot as it boils, with hot water from a kettle kept boiling for the purpose.

  47. This is a good plain pudding; but the batter must be perfectly light before it is tied up in the cloth; and if the water boils away, replenish the pudding-pot with boiling water from a kettle.

  48. Turn it several times while boiling, and keep at hand a kettle of hot water to replenish the pot as it boils away.

  49. As the water boils away, replenish it with some more water, kept boiling hard for this purpose, in a kettle.

  50. As the water boils away, replenish it from a kettle of water that is kept boiling hard.

  51. As the water in the outside pot boils away, replenish it with more hot water from a tea-kettle that is kept boiling hard.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "replenish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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