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Example sentences for "extracts"

Lexicographically close words:
extractions; extractive; extractives; extractor; extractors; extractum; extracurricular; extradited; extradition; extrados
  1. They served her in her lecture courses, for they so clearly and concisely expressed her views that she was able to use long extracts from them word for word.

  2. We might go on multiplying our extracts and our comments ad infinitum, but we purposely abstain; and we shall conclude our review of these highly important documents with one or two inferences that seem to us obviously necessary.

  3. The extracts from the books transferred to the papers before us, are of course those only which have some reference to the case of Peter Williamson; thus-- "Jan.

  4. But what struck Cassanate more than anything was a passage in the De Sapientia on a medical question, which he extracts and incorporates in his epistle.

  5. These few extracts will show that an intelligible narrative could scarcely be produced by the methods Cardan used.

  6. The Delectus consists of short pieces on various subjects, with extracts from Anglo-Saxon History and the Saxon Chronicle.

  7. With a Memoir of the Author and Extracts from his Religious Papers.

  8. It is expressly stated, in the prospectus of a collection of extracts, called the Beauties of Sentiment, that the extracts shall always be complete sense, and not very long.

  9. The following Extracts from Acts of Parliament are much abridged.

  10. Footnote 85: The extracts from the Arabic histories of Sicily are given in Abulfeda, (Annal' Moslem.

  11. M Lassen has added to the Arabian authorities of this period some extracts from Kemaleddin's account of the treaty for the surrender of Aleppo.

  12. It was published in Arabic and Latin, Lipsiae, 1766, in quarto, with the learned notes of Kochler and Reiske, and some extracts of geography and natural history from Ibn Ol Wardii.

  13. The Arabic writers, who have treated the subject with the zeal of patriotism or devotion: the extracts of Pocock (Specimen Hist.

  14. The former of these quotations is taken from a Biographia Hispanica, by an Arabian of Valentia, (see the copious Extracts of Casiri, tom.

  15. Brief extracts from two of these are given below.

  16. Short extracts to illustrate the most important of these old feudal elements are given below.

  17. What some of these acts were will appear in the extracts in Sec.

  18. The first of the extracts below (a) is a seventh-century formula for the grant of an immunity by the king to a bishop.

  19. The following extracts will serve to show its character.

  20. Extracts from the Charter No document in the history of any nation is more important than the Great Charter; in the words of Bishop Stubbs, the whole of the constitutional history of England is only one long commentary upon it.

  21. A few extracts concerning them will be interesting.

  22. The extracts from the Biographia Literaria are placed next to the Wordsworthian doctrines which they criticize; otherwise the arrangement of the essays is chronological.

  23. Now, what is the reason of the great difference between these extracts and that from the Star in the East?

  24. This phrase occurs in one of the extracts in Lamb's review of Falstaff's Letters just mentioned (p.

  25. It contains notices of all the leading Frenchmen of the day, with extracts from their political writings and speeches, more especially those containing allusions, complimentary or the reverse, to the heads of the Government.

  26. Graduated Exercises for Translation into German: Extracts from the best English Authors, with Idiomatic Notes.

  27. Passages and Extracts for Translation into Hindustani.

  28. Talmudic Miscellany; or, One Thousand and One Extracts from the Talmud, the Midrashim, and the Kabbalah.

  29. Archaic Classics: Assyrian Texts, being Extracts from the Annals of Shalmaneser II.

  30. With Illustrative Extracts from the Commentaries.

  31. Extracts from Religious Writers of Christendom from the 1st to the 16th Century.

  32. Richard Ford hit the nail on the head when he said with quite wonderful prescience: How I wish you had given us more about yourself, instead of the extracts from those blunder-headed old Spaniards, who knew nothing about gypsies!

  33. It was during his military career at Gibraltar that he met George Borrow at Seville, as the following extracts from his book testify.

  34. Henceforth clearly Mary Clarke corresponded regularly with Borrow, and one or two extracts from her letters are given by Dr.

  35. Well might Ford ask Borrow for more about himself and less of the extracts from 'blunder-headed old Spaniards.

  36. They dealt much in extracts from newspapers, quotations from the Annual Register, parallel passages in forgotten speeches, arranged with a formidable array of dates rarely accurate.

  37. The Upanishads are doctrinal extracts of the Vedas.

  38. Wilford on which it is founded; and his interview with Sawitri in BOPP's collection of Extracts from the Mahábhárata.

  39. From all the authorities I make up the following description, although the extracts which I have already given include nearly all that can be said on the subject.

  40. Extracts from "Health Physics Report on Radioactive Contamination throughout New Mexico Following the Nuclear Explosion, Part A--Physics.

  41. Humorous Extracts from Some Official Letters Written in all seriousness and not in the least intended to be humorous By C.

  42. Isolated from the connection in which they occur they lose half their charm; there is a habitual tone, a point of view, of which extracts can give no idea.

  43. I subjoin a few extracts from an ode by the "Ingenious and Learned" Mr. Norris, which is prefixed to Ward's Life of More.

  44. The reading of the extracts from the letters and the extracts from the Diary began.

  45. The first and longest of the Extracts produced the most vivid impression in Court.

  46. Three separate extracts from letters written by three different correspondents were selected to be read in Court.

  47. After this specimen, I need give no further extracts from the summing up.

  48. The most unpleasant pages in the whole Report of the Trial were--to me--the pages which contained the extracts from my husband's Diary.

  49. The extracts from my son's Diary are a libel on his character," she said.

  50. A few extracts from my book will give some idea of the erudition and etymological profundity of the "learned Theban" who compiled this guide to the Temple of Learning, which, if they do not instruct, will certainly amuse your readers.

  51. I am not aware that extracts from Montaigne have been traced in any others of the English contemporary dramatists.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extracts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.