If there is an unexpurgated in the Children's Department, won't you please help that young woman remove Tom & Huck from that questionable companionship?
I know this by my own experience, & to this day I cherish an unappeasable bitterness against the unfaithful guardians of my young life, who not only permitted but compelled me to read an unexpurgated Bible through before I was 15 years old.
Sir Richard Burton, who translated an unexpurgated edition of The Arabian Nights, with many notes and an essay on the sources of the tales, ascribed the fairy tales to Persian sources.
The Society now determined to issue unexpurgated editions of the three following great Persian classics: The Gulistan or Rose Garden, by Sadi (A.
I have pledged myself," replied Mr. Payne, "not to reproduce the book in an unexpurgated form.
Jowett's English version), it is surely inconsistent to exclude the unexpurgated Arabian Nights, whether in the original or in any English version, from the studies of a nation who rule India and administer Egypt.
The public would have none of it: even innocent girlhood tossed aside the chaste volumes in utter contempt, and would not condescend to aught save the thing, the whole thing, and nothing but the thing, unexpurgated and uncastrated.
This is an unexpurgated edition of the only authentic Memoirs of the Courts of Europe published--many of the most startling and facetious passages having been omitted from all other editions.
An unexpurgated and literal translation into English.
This is the best edition of Richardson's unexpurgated writings, splendidly printed on large paper, and finely illustrated.
This edition is the very scarce unexpurgatedreprint of the Benares edition, (which is at present extremely rare) with the numerous plates on Japan vellum, which never appeared in the first issue.
These are the complete unexpurgated writings of Jules Verne.