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Example sentences for "overall"

Lexicographically close words:
ovenbird; ovens; over; overabundance; overactive; overalled; overalls; overarched; overarches; overarching
  1. They combined a long list of practical plans with an overall vision of how these fitted into the needed antecedent events to the millennium.

  2. The flanged metal tire is missing from the rim, which is 4⅛ inches wide, but its presence would undoubtedly bring the overall diameter of the wheel up to 54 inches.

  3. The overall length of the locomotive, including the pilot, is 25 feet; of the tender, 12 feet.

  4. The effect is a bit like a tortoise carapace; but the design was named only for b, and then as recalling an overall pattern of basketry, which the Mohave do not themselves weave or coil though they know and use it.

  5. The angled-and-forking overall pattern so characteristic of bowls occurs in spoons, but is rare: b is an example.

  6. Emphasis is on the overall effect of pattern, not on its items.

  7. I did not obtain a name for this design as an overall pattern.

  8. These aim at being equilateral in c (the flattest of the bowls), so that the intervening background spaces are also roughly equilateral, and there is an overall dark-light effect.

  9. The present recommendations, though much wider in overall scope than our earlier ones, represent only a first step in planning for the Basin, for reasons presented in full in this report.

  10. And that fact offers some hope for the future, especially if it is fostered and strengthened by overall protective measures.

  11. Around the metropolis, some ground water is being taken from wells even now to supplement the overall supply and to satisfy the whole demand of any number of outlying communities.

  12. In accordance with the breadth of overall aims, much of this money must be Federal.

  13. It could mesh the efforts of the numerous and diverse action agencies sponsored by each jurisdiction and aim them toward overall Basin goals, probably more effectively than any other arrangement could.

  14. As such he participated in the endless controversy dealing with overall strategy but only as a junior member of the firm.

  15. Isn't a conflict of this size apt to hold up our overall plans?

  16. I wouldn't want anything to happen to our overall plans.

  17. In a very short time each man had got out of his overall jumper and into his heart's desire.

  18. He was attired as yesterday in the beautiful dull-blue overall and jacket; his hair was the color of Polly's and shocked from under the edges of a floppy gray hat, and in his arms he carried a large hen the identical color of Pan's head.

  19. Overall rainfall is plentiful throughout the country, but most areas receive it seasonally.

  20. It is difficult to ascertain the overall effectiveness of the various police and security forces in the maintenance of public order because no official crime statistics are published.

  21. A surmise that the state budget represents an overall budget and that the national budget serves to finance central government activities only is therefore not warranted.

  22. Of more overall value, it gives a sizable portion of the population some familiarity with, and presumably a more sympathetic understanding of, police activities and problems.

  23. The Council of Ministers, as a unit, is constitutionally responsible for preparing the overall economic plan and the budget, which must then be approved by the People's Assembly.

  24. It has also been handicapped by a lack of effective planning and by an inability to organize comprehensive studies that would provide a basis for both overall and detailed plans.

  25. The basis for this overall assessment is summarized below and discussed in more detail in the subsequent chapters of this report.

  26. The third major part of California's overall State plan is a compendium of information and resources needed to cope with emergencies (see (7) in figures 1 and 2).

  27. The contingency plans, service support plans, and related checklists and standard operating procedures constitute the "operational" portions of the overall emergency plan.

  28. The Direction and Control annex details how overall responses to an emergency will be managed and coordinated.

  29. The rings are passed over the cuffs, and the sleeves of the overall are drawn down to cover them.

  30. He puts on a pair of outside stockings and a canvas overall to preserve the dress from injury.

  31. The canvas overall is now adjusted and the boots are put on.

  32. She wore the loose, unbecoming white overall which forms the only uniform of a French Red Cross nurse, and there was a red cross on her breast.

  33. In blue overall and cap, she followed the concierge to the ante-room, her heart beating.

  34. She was also conscious of the blue overall and close-fitting cap.

  35. The overall length of the skull is intermediate between that of spadix and primulina.

  36. Length of nasals" is the overall length, of the two nasal bones, but in Romerolagus the shorter (right) nasal alone seems to have been measured.

  37. A specimen from Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and several from Brownsville, Texas, in size of auditory bullae, larger overall size and darker color clearly are L.

  38. Although a number of items of uncertain costs are lumped together in this definition of the DAS, the procedure adopted is believed to have led to a valuable overall picture of the pattern of expenditures.

  39. The overall DAS cost is 77 percent of the total CPU cost.

  40. Across one arm he carried the glistening overall which was the Chief Inspector's constant companion on wet nights abroad.

  41. Jump on a tram at the Town Hall and bring the overall along here.

  42. Lady Rossiter in her overall was disturbed at her indexing by the clamour of an approaching daylight raid; by the maroons, the clanging of bells, the hooters, the gunfire; and finally by the not very distant sounds of exploding bombs.

  43. She wore a neat overall with tight sleeves and her hair plainly dressed under a little white, pleated cap.

  44. The depressed demand for uranium has contributed to an overall sluggishness in the economy, a severe trade imbalance, and a mounting external debt.

  45. Morocco claims and administers Western Sahara, so trade partners are included in overall Moroccan accounts Imports: $30 million (c.

  46. A major contributor to overall growth of 4.

  47. Thailand's traditional agricultural sector continued to become less important to the overall economy in 1991.

  48. A rough assessment of the overall crime situation can, however, be made from the concern expressed in the many speeches and articles published by government and party spokesmen.

  49. A chancellery office, headed by a chief and three deputies, coordinates the committee's overall administrative activities.

  50. Administration and Finance The Ministry of Education exercised overall control and direction of the educational system and implemented all party policies and directives concerning its management.

  51. The Law on the Organization and Operation of People's Councils specifically places the people's councils under the overall leadership of the PCR as the leading political force of the society.

  52. Instead, the PCR has followed a policy aimed at the industrialization of the country, based on the proposition that an expanded industrial base is what is most needed for Romania's overall economic development.

  53. It is the Council of State, however, that is given the overall executive functions of ratifying international treaties and establishing diplomatic relations with other states.

  54. The history of the Romanian people, however, is long, complex, and important when considered in the context of the overall history of the Balkan region.

  55. The population group with ages from fifty to fifty-four had both a low overall figure and an abnormally low percentage of males (see table 1).

  56. Adult education has also been stressed by the government in its efforts to raise the overall educational and skill levels of the entire population.

  57. Reduction of the tour of duty in 1964 to sixteen months for most conscripts necessitated a slight reduction in the overall size of the forces.

  58. Jest look at this, fer instance, sir," and he fished a greasy fragment of paper from a pocket of his overall and handed it to me.

  59. She was dressed, like Prue, in a turned-up overall and wore a wide hat, which hid the red curls from view and gave her an unfamiliar look.

  60. This child wore an overall of bright blue cotton, shaped like Prue's, and her head was covered with short red curls, which shone in the sun like burnished copper.

  61. By the roadside at her feet sat Grizzel, red curls still bobbing round her head, and apparently the very same blue overall still clothing her slim little body.

  62. I wear it round my neck," said Grizzel, unfastening the neckband of her overall and showing a slender chain of finely wrought gold.

  63. He wore a once white linen overall and a Red Cross badge on his arm.

  64. Heloire had put on his white overall (he is a veterinary surgeon), set out with a stretcher, and searched until he found me lying by the roadside.

  65. Perhaps it was because he was not wearing the white overall that I did not recognise the tall, erect, grey-bearded man, who stood at the door of the Salle cinq and looked anxiously round the ward.

  66. Some were in cream colour and some in russet-brown, or apple green, the caps sometimes matching the overall and sometimes offering a strong contrast.

  67. This necessitated a lofty shed for its accommodation as the ship was of great overall height; but this difficulty was overcome by the employment of the elliptical and trajectory bands, and is described in the chapter dealing with No.

  68. Owing to the great overall height of this ship, experiments were made to determine a system of rigging, enabling the car to be slung closer to the envelope, and in later types the elliptical rigging girdle was adopted.

  69. Inconceivable as it may sound, the overall height of the ship was increased by practically 10 feet without the War Office being informed.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    altogether; broadly; chiefly; commonly; comprehensive; cumulative; general; generally; gross; largely; mainly; master; mostly; normally; ordinarily; overall; panoramic; predominantly; primarily; principally; roughly; routinely; throughout; total; usually