To follow the subject either in a horizontal or vertical plane it is necessary to turn the handle controlling the panoramic movements of the tripod head.
One of the most disconcerting effects upon the screen is a jumpy panoramic movement either horizontally or up and down.
By means of this panoramic attachment the main object in the picture, such as a carriage or an aeroplane, may be followed in either direction.
To do this he has simultaneously to turn the two handles operating the panoramic and elevating gear of the tripod head, and often in opposite directions.
The Belvidere, reached by a spiral staircase, is capable of holding one hundred persons, and the view therefrom takes in a wide extent of panoramic beauty.
The broad river seems like a great inland lake; and the height of the tunnel above the silver bay gives to the panoramic landscape a wondrous charm.
How fearfully now did his horrified imagination take in at one glance, as it were, a panoramic view of all his past life, and how absolutely contemptible, at that moment, appeared all that he had been striving for.
The very spot we stand on is admirably suited to take a panoramic view of our little bay, the village, and the background.
Instantly he beheld a great panoramic view of his past life, and many of the evils that had never before appeared to him as sin were painted with the blackest dyes.
No description can give an idea of the magnificent panoramic views from the walls of the abbey.
We drove by the fort of Octeville, where a magnificentpanoramic view is obtained, equalling in extent that from the Mont du Roule.
Here, as it were, we can take in the whole panoramicview of the history of Rome.
It commands a beautiful panoramic scene of Rome and the Campagna, bounded by the distant Alban and Sabine Hills.
For a full detailed account of this important discovery see our photograph, a panoramic view of the Forum from ancient reliefs, with descriptive letterpress.
On reaching the summit, a panoramicview of Rome and the Campagna is had, quite repaying the labour of the ascent.
Some of our friends bored us by describing at too great length the panoramic splendour of the view.
Descending the San Lorenzo grade, a sharp incline, Gloriana called our attention to a view panoramic and matchless beneath the glamour of sunset.
It affords a magnificent panoramic view of the chief heights of the Snowdonian Range, with the exception of Snowdon itself, which is hidden by the grand mass of Moel Siabod.
With Mynydd Prescelly for a background, the composition of the foreground and middle distance by a beautiful vale is singularly impressive, and this view, with panoramic changes, accompanies the road to Nevern.
At the top of the ascent the whole bay is spread out in panoramic fashion, and one can see the new breakwater, still incomplete, protecting the anchorage.
From the tower, built in 1797, above the village one can see a wide panoramic view over the beautiful rounded hills, broken up by belts of beech and larch.
There are, of course, such panoramic men: they are like panoramic regions, instructive and marvellous: but not beautiful.
With the freedom of uncaged birds, fresh from bondage, every one appeared buoyant, giving themselves up to the pleasure of the hour with a kind of abandon as if, after all, it might be a panoramic view produced by some Eastern Magi.
It is overlooked by the State-house, which is built upon Beacon Hill, just outside the highest extremity of the park, and from the top of which a splendid panoramic view of the whole town and neighbourhood is obtained.
There are various public buildings here, among the most conspicuous of which is the Capitol, built in the great public square, and from its summit commanding a splendid panoramic view.
Nothing can exceed the beauty of the panoramic view from the verge of the Barrack Hill, which is a dark, frowning, perpendicular rock several hundred feet high.
Having spent a fortnight in the enjoyment of lovely scenery and warm hospitality, and taken a last and lingering gaze at the glorious panoramic view from the citadel, I embarked once more on the St. Lawrence.
His residence is an excessively pretty cottage, commanding a grand panoramic view.
Let us pass on to the hill at the eastern extremity of the city, commanding a panoramic view of the river below the town, and all the surrounding country.
There it stands, on a rising knoll, commanding an extensive panoramic view of the town and surrounding country.
The finest view is from the citadel, which commands a splendid panoramic expanse; the fortifications are in good repair, and garrisoned by Canadian Rifles and a few Royal Artillerymen.
Next morning I awoke in the harbour of Genoa, with a splendid panoramic view of the city before me.
Before I left Stockholm I made a careful and elaborate panoramic sketch of the city, as a companion to the one I had made of Genoa from the harbour a year before.
To commemorate my visit, I mounted the top of the paddle-box, took out my sketch book, and made a panoramic view of Genoa as seen from the harbour.
The fine walk immediately under the precipitous crags, which opens out such perfect panoramic views of Edinburgh, was made by these poor fellows.
When the pages of the sketch book had been joined together the panoramic view extended to about eight feet long.
And then from these sketches and with my own maps and protractor I was able to tell them what they were looking at on the map, and to prepare a panoramic sketch for their use at Adam O.
He gave me many useful hints, and handed over an excellent panoramic sketch map of the view from one O.
Brigade observers and arranging and supervising the method of holding it; making panoramic sketches for the observers; writing out the Brigade Intelligence Report between 10 A.
I was told that great advantages might be obtained from panoramic sketches, if rapidly and accurately drawn by the observers.
I first tried to make a panoramic sketch of the country in front.
The French officers had left behind them excellent maps of the German position showing their trenches, also panoramic sketches showing the roads, villages and houses opposite, with compass points.
I turned a copy of the panoramic sketch over to Major MacDougall of the Toronto Battery, when he went into the loft of a ruined house some distance away to check up his guns as they fired on the Poelcapelle road in front of us.
We got into the village without any casualties, and I climbed into a ruined house and had a look through the tiles of the roof at the German lines and made a panoramic sketch.
Korea of the past is undoubtedly the more attractive to the traveller, but Korea of the present does not lack interest for one anxious to find in this corner of the earth something more than panoramic scenery.
But what compensates largely for the lack of panoramic effects is the vastness of the scenery.
Today, the panoramic sub-title, as well as the panoramic letter or other insert, is quite common, especially in feature pictures.
We have already referred to "panoramic" leaders giving long casts of characters, the leader moving upwards on the screen instead of sidewise as in panoramic scenes.
In taking such panoramic scenes as those just described, the tripod of the camera remains unmoved.
An impression is to be created, growing and growing; and it can well be created in the loose panoramic style which is Thackeray's paramount arm.
It will be found to cover thepanoramic manner of Thackeray.
It is a panoramic vision of people and places, a huge expanse in which armies are marshalled; can one expect of such a book that it should be neatly composed?
It would be easy to quote pages here--a pictorial sequence from Gibraltar to Athens, from Athens to Egypt, a radiant panoramic march.
So the dictations were transferred to the long veranda, and he was generally ready for them, a white figure pacing up and down before that panoramic background.