See, I bend submissive in your royal presence, With soul as penitent, as if before The all-searching eye of Heaven.
He had humbled himself before the humblest; but before his wife he could not--she had always been so submissiveto him.
Landolin stood still, looked back after him, and shrugged his shoulders contemptuously at the beggarly man, who once, if he wanted to borrow a log of wood for barrel staves, could not find submissive words enough.
Alone of all the family was Rachel still in rebellion; even the Duke, although he was so often abroad or in the country (he hated London), was submissive enough when he was with them.
This was the kind of thing that, in the train, had seemed possible enough; now, with the opening of the door and that sharp recurrence of the old thrill, she was not at all sure that she wanted to be submissive and affectionate.
It is difficult, without a submissive faith, to conceive a clear idea of this invisible communication of tbe Holy Ghost, or the manner in which an indivisible spirit, divides itself among so many different individuals.
Court Musician Philipp Haveck and the submissive petition of our court musician Philipp Salomon bestowed upon him the grace of adding 50 fl.
On the obedient report the suppliant's submissive prayer, granted.
He expected to dictate a humiliating peace to the crushed and trembling Czar, and to make yet one more submissive tributary of hitherto unconquered Russia.
Personally, he was submissive and patient; but he was brave in interceding for the oppressed, and in using for the good of others any measure of authority that was allowed him.
That while your Petitioners stand ready to receive Passengers with a submissive Bow, and repeat with a gentle Voice, Ladies, what do you want?
But this made no difference: the king willed it, and the submissive legislature passed a bill of attainder for misprision of treason against them both.
And then he had not been on peculiarly friendly terms with Septimus Jones, who had always been submissive to Augustus; and, now that Augustus was a rich man and could afford to buy horses, was likely to be more submissive than ever.
I bowed my head, and humbly knelt, Submissive to his will.
This remark can give some idea of the ingenuous and submissive style of Madame de Swetchine's conversation.
Montalembert, the Count de Falloux, Prince Albert de Broglie, and many others, a younger generation, but not less submissiveto the ascendency of a soul where virtue served genius.
But the proud Israelites did not remain submissive for long; Damascus had indeed fallen, but neither Philistia nor Edom had yet been crushed.
Besides this, there is no other way to make servants faithful and submissive but to bind them to you by the miserable bond of selfishness.
But I hope it is all over now, and this very day at eleven o'clock you will see me at your feet--tender, submissive and repentant.
As a matter of course, it was necessary for her to conceal certain circumstances which would have prejudiced his mind against us; yet it was urgent to tell him the truth and to shew herself entirely submissive to his will.
Livia seems to have been at all times an obedient and submissive wife.
I cannot say that the submissive air was greatly noticeable, when I first saw them.
Animals were submissive to man before his fall, and they went obediently into the ark at the command of Noah.
Surely she knows the secrets of her most submissive adorer; a cavalier servant has no secrets from the lady of his thoughts.
There are several instances where the word is used figuratively, as a submissive epithet, as an example of which we cite Acts iv.
Thus into the dark pool of his dull submissive life, the bold words of the unbeliever had fallen--a dead stone perhaps, but causing a thousand motions in the living water.
He stood for a moment still and submissive to their search, with face downcast.
In Lower Egypt the "Shepherds" reigned over quiet and unresisting subjects; in Upper Egypt they bore rule over submissive tributaries.
Twenty-five years of tranquillity followed, during which the Egyptians were submissive subjects of the Persian crown, and even showed remarkable courage and skill in the Persian military expeditions.
Sargon took Ashdod, and threatened an invasion of Egypt, which Shabatok averted by sending a submissive embassy with presents.
The rub has been to get him in, this time," I answered in my dry submissive way, for I never tried to reason with such a clever fellow.
We blew out the matches we had struck, and rolled on our backs for another snooze, submissive to the will of Heaven.
But even his youngest cub, if he had any, might have regarded me with contempt, if he had seen the condition I was in, while waiting for the footstep of my love; for they look at such matters in a less submissive way.
Greed for riches came over me, and I begged his pardon, saying that I would be submissive to him in everything, and that I and my family were under his control.
I ask your pardon, noble sir, I am submissive to you in every thing.
God has sent us in answer to your prayer to give you relief at the present time, and to ask if you are ready and submissive to part with the whole of your family.
This country is so enormous, so chaotic, one is so aware of the strength underlying its calm, submissive exterior, that one feels that some day this latent strength will break through and disclose itself.
But a revolution is just what is needed,--a revolution which will unseat those who are opposed to the war, and which will place in power a group of officials submissive and subservient to European influence.