Occasionally they would use pale blue glass, or tint it in a blue enamel, further to suggest the sky beyond.
New departures in technique will suggest themselves to every inventive mind.
The beauty and fitness of this marble colour is eventually such as to suggest that the glass-blower must in the end deliberately have fired at this kind of fluke.
Above canopies he comes to use pure white glass, as if to suggest that the canopy is solid, and beyond only atmosphere.
The frame of the press immediately behind him is designed to suggest the cross.
It is not meant to suggest that we should do in the nineteenth century only what was done in times gone by.
The very careful choice of varied and unevenly coloured glass to suggest shading or local colour.
The jealousy of power, and the mischiefs of discord, may suggest a more decent apology, and a sentence less rigorous may be pronounced against a crime which was necessary to introduce into Italy a generation of public felicity.
Virtue, or even reason, will suggest to his impartial mind, that he is the guardian of peace and equity, and that the interest of society is inseparably connected with his own.
Their names, and the various titles of their productions, have been minutely preserved, and the example of Labeo may suggest some idea of their diligence and fecundity.
I'll suggestthat in complete concurrence with her I deem it unsafe for a young and attractive girl to tour about the country--and that I do not feel that I can conscientiously depart.
Mic-co did notsuggest that his cousin's sex had been her salvation.
I know,' answered the Pasha blandly; 'I only meant to suggest a little change.
She would write to him, and in order to see him conveniently she would suggest to her father to have a week-end house party in the country, and to ask his neighbour over from Oxley Paddox.
I must consult Bolingbroke, who is the cleverest man in this house, if not in Europe, and he may suggest some way of diverting Jack's mind.
Allow me to suggestthat a small prescription containing arsenic, which will not cost you more than you often spend upon a single meal, will be very much to your advantage.
The commander's study is now likely to suggest operations which were not apparent when the analysis was confined to the correct physical objectives, alone.
The features after the first are then used either to adapt or to complete the operations suggested by preceding features, or to suggest new operations.
The value of those rules known to be inexpressive of the whole truth lies in the fact that they may invite attention to circumstances which are sometimes encountered, or may suggest methods of action which are sometimes appropriate.
At the other extreme, the elementary procedure is to utilize these salient features of such a plan, successively, to suggest detailed operations.
His friend Belsham brought out his Elements of Philosophy of the Mind, and although Priestley paid it a most gracious tribute he did not hesitate to suggest alterations and additions of various kinds.
I tried the heat of the water at different depths, and made other observations, which suggest various experiments, which I shall prosecute whenever I get my apparatus at liberty.
I only suggestthe journey with a matrimonial object.
There is nothing I can suggest that would improve it.
I suggest that you place the initial letter 'I' encircled with the charmed leaves in the corner, to commence the first line of the song.
If my terms or my verses do not suit you, I should suggestyour application to the Rev.
Dalziel, which were strangely unlike the usual work of this artist--so much so, as to suggest the idea that he must have been under the influence of Gustave Doré at the time.
But even through the disguise of a studio 'costume,' the finely-perceptive genius of Reynolds has managed to suggest much that is most appealing in his sitter's nature.
In short, he tried to silence my scruples, and all the insidious arguments that worldly wisdom could suggest were brought to bear upon me to this end.
She died, sir, in spite of all the care lavished upon her, and all that science could suggest was done for her in vain.
To the vivid imagination, it is easy to see a witch's broom swaying in the wind; a group of curious and distorted stems will suggest a row of large but painfully thin brownies, holding hands as they dance.
The lowest estimates suggest 696 vessels, and there is every reason to believe that they were quite small.
This warning should not, however, suggest that Beaumont-le-Roger is a poor place to visit.
Perched here and there on the sandy ridge between the road and the shore, they have scarcely anything more to suggest a garden than the thin wiry grass that contrives to exist in such soil.
The facial contortion seemed suddenly to anger Willinawaugh, who had chanced to observe them; to suggest recollections that he resented, and the reminder shared in his disfavor.
There is much to suggest close relationship of the pygmy mice to certain species of South American hesperomine rodents of the genus Calomys.
Notations concerning lactation and embryos on specimen labels of females suggest that the southern pygmy mouse breeds in all months.
The wildness of a monkey condemned to live amongst goats, hanging on to their horns, and clutching at their scuts, and playing all the tricks that contrariness might suggest to a contrary nature.
I would suggest his release to-morrow and the tendering to him of an adequate sum, say one thousand pounds, on the condition that he retires to the States.
I would not even suggest that one and two make three, for perhaps they don't.
Do I suggestthe 'cosmic emotion' of Walt Whitman'?
There is an unction, a dreamy thrill about some of those descriptions of town and country churches in conventional England which would suggest that he had no secularistic aversion to these modest usages.
Like the delicate pictures of early Italian art, the poems of Blake indicate and suggest rather than exhaust or satiate.
The chief of the detective-service replied: "I can at leastsuggest a supposition, derived from the statements made by the servant.
The elements of truth are not even sufficient to suggest a plausible theory.
I can suggest a title for you if you like: what do you say to The Sign of the Shadow?
No one is able to suggest a reason for this disappearance.
And he broke upon a constrained silence to suggest to Wade that they proceed--taking it for granted that now his partner's way lay to the north, along with his own.
But after that kind of brash talk I mightsuggest to you that a cell in state-prison isn't going to be like God's out-doors that you're roaming around in now.
I'm here prepared to lead Mr. Barrett to the place, and I suggest that if he's ready we'll be on our way.