By her legislation and free trade policy, she has unequivocally told them, "that she must buy her bread where she pleases; and they may find a government where they please.
The truth is, their system of international legislation only made the two countries known to each other by means of their difficulties.
Yet whose legislation and policy educated them literally to feel this loss?
In the face of these deeply important considerations, can it be fairly said that the colonies have no interest in imperial legislation, and that there are no interests for imperial legislation to guard in the colonies?
Yet it is upon such eminent testimony as this that imperial legislationfor the colonies is founded.
If the legislation of England, for ten years past, has been pregnant with vaster consequences to her than the legislation of a century, it has hardly affected her so deeply as it has affected her North American colonies.
The colonies have been allowed by their legislatures to shake the leaves of their interests; imperial legislation has always assailed the trunk.
Nor could, nor ever can, whatever may be imagined to the contrary, the connexion of the colonies be preserved with England, without her policy and her legislation vitally affecting them.
Footnote 87: Lady Palmerston (no doubt in sympathy with Lord Ashley) expected some factory legislation to be announced.
Government, and that the machinery of legislation was at a dead stop, was no longer warranted.
We shall only trouble our readers with a single instance of the manner in which commercial legislation has been treated in Greece.
It betrays a humane spirit in the early legislation and shows that the slave was regarded as something more than a mere chattel.
Legislation has been controlled by the functionaries, and there has been no general and continuous participation in governmental affairs by the body of the people.
He created the University of Buenos Aires; founded hospitals and asylums; introduced ecclesiastical and military reform; bettered the land laws, and infused into the legislation a modern spirit.
The process by which this virtual legislation is effected is not so much insensible as unacknowledged.
Legislation and Equity are disjoined in the popular mind and in the minds of most lawyers; and it will never do to neglect the distinction between them, however conventional, when important practical consequences follow from it.
In a community so situated, the legislation of assemblies and the jurisdiction of Courts reaches only to the heads of families, and to every other individual the rule of conduct is the law of his home, of which his Parent is the legislator.
But, if Roman jurisprudence had any influence on the barbarous societies, it had probably produced the greatest part of its effects before the legislation of Justinian, and before the preparation of these compendia.
I wish it could be said that their method of legislation is quite extinct.
That is perfectly true, and we must never forget it; but it furnishes no reason why we should deprive ourselves of so convenient a term as Legislation in the special sense.
To this the Parliament opposed the doctrine that the two crowns were distinct sovereignties, and that the legislation of the two countries could not be united.
Bacon's purpose coincided with the idea of a general system of legislation entertained by the King: he would have preferred the Roman law to the statute law of England.
For the general course of the development it is significant that the rights of Parliament in relation to the voting of taxes, and now also to legislation as a whole, were acknowledged before an appropriate form was found for its consultations.
All Mary's acts in favour of an independent legislation and jurisdiction of the spiritualty were repealed.
Were the clergy now to leave it to the King, who however only represented the temporal power, to adjust the differences between their legislation and that of the state?
Prussia is now demonstrating to the world that, if the people of a nation are to have in the national legislation anything more than an advisory power, they must have a determining power.
One is, by the people of the Territory, aided by some such legislation as that proposed.
A Message was delivered, and all the forms of legislation gone through with; in reality, this de facto government was the only one for which the Mormons maintained even the show of respect.
So far as local legislation was concerned, they were in most cases preactically self-governing and independent.
His sympathies in all matters of legislation were with the King, but he made a virtue of necessity, and for the time acted with those who demanded reform.
Through her influence Parliament repealed the legislation of Henry VIII's and Edward VI's reigns, in so far as it gave support to Protestantism.
In the same year Adam Smith issued "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations," which had a great effect on legislation respecting commerce, trade, and finance.
The religious legislationof this period marks the strong reaction from Puritanism which had set in.
This organization sought to abolish the entire landlord system in Ireland and to secure legislation which should eventually give the Irish peasantry possession of the soil they cultivated.
At the Restoration several laws against the Scotch Covenanters and other Dissenters were enforced, and retaliatory legislation drove two thousand clergymen from their parishes to starve.
Before the passing of the Reform Bill, and the legislation which supplemented it, the election of a member of Parliament was a kind of local reign of terror.
But legislation was in vain; the movement had begun, and statutes of Parliament could no more stop it than they could stop the rolling of the ocean tide.
Division of Parliament into Two Houses; Growth of the Power of the Commons; Legislation by Statute; Impeachment; Power over the Purse.
Such a catastrophe seemed imminent some years ago when the Sugar Trust was before the United States Senate for some legislation necessary to bolster up its monopoly.
The Whitney machine for the manufacture and moulding of legislation was complex but efficient.
There are also the operations of lobbyists who, to affect important legislation for this great interest or the other, buy or sell stock for the benefit of legislators whose votes they desire to influence.
The term has been adopted in legislation to signify a little system of mutual co-operation.
The other Acts passed had no political significance, but followed pretty closely recent domestic legislation in England.
A visit to England in 1515 resulted in permission to hold a Parliament in the following year, but it produced nolegislation of importance.
The control of legislation was also given to the Commissioners, who were to see various Acts for the establishment of royal authority in Church and State duly passed.
Having with difficulty reduced Carlow, Poynings repaired to Drogheda, where he held a Parliament, whose legislation was destined to have a momentous effect on Irish history.
When that former order of things was remembered, the change made by the new legislationseemed immense.
At the beginning of her royal career Rome, having sent to Greece to seek such principles of legislation as might suit the sky of Italy, stamped upon the forehead of the married woman the brand of complete servitude.
They should be investigated and exposed to the pitiless light of publicity, and appropriatelegislation should be framed to correct the present situation.
Mr. Carnahan: "The legislation does not designate the length of the loans.
Congressman Carnahan: "The legislation does not designate the interest rate.
Streit got federal tax exemption for the Atlantic Union Committee by writing into its charter a proviso that the organisation would not "attempt to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise.
Then came the period when the male still occupied himself with the duties of war and government, of legislation and self-culture; but the Roman matron had already ceased for ever from her toils.
Likewise, during the entire century which followed Catherine's reign, that is, all through the nineteenth century, our legislationwas in a state of constant indecision.
Thus did our legislation concerning the Jews fluctuate and vacillate.
These recommendations are clearly at variance with the trend of Russian legislation throughout the reigns of Peter the Great, Catherine the Second and Alexander the First.
Some day no doubt Parliament may have to devise legislation which shall do for the women and children employed in field labor something like that which Lord Ashley did for the women and children employed in factories and in mines.
He advocated shorter Parliaments and much more comprehensive and strenuous legislation for the prevention of bribery and corruption.
We have seen that already efforts are made in every session of Parliament to extend the principle of the factorylegislation into various industrial occupations which are common to city life.
The charter of the Company had been renewed by legislation at long intervals, and the first reformed Parliament now found itself compelled to settle the conditions under which the charter should be renewed for another period of twenty years.
For the first time in the modern history of England the voice of the people had been authorized by legislation to have some influence over the direction of national affairs.
Let us know now at what we are aiming, let us admit and record in the black and white of legislation that we intend to trim our course once more for the port of health and safety.
The legislation of Justinian, as far as it was original, in his Code, Pandects, and Institutes, was still almost exclusively Roman.
The sphere and influence of national administration and national legislation are widening rapidly.
Thus the legislation of Congress was constantly swayed by a party following feelings and pledges rather than according to sound reason or personal conviction.
Or perhaps I shall be admitted to have hit upon a closer and apter analogy if I say that legislationis like a foreman set over the forces of government.
It runs through the undercurrents of government, and takes shape only in the inner channels of legislation and administration which are not open to the common view.
What is quite as indispensable as the debate of problems of legislation is the debate of all matters of administration.
Not having as yet learned the art of governing itself to the best advantage, and being without that facility of legislation which it afterwards acquired, the Legislature was glad to get guidance and suggestions of policy from the Executive.
Most of this legislation will become an insufferable restraint upon freedom and variety of action when Capitalism goes the way of Druidic human sacrifice (a much less slaughterous institution).
They had less to dread from legislationat Westminster than from legislation at Dublin.
It is always to be remembered that retrospective legislation is bad in principle only when it affects the substantive law.
To take examples from the legislation of our own time, the Act passed in 1845, for punishing the malicious destruction of works of art with whipping, was most properly made prospective only.
In the history of the financiallegislation of this session, there were some episodes which deserve to be related.