It is solely on account of the brevity that I must impose upon myself, that I do not submit materials in proof of this.
Man must learn to use his treasure, and in using it to submit to its own laws, which can only become known when it is handled and investigated.
One might almost say practice must first and foremostsubmit to the laws of opportunism.
Psychology will probably be obliged to acknowledge and to submit to a plurality of principles, in spite of the fact that this does not suit the scientific mind.
Kings shall pass under his yoke, frozen Phasis shall bear his horses’ hooves, and Araxes submit perforce to be bridged by him.
To so many different yokes did he submit his neck, this slave, old in years but ever new to the house; there was no end to his servitude though many beginnings.
If thou make any law or establish any custom for the general good, be the first to submit thyself thereto; then does a people show more regard for justice nor refuse submission when it has seen their author obedient to his own laws.
If he were really in love with Cecil, and determined to marry her, that was so much to his credit; but Claire hated the idea of that secrecy, marvelled that Cecil could submit a second time to so humiliating a position.
The borrower is servant to the lender,†and the man who has no money with which to purchase must submit to the exactions of whoever is willing to extend credit to him.
He sometimes gets hold of a subject wrong end first, but he will submit to correction and improvement quicker than any judge or jury on record.
About 50 officers would be required to enable me to carry this suggestion into effect, and I shall be glad if all officers who are disposed to avail themselves of this opportunity of acquiring postal knowledge will submit their names.
Is it owing to chance that laws are imposed on thought to which it is obliged to submit under pain of losing itself in chaos?
Let submission and obedience be so regulated as not to wound man's pride; let those who rule over him be invested with superior authority, to which he can submit without a shadow of self-abasement.
We ought to submit to legitimate governments; it is expedient even to tolerate such as make an improper use of their power; we must exhaust every means of entreaty, of counsel and representation, before we have recourse to others.
The Diet of Spires had made a decree concerning the change of religion and worship; fourteen towns of the empire refused to submit to it, and presented a Protest; hence men began to call the dissenters Protestants.
God approves of it, and wills that it should be obeyed; they will immediately submit with pleasure, for they will see in this submission the accomplishment of a duty.
Like nations who, in times of rebellion, cry out for liberty, dethrone their old king, and afterwards submit to the first man who has the boldness to seize the vacant throne.
There is, then, an infinity of causes of which we cannot deny the existence and the power, but which it is nevertheless impossible to submit to rigorous examination.
Unto whom, she answered that "She would neversubmit herself to them whom she had never offended!
It was to this incident that Poe alluded when he told Mrs. Whitman that "his pride had led him to deliberately throw away a large fortune rather than submit to a trivial wrong.
Colonel Holliday begged me to submit to what could not be helped; but I declined.
The programme I set forth was somewhat extensive, as I considered that the applicant must not only bring evidence of a sound ancestry, but also submit to anthropological, psychological, and medical examination.
But he thought he would submit it to his friends for their amendments.
This wicked Christian king sent his navy and his army to burn down our cities and villages, and to shoot husbands, fathers, and sons, until he could compel America to submit to his despotism.
It imposed but a trivial tax, in itself of but little importance, but was intended as an experiment, to ascertain whether the Americans would submit to the principle.
They were soon informed that the king received it graciously, and would submit the consideration of it to Parliament.
But the prospect of French success in Italy which had encouraged the pope proved delusive, and in 1529 he had to submit to the yoke of Charles V.
My father had indentured me as apprentice to his lawyer, and sooner than submit to the rule of this man--the evil genius of our family--I had taken flight.
I was born a free man, I live in a free country, I am the subject of a free king and constitution, and I'll be shot before I submit to such rank diabolical papistry.
The Lord High Chancellor and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire must for the present bow humbly to the Emperor, and submit in silence to the evils of his lot.
And he vows before God and his ancestors that he will be the last Hohenzollern to submit to such humiliation and bend the knee as vassal to the Polish King.
Say to my father that as an obedient son I submit to his wishes, and shall forthwith depart for Berlin.
But we must not submit to it, but do everything to prevent it, for it is contrary to policy and reasons of state.
Count Adolphus had to submit to having every desk and table searched, and wherever papers were found, the great seal of the Electoral privy council was affixed, and they were then removed.
The Elector bends his knee upon the richly embroidered cushion, a crimson glow flushes his cheeks, and deep in his soul he repeats: "I shall be the last Hohenzollern to submit to such humiliation and bow in the dust before another Prince.
But we, poor slaves to our position, must accommodate ourselves to circumstances, and patiently submit to the laws of necessity.
The Electoral Prince will not passively submit to capture, but will resist; a battle will ensue, and then it might easily happen that in the heat of conflict a dagger should pierce the Prince or a ball go through his head.
Yes," cried Frederick William; "for my affairs progress but slowly, and to gain anything I am compelled on all sides to make unpleasant concessions and to submit to irksome restraints.
One power is France, who would never consent to so striking an aggrandizement of the house of Austria, and can not passively submit to see it spread itself so extensively north, west, and east.
No, Elector I shall remain, and my lordly son shall submit to the paternal will, and return home.
It could not be, though, and I have learned already to submit to necessity.
I must now submit to having a lord over me, but the time will come when the Prussian black eagle will feel itself strong enough to do battle against the white eagle of Poland, and soar aloft on bold, strong wing.
He had also to submit to having the whole palace ransacked from garret to cellar in search of the steward von Wallenrodt.
At last the Persians said, “Not one of these places is safe from his influence; we must send him to some place where he will be reduced to powerlessness, and where his family and followers will have to submit to the direst afflictions.
If we carefully examine the text of the Torah, we see that the Divine Manifestation never said to those who denied Him, “Whatever miracle you desire, I am ready to perform, and I will submit to whatever test you propose.
Is it this, that He did not, with His followers, and their women and children, submit to these savage tribes?
I have no choice--if not willingly, I must submit by force.
It is to the bishops that your King owed his conquest; it was they who ordered the people to submit to Clovis; without them, your great King would have remained only a chief of brigands.
Is it not spoliation and misery, and a determination to be free rather than submit to slavery?
I am ready,' he said, 'to submit to delay, if I have only some certain assurance to go upon.
As the Chinese refused tosubmit to the demands of those whom they considered barbarous foreigners, a British armament was sent to enforce our terms.
I am willing to submit the case to any honest tribunal.
Meanwhile Congress passed an act which authorized the President to submit the Constitution of the State to another election by the people, with a separate vote on its objectionable section.
The Count of Provence refused to submit his plans to the king, but recommended him for the part of a secret adviser.
To chasten and idealise the Revolution, and to prepare a Republic that should not be a terror to mankind, but should submit easily to the fascination of a melodious and sympathetic eloquence, he wrote the History of the Girondins.
He hoped that the nobles would submit to equal taxation of their own accord, and that he would stand between them and any exorbitant claim of equal political power.
The true cause was the determination of Marie Antoinette not to submit to the new Constitution.
If we submit ourselves to the event, if we think more of the accomplished deed than of the suggested problem, we become servile accomplices of success and force.
Every member obtained the right of initiative, and could submit a motion in writing.
He was resolved to submit the arbitrary government of his ancestors to the rising forces of the day.
Having recanted before his master at Versailles, it became necessary that he shouldsubmit himself to the new and mysterious authority at the Hôtel de Ville.
When he had promised to submit his report to the Committee of Public Safety before he went to the Assembly, they let him go.
From the engagement to renounce fiscal exemption, and submit to the equal burden of taxation, they did not recede, and they claimed the support of the king.
In spite of all this, I still persevered; and my next step was to submit the subject to royalty.
I submit to the judgment of Congress whether the public credit may not be injuriously affected by a system of measures like this.
I hope soon to be able to submit equally satisfactory conventions of the same character now in the course of negotiation with the respective Governments of Spain, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire.
Profoundly impressed with the propriety of making these important modifications in the Constitution, I respectfully submit them for the early and mature consideration of Congress.
I hope to be able to submit the results of that negotiation to the Senate during its present session.
The sincere desire for peace by which I am animated led me to approve the proposal, already made, to submit the question which had thus arisen between the countries to arbitration.
But if any man will finde it in the Scripture, and proue it by Gods word, I will graunt myne errour, and that I haue fayled: otherwise not, and in that case I will submit me to all lawfull correction and punishment.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "submit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.