From the tepidarium the bather might enter the caldarium or sweating room, an apartment constructed with double walls and floor, between which hot air was made to pass.
The idea of establishing public institutions for the relief of the sick and the poor did not enter the minds of the ancient Romans.
And within the limit of the scene he was always ready to vary his method, to enter the consciousness of any or all the characters at will, without troubling himself about the possible confusion of effect which this might entail.
Her stupid husband and her fascinating lovers will enter the scene in order that she may become whatever she has it in her to be.
No one can enter the grand hall of the haths, without being deeply impressed with the majestic aspect of the edifice, and with the grandeur of its gigantic proportions.
Napoleon would, however, have been one or two days in Paris before Josephine could, by any possibility, re-enter the city.
Let us make the armistice general for all the armies, and enter into negotiations instantly.
Napoleon so far surrendered on the third day, as to enter the apartment of Josephine.
In vain was it declared to him that France was ready to enter into a separate negotiation.
The troops were collected in various places in the vicinity of Dijon, ready at a moment's warning to assemble at the point of rendezvous, and with a rush to enter the defile.
Now that America and Germany are at war, it is not possible for an American to enter the German Empire.
Now it is very hard for even a neutral to enter Germany.
As a final lesson, the boys were instructed in the elementary theory of gun pointing, a much too technical subject toenter into here.
Or the papers you fill out when you enter a prize heifer at the county fair," continued the incorrigible red-headed youth.
Take these two recruits to the ship's writer, and have him enter them in the ship's records.
Tears rolled down the ensign's face as he begged to be allowed to enter the turret.
The Lord sayeth, 'Noah, with thee will I establish my covenant, and thou shalt enter into the ark.
Penny and her father chose to enter a bakery which adjoined the building.
This den was so fashioned that the water could notenter it, and it was lit by the light of a fire that shone brightly in the midst of it.
But Frithiof was often homesick, and longed to enter a harbor, and lead again a life of peace.
As if some lesser god had made the world, But had not force to shape it as he would, Till the High God behold it from beyond, And enter it, and make it beautiful?
He called all the rivers together and said, "Give full rein to your torrents; enter houses; break through all dams!
Again the arrow did not enter the flesh, but fell at the feet of the monster.
So Twardowski determined toenter the gates of hell.
It was pleasant that he had no connection with disciplinary matters; and thus he was able to enter into a friendly intercourse with the undergraduates, not checked or hampered by any necessity to find fault or to offer advice.
Hugh had shown him that he was pecuniarily independent; but he was aware that in the background of his father's mind lay the hope that, even so late in life, he might still be drawn to enter the ministry of the Church.
No choice was given us, so far as we knew, as to whether we would enter the world or not, nor about the circumstances which were to surround us.
He was always ready to sympathise, to enter into any suggestion; he suppressed himself and his own tastes completely and utterly; and he found too, to his vast delight, that he could be entertaining and amusing.
It was impossible for Hugh to enter upon neutral, civil, colourless relations.
It is an absolute necessity," he said, "to enter into the psychology of Midwinter.
He would enter the house by means of the key an hour or two before Morse and the servants were due, conceal himself within it, and do what he had to do in the silent hours of the night.
At noon on that day the blast of a cavalry bugle was the signal that any settler might enter and stake out his claim.
It would not be worth while toenter into the details of the numerous Indian conflicts after the Civil War.
The second reason was the ambition of Hanna to enter the Senate.
At the opening of the campaign, then, it was evident that class and sectional hatreds would enter largely into the contest.
The interchange of notes had made two things clear; that the concern of the United States in the war was intimate, and that the people of this country would know definitely the purposes of the conflict before they decided to enter it.
In practice, new elements do enter into the situation so that the theory requires much qualification.
Roosevelt himself refused to enterany fight for a nomination and announced, "I will go further and say that it would be a mistake to nominate me unless the country has in its mood something of the heroic.
At first Taft did not actively enter the contest, but the efforts of Roosevelt were so successful and his charges against the President so numerous that he felt compelled to take the stump.
If no new elements enter into the situation, the value of each piece becomes half as great as before, its purchasing power is cut in two and prices double.
Nevertheless, for the ensuing five months the problem of our international relations, and especially the question whether we ought to enter the World War, continued to divide the American people into hostile camps.
First promise that you won't attempt toenter the camp without permission!
The others waved their hats, and made suggestive motions toward the small inlet, to show that a boat could enter the cove where the stream of water emptied into the Big Lake.
Ten to one that if you are ahead when we come to the bay, they'll go on past, and never enter at all.
Almost overpowered by the terrible fumes as he was, it looked like adding insult to injury when his own chums turned against him, and refused to let him enter the camp.
We have now to enter upon the important inquiry as to whether Scripture reveals an analogous dispensation with respect to the rest of mankind.
This remark may serve to introduce the final stage of the general argument, which I now proceed to enter upon.
There are other considerations relating to the future judgment which it is necessary to enter into in order to complete the argument for the immortality of all men.
This preliminary inquiry I now proceed to enter upon.
And there shall not enter into it anything unclean, and that worketh abomination and lying, but only they that are written in the Lamb's book of life" (xxi.
I am going to re-enter the tranquil class of the industrious citizens.
Enter Fredericka, (with a glass of wine, and a crust of bread on a plate.
As soon as you approach the intellectual and moral life of man, you enter a region in which you have to do with a new order of facts.
He was so glad that Bonhag had suggested that she might enter the cell, for it would be a grim procedure talking to her through a barred door.
The great thing was to connect the Atlantic and the Pacific by steel, to bind up the territorially perfected and newly solidified Union, or to enter upon some vast project of mining, of which gold and silver were the most important.
Now, gentlemen, I am not going to enter into a long-winded discussion of these points at this time, since the testimony is going to show very rapidly what the facts are.
To enter by sheer force was easy enough in most instances where the business conducted was in contradistinction to the moral sentiment of the community; but sometimes one encountered violent opposition from the tenants themselves.
Why should he enter into his (Butler's) home, of all places, to establish a clandestine relationship of this character?
He watched him enter his carriage, thinking "So that is the railsplitter, the country lawyer.
Those who can enter into the heart of Shinran ShÅnin will have gained understanding of the heart of a mighty people which is said to be impossible of Western reading, and yet in its essentials is simple as the heart of a child.
Therefore he certainly received at that time the true meaning of the Divine Promise of universal salvation, and attained unto the imperishable faith by which alone the ignorant can enter into Nirvana without condition or price.
At that time alone, when we enter into the wisdom of the faith, shall we be ourselves like unto them that would return good unto the Buddha for His Grace.
And again: “There is not even one among tens of thousands who may enter it.
By that faith alone, like unto a jewel of price, we who in this sinful world have our being, may enter into the Eternal Kingdom, being eternally freed from the yoke of birth and death.
Whoso hath known himself the slave of illusion shall yet, relying on the Power of the Holy Promise, enter into the immortal joy of the Truth, and all his earthly body shall fall from him.
He that hath ascended unto the height of the Lesser Enlightenment, accepting the Divine Promise of the Holy Name, shall enter into the Great Nirvana, being made equal unto the Bodhisattva Maitreya.
Only he that seeketh refuge in the Eternal Father shall enter into Buddhahood as a pebble is transmuted into gold.
If we enterinto the ark of the Holy Vow, The spirit of mercy shall take part with our self-endeavour.
Further he setteth forth how few are the men who can enter into the True Land of Purity.
Shotoku the Prince, from his Compassion, hath persuaded us to enterin at the Divine Promise of the wondrous wisdom of the Light-Bearer.
Yet, to whomsoever wouldenter the Promised Land, created in the power of His Divine Vow, is belief in his own strength impotent.
Having cast away from him all trust in the righteous deeds of the sages, Doshaku-Zenji, the Great Teacher, hath taught us to enter in at the only gate that is the Gospel of the Pure Land.
He hath set before us how the five right deeds differ from the confused deeds that are outside the Five, so that mankind may enter the way of the Sole Practice.
To us that in this world are sinners most sinful, there is none other way of Salvation save that we should enter into the Land of Purity, by reciting the holy name of Him who is our Father.
If the babe was a girl, then the mother was unfit for eighty days, to enter the house of God, or to touch the sacred tongs and snuffers.
Why did he not again enter the temple and end the old dispute with demonstration?
Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord.
It was the policy of the devil toenter into discussion with her when she was alone.
Read the twelfth chapter of Leviticus, and you will see that when a woman became the mother of a boy she was so unclean that she was not allowed to touch a hallowed thing, nor to enter the sanctuary for forty days.
The suspension of the ferocity of the savage beasts during their continuance in the ark, is generally considered as an apt figure of the change that takes place in the disposition of sinners when they enter the true church of Christ.
In the Book of Isaiah it is written: “Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty.
When the channel of the human soul is cleansed of all worldly and impeding attachments, it will unfailingly perceive the breath of the Beloved across immeasurable distances, and will, led by its perfume, attain and enter the City of Certitude.
Ye shall follow in their wake, and shall be made to enter a habitation wherein none shall be found to befriend or help you.
Haste ye to enter into Paradise, as a token of Our mercy unto you, and drink ye from the hands of the All-Merciful the Wine that is life indeed.
Return, then, and cleave wholly unto God, and cleanse thine heart from the world and all its vanities, and suffer not the love of any stranger to enter and dwell therein.
Others ere long will lay hands on what ye possess, and enterinto your habitations.
It was also usual, on this day, for such of the citizens as chose to enter into the amusements, to wear a piece of buck-tail in their hats, or in some conspicuous part of their dress.
Over the door through which the bulls enter rises a sort of sloping platform which is called the toril, and well for him who can find a place there!
As you enter the vast hall your heart gives a leap, your blood tingles, and you stand still on the threshold like one demented.
You leave the courtyard, mount a flight of stairs, enter an upper gallery, and look around: it is another court, silent and deserted.
Before the show begins the people are allowed toenter the arena and to walk through all the passages of the building.
While we are speaking of shops let us enter a tobacco-shop and notice how it differs from our own.
One may enter the circus by many doors, but before entering one is deafened by the noise.
I tried to enter the sanctuary, but I could not have done so without passing over the shoulders of a hundred worshippers, some of whom had already begun to look surly because I was going around with a note-book and pencil in my hand.
I enter a hotel, and leave it immediately, and begin to wander at random through the city.
Now enter the cork in the mouth, B, and pull out the diaphragm again to allow the cork to pass to its place in the mouth of the cyanide bottle, which stopping is of course fatal to the insect.
She was about to turn away in despair when through the wicker gate she saw Winnie, attended by one of the zenana girls, enter the garden.
What would they do but beat them and torture them for permitting any one to enter the cave?
On the pain of death no soldier might enter the house.
Clear headed, as Ramabai had said, she recollected the palanquin which had been last to enter the garden of brides.
No one could leave the house or enter it without scrutiny and question.
My men are not permitted to enter the palace, Ahmed.
Not even a privileged dancing girl mightenter now.
Ironically Umballa bade the fishermen to enter to eat and drink what they liked.
Take me there, you, and I will enter without harm.
The majordomo was permitted to enter without question.
You are a brave man, Ramabai, toenter the lion's den in this fashion.
He desired to enter the city to the shrilling of reeds and the booming of tom-toms; to impress upon this unruly populace that he, Durga Ram, was a man of his word, that when he set out to accomplish a thing it was as good as done.
It may be said generally that a game is a contest of skill for two or more persons, into which we enter either for amusement or to win a prize.
The central square can, of course, be ignored, since no knight can ever enter it.
To avoid repetitions by reversal and reflection, we need only consider cuts that enter at the points a, b, and c.
Therefore we must at one time or another enter the centre, and every alley will be traversed twice.
By making a = 0 and b = 1 in the above expressions we find the first case, and enter hr.
Whether a kite would fly at such a height, or support such a weight, are questions that do not enter into the problem.
In case B you cannot enter at a, or you will get the cut provided for in E.
Then it is very clearly seen that if we enter at A we must come out at B; if we enter at C we must come out at D.
Illustration] It will be seen that this skater has marked on the ice sixty-four points or stars, and he proposes to start from his present position near the corner and enter every one of the points in fourteen straight lines.
But he always put off his visit to C as long as possible, for trade reasons that I need not enter into.
And first of all we will assume that we are trying to enter a maze (that is, get to the "centre") of which we have no plan and about which we know nothing.
Of course, E is a peculiar type, and obviously admits of only one way of cutting, for you clearly cannot enterat b or c.
He was then ready toenter college, but had no money.
No, no, it is impossible that such a thought could enter your imagination.
LOVE TAMED THE LION I would not enter on my list of friends, (Though graced with polished manners and fine sense, Yet wanting sensibility), the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm.
Everything he saw aroused his astonishment and interest, and served to educate him for the larger life on which he was to enter later.
Business ought not to be allowed to enter Paradise.
When John paid his usual visit to the study before he went to bed, the Doctor did not hear him enter the room.
They will spend a few weeks in New York, and early in March Miss Barclay will enter the state university to do some post-graduate work in English, and Mrs. Barclay will return to Sycamore Ridge.
She shuddered and continued: "But the soul doesn't enter even remotely into his scheme of things.
That phase of the case did not enter his consciousness, though it was placarded on the bill-boards and had been printed in the Banner a thousand times during the campaign.
It says, 'Except ye come as a little child, ye shall in no wise enter the Kingdom.
Rather let us climb Main Street and turn into Lincoln Avenue and enter the room where Martin Culpepper sits writing the Biography of Watts McHurdie.