Food was so much in advance of its ordinary price that my men, in common with thousands of other coolies, were doing their hard work on starvation rations.
He wished to remain here; I wished to go on; but as I could not understand his Chinese explanation, nor advance any protest except in English, of which he was innocent, I could only look aggrieved and make a virtue of a necessity.
As each man drooped his head upon the earth another was there to take his place; and so the advance was maintained.
The Indians, believing this initial attack of white troops to be the immediate advance guard of an overwhelming force, withdrew in something very like panic.
It meant that following on its heels the great northern posts were pouring out their thousands of troops, and that a general advance was in progress.
The head of the advance was within three hundred yards of the stockade.
Yet it must not be forgotten that the advance of the microscope and bacteriological method and technique have played a large share in this development.
Hence, from a variety of causes, it has come about that the advance has been phenomenal.
The advance of science has been so rapid, and its place in modern life has become so dominant, that it is needful to revise continually the statement of its results, and to put these in a form that is intelligible and attractive.
An undulatory serpentine movement, with apparently little advancebeing made.
Probably we must look to the advance of bacteriological science to answer this and similar questions at all adequately.
When more accurate knowledge was attained respecting fermentation, great advance was consequently made in the etiology of disease.
A series of scientific books, such as has been planned, should be assured of a wide circulation, and should contribute greatly to the advance and diffusion of scientific knowledge.
Yet the observations necessary for these deductions were a definite step in advance of mere dampness of soil.
She stood in the open space beside the bench, just off the pathway leading from the gate to the house, along which he must advance should he decide to proceed farther.
For some time he stood silent and motionless as if uncertain what to do, then he began to advance slowly in her direction.
One result of this movement was a slight advance in municipal self-government.
The alliances, counter-alliances and far-reaching political combinations which spring up at every advance of the greater powers are often perplexing in the absence of records of the states concerned.
The prophets who had marked in the past the advent of Assyrians and Chaldeans now fixed their eyes upon the advance of Cyrus, confident that the fall of Babylon would bring the restoration of their fortunes.
The Judaean annals then relate Hazael's advance to Gath; the city was captured and Jerusalem was saved only by using the Temple and palace treasure as a bribe.
The first seriousadvance of the Federals forced him back at once, and he was freely criticized and denounced for what, in ignorance of the facts, the Southern press and people regarded as a weak and irresolute defence.
This circumstance might, if it stood alone, be explained by placing Joel with Zephaniah in the brief interval between the decline of the empire of Nineveh and the advance of the Babylonians.
His progress, however, was checked by the advance of Charles V.
Right here," Mr. Baker replied, rising from his camp chair and walking about fifteen feet to the stake that the prisoner had designated as indicating the line beyond which any hostile advance must be regarded as a foreign invasion.
We are armed, and any further advance on your part will be met with the use of our weapons.
The slip is the difference between the amount which the propeller actually advances per turn and the amount which it would advance if turning in a solid medium.
After this it will again gradually advance for six hours; and then recede in the same time to its former situation, rising and falling alternately twice a day, or in the space of about twenty-four hours.
Of course, they had had leisure to prepare themselves, thinking a long time in advance of that supreme moment.
In the third, which cut obliquely toward the right and seemed to run to the bank nearest Krestowsky Ostrow, she saw him advance slowly at first, then more quickly among the small trees and hedges.
He watched her with fearful intentness as he continued his cautious advance upon the stall.
He said he would write to "Journey's End" for advance sheets and make it a first-page feature the day it appeared.
My aim was to advance the ideal of American drama; that was all.
The factory had been one of the largest employers of labor in Montgomery, and its suspension was reported to be due to the refusal of the First National to advance money for its next maturing weekly pay-roll.
The army had already been ordered to move forward to Naarden, and they were directed to accompany the advance guard, and to expect their reply at the gates of their own city.
Several soldiers allowed themselves to be run through the body by their own officers, rather than advance to the wails, and the assault was accordingly postponed to an indefinite period.
The amalgamated industries acquiesce to a general immediate advance of 1f.
On one occasion he was so determined to fight in the front of the battle, they had to refuse to advance until he went back.
Another time, he was seen to advance in the midst of firing, stoop, and pick something up.
I have been enabled to supply the means which were yet needed for house-keeping; and I had likewise sufficient to advance last evening all that is needed for house-keeping for this week, and to meet 38l.
I have been able to meet all the extra expenses of the work, and advance money for the week's house-keeping; but have now again scarcely anything left.
Without any difficulty I had been able to meet all the expenses as they occurred; but now all our money was gone, and this evening I had again to advance the means for a week's house-keeping, whilst there was nothing in hand.
Thus I was again able to advance this evening the means for the house-keeping expenses of the coming week, and have a few shillings left.
I knew that on the 31st I should have to advance again at least 20l.
Orphans, whilst I had before me the prospect of having to advancethis day 30l.
I had enough to advance the house-keeping expenses to the matrons of the four Orphan-Houses for the coming week, and to meet some other expenses.
Thus I have been enabled to advance the needful sum requisite for the house-keeping expenses till next Tuesday evening, and to meet several extra expenses.
Tuesday evening, I was able to advancethe money needed for house-keeping during the coming week.
I have been enabled to meet all the extra expenses of the week, and to advance for the house-keeping expenses of the coming week.
I was thus able to advance all that was needed for house-keeping, and what was left I put by for rent and material for clothes, which have been ordered, trusting in God for fresh supplies for next Tuesday.
Thus I have 9l, to advance tomorrow for house-keeping.
As to her name he had neither thought it opportune nor proper to advance inquiries.
He passed far behind the fighting front and presently came above a certain confusion of ground which marked an advance depot.
The plan was to advance upon the herd from the base of this strip of land and force them out into the lake where the huge animals would be at a disadvantage upon the slippery ice.
At evening some women were gazing out across the river in the twilight, and they saw a man come up out of the river and advance toward the village.
The men were widely deployed in front and over a wide extent on both sides far in advance of the moving column.
To mark the course of Whitecrow's horse the sod was removed in horse-track shaped sections consecutively from the point of advance from the village round the place of combat and returning to the village.
He will do all that can he done to check the advance of the invaders and hold out fortresses against them.
The others could not see for a while--their eyes were dazzled; and in the roar and rattle of artillery overhead nothing could be heard of the silent advance of those darkened hulls as they slipped like ghosts through the water.
Humphrey, whose skill in finding his way in the dark, and whose powers as a guide had been tested before now, was sent on in advance with a handful of men, to give warning of any impending peril to be passed or encountered.
If he has also sent a message directing Bougainville to advance at the same time from Cap Rouge and fall upon the English rear, it might well be that the invaders would be cut to pieces.
Rogers' fault was ever a daring rashness, and when one day he and his little band saw the advance of a party of Indians, he drew his men under cover and greeted them with a hot and fatal fire.
They set to work with hearty goodwill, muffling their oars, and preparing for their noiseless advance into the harbour.
And if General Amherst with his great army should succeed in capturing Ticonderoga and Crown Point, and should advance upon us by the interior, and steal upon us from behind, what then?
It was plain that Colin was only a little in advance of a portion of the defeated army, whose soldiers were now flocking back to the city, spreading panic everywhere.
Disquieting rumours of an advance from Ticonderoga were every day coming to their ears.
If our boats go down in advance of these, they may do so almost unchallenged.
We say it is "explanation"; but it is only in "description" that we are in advance of the older stages of knowledge and science.
The greatest advance of the masses hitherto has been religious war, for it proves that the masses have begun to deal reverently with conceptions of things.
Having put these in place duplicate them in exactly the same manner and dimensions from the upper frame The cross pieces on which the ends of the rudder beams are clamped should be placed about one foot in advance of the rear frame beam.
There can be no advance because it is a contest between two evenly matched forces.
If we compare the bird figures with those made possible by the development of the aeroplane it will be readily seen that man has made a wonderful advance in imitating the results produced by nature.
As a commercial proposition the manufacture and sale of motor-equipped aeroplanes is making much more rapid advance than at first obtained in the similar handling of the automobile.
In fixing upon the probable approximate weight in advance of construction much, of course, must be assumed.
Still again it will extend one wing tip in advance of the other, or be spreading or folding, lowering or raising its tail.
No one opposed their advance across the open and they reached the gate without discovery here they halted a minute.
We were up near the lead and we had to run fairly well in advance of the main body.
There are few men who will advance into the face of certain death.
The pirate chief held the advantage when the two came together, for he had the impetus of his advance behind him, while Jack was off his balance when they grappled.
And by not leaving the tool behind him for someone else, he made not only a tremendous step in advance in the satisfaction of his needs, but also took a step higher in the social scale of his tribe.
The assailants were allowed toadvance far into the mighty maze of streets and byways with so little resistance, that they began to think that the great city would fall an easy prey to them after all.
The Turkish army, which had retreated before it, had concentrated upon Gallipoli, where, in conjunction with the allied British and Turkish Squadrons holding the Dardanelles, it prepared to advance to the relief of Constantinople.
The Moslem forces were permitted to advance without the slightest molestation to Scutari and Lamsaki, and on the evening of the 28th of November the Sultan took up his quarters in Scutari.
She would tell him in advance that her father had remained in Tanis, so he need not fear recognition and betrayal.
Hosea, accompanied by his attendant, had ridden southward several hours full of gladsome courage and rich in budding hopes, when just before dusk he saw a vast multitude moving in advance of him.
With these enthusiastic masses, to whom bold advance would secure the highest good, and timid hesitation could bring nothing save death and ruin, they had expected to rush over the Etham line as if it were a pile of faggots.
He soon overtook the rear ranks, passed on in advance of the others, and at last reached their leader's side and, calling his uncle by name, gave his own.
As the people approached the steep pass Hur, with more of the rescued prisoners, came to meet them, and hurrying in advance of all the rest was young Reuben, Milcah's lost husband.
The men and cattle could no longer advance in ranks as wide as before, and while the files of the hurrying bodies narrowed they lengthened, and precious time was lost.
Yet, even if they persisted in following the runaway, the captive warrior no longer feared the worst, for Ephraim had gained a long advance of his pursuers.
One after another fleet-footed man or boy, hurrying in advance of the rest, had reached Succoth.
The idea is that England will advance the money, and that the English House of Commons will guarantee the interest, with some counter-guarantee from the colonies that this interest shall be duly paid.
Understanding the frontier is a great thing in Western America, across which the vanguard of civilization continues to march on in advance from year to year.
You will always find in his cabin some newspaper, some book, some token of advance in education.
That labor will be honorable all the world over as years advance and the millennium draws nigh, I for one never doubt.
He takes no pains to commend it as an advance in point of truth upon the old faith, and does not once even avow his own intellectual identification with it.
None was within sight; and I was about to go down again in profound dejection, when I saw a trim little sail-boat shoot out from behind a neighboring bluff, and advance along the shore.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "advance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.