The laws and usages of all civilized nations evince the propriety of an oath on such occasions, and the more solemn and important the deposit, the more strong and explicit ought the obligation to be.
The laws and usages of all civilized nations evince the propriety of an oath on such occasions; and the more solemn and important the deposit, the more strong and explicit ought the obligation to be.
These concessionsevince the progress which the people of the United States were then making towards both a national character and a national feeling.
To say that they evince precocity of intellect, gives no idea of their main characteristics.
Her father, after her departure, had begun to evincemuch restless perturbation.
House; the earl himself had never scrupled to evince a distaste to the change in society which was slowly converting an agricultural into a trading population.
The whole town was under obligation to him; he had served all classes of society, and they all wished to evince their gratitude to him.
My whole life, my whole future, shall evince but gratitude toward Thee, who art the God of love.
These facts surely evince that atmospheric air owes its fluidity to caloric.
His relation to, and mission by, the Father and the Son, clearly evince his personal distinction.
I know that the guard has been bribed, or they would evince more interest by pursuing them.
About the year 1883 a spirit of inquiry commenced to manifest itself among the members of the Kimball family, causing them to "feel after" and evince more interest in each other's welfare.
The way to evincethe greatest hatred for vice is not indeed to allow it to prevail for a long time and then chastise it, but to crush it before its birth, that is, prevent it from showing itself anywhere.
Would not time unfold qualities in her which I did not at present suspect, and which would evince an incurable difference in our minds?
She made me no answer, but somewhat in her looks seemed to evince that my favourable prepossessions were just.
A few ledges of rock now and then started from amid these mild beauties, as if to evince that we were still in the vicinity of wilder scenery.
I am not quite certain as to the accuracy of my quotation, or I should at once feel sure that I had discovered the reason why so many of our beaux and belles evince such a horror of mental attainments.
If Black Bruin knew that these were his offspring, he did not evince much interest in them, while White Nose would hardly let him go near them.
After that Black Bruin saw the old bear and her two cubs often, but she would not let him come near them, and did not evince much friendliness for him.
The young women and girls show that they partake in the festivity by smiles, and are scrupulous to evince their attention to the elder part of the company.
As the population of Georgia expanded and approached the Indian settlements, the evils of the mixed political system alluded to began strongly to evince themselves.
No people are more easy, or less clamorous under sufferings of the deepest dye, and none more happy, or more prone to evince their happiness, when prosperous in their affairs.
The restraint and ever watchful suspicion which they evince at the frontier post, or in other situations exposed to the scrutiny and cupidity of white men, is thrown aside and gives way to ease, sociability and pleasantry.
They evince an advancing condition, and are surrounded by circumstances eminently favorable to it.
The teacher should lose no opportunity to evince his respect for their opinions.
They must evince a more anxious and watchful desire to notice and approve what is right in them, than to condemn that which is wrong.
Is he then afraid openly to evince himself my friend?
The punishment imposed on the king by his spiritual adviser was, that he should evince his contempt for the talismanic properties of the parchment packet, by immediately opening it.
About this time the prince de Soubise, anxious to evince that he no longer retained any feelings of coolness towards me, requested his mistress, madame de l'Hopital, to call upon me.
I only wished to evince to him the regret I experienced at not seeing all the members of his family like him: this is all.
What eager curiosity did the pious nuns evince to behold one of whom they had heard so much even in their quiet retreat, and how many questions had I to reply to from those who had the courage to address me.
Alexander had the opportunity to requite this favor, through a divine interposition vouchsafed to him, it was said, for the express purpose of enabling him to evince his gratitude.
Ptolemy was not a man to act decidedly against such a demonstration, or, in fact, to evince either calmness or courage in any emergency whatever.
Those who attend regularly, evince a capacity to acquire knowledge, equaling the whites, and one of our schools will suffer nothing, in comparison with common country schools.
In fact, nearly all the peculiar varieties evince a tendency, more or less strongly marked, to reproduce themselves by seed.
It probably struck his great mind, that such an act might evince too much personal attention for a commander in chief to possess.
His future conduct, his lordship concluded, would best evince his gratitude for the distinguished honours which had been conferred on him.
But he apprehended gentlemen were deceived in their principle--he did not believe the doctrine that money confers importance, and he wished toevince to the world, that money, under this Government would have no such effect.
I apprehend, if through the interference of the General Government the slave trade was abolished, it would evince to the people a disposition towards a total emancipation, and they would hold their property in jeopardy.
My view is only to appeal to facts, to evince the importance of the fishery as a means of naval protection.
To evince this fact, he said he would now read the journal he had before alluded to.
General Government, it would evince a disposition to total emancipation, and the property be in jeopardy, 202; is the whole morality of the United States confined to Quakers?
These observations are sufficient, no doubt, to evince the necessity of doing something with respect to the Western territory, and something different from what has hitherto been done.
The instructions given to the Commissioners evince a moderation and equity proceeding from a sincere love of peace and a liberality having no restriction but the essential interests and dignity of the United States.
The nature of our situation, and the navigating disposition of a considerable proportion of our citizens, evince still more the propriety of some Naval Establishment.