Mr. Hildreth is mighty particular about how things are run at Rainbow Hill and I thought I could save you future trouble by warning you.
It might be said of Rosemary that no future was ever else than rosy to her ardent gaze.
When relating this dream to a lady, she was asked whether she had formerly been in the habit of seeking by any means, the aid of the devil, in order to know future events; it having been asserted that many of the Gipsies had done so.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof; why should we then afflict ourselves about ill-fortune in future years?
It may be hoped the knowledge she gained while in service may be useful to her at some future time.
Tea being proposed, the old woman expressed her surprise that she had not seen her visitor for so long a time, saying she was glad she was come, as she wanted her to tell her many things, meaning future events.
They forget that the Gipsy fortune-teller has often made herself acquainted with their connexions, business, and future prospects, and consider not that God commits not his secrets to the wicked and profane.
Many of these idle soothsayers endeavour to persuade the people whom they delude, that the power to foretell future events, is granted to them from heaven, to enable them to get bread for their families.
It was said that they were all confined, and would at a future period be transported.
Such an evening, perhaps, as that which led the patriarch of old to meditation, when he lifted up his eyes and saw the returning servants of his father bringing home his future wife.
I would have you recollect that you have now a proposal made you of bettering their present and future condition.
The Wrong of Slavery, the Right of Emancipation, and the Future of the African Race in the United States.
Mr. Hutton of this town, for our future residence.
Indeed, this knowledge alone was worth all the trouble I had taken, and to attempt much more than this, in the face of a curiosity already roused, would have been a waste of future opportunities.
The arrangement was admirable in that it relieved the tedium of the hour for the sitter; and gave her face an expression of animated interest that, truthfully fixed upon the canvas, should insure the fame and future of any painter.
I do not wonder that you feel a presentiment that your artistic future is to be shaped here; for between these influences and the other influences that will be brought to bear upon you, you will be forced to decide.
I shall keep you in mind for some future occasion.
With an oath and a profane wish for her futureupon his lips, the end came.
The people rejoiced that they were freed from the cruelty of his ruthless tyranny, little knowing what new horrors the grim future had in store for them.
On one side of them rolled the muddy waters of the Tiber, from which they had been snatched when infants, and around them rose the other elevations over which the "seven-hilled" city of the future was destined to spread.
There it was burned, that no future tyrant could treat it as that of Marius had been, though up to that time the Cornelian gens, to which Sulla belonged, had always buried their dead.
Some future historian, as able and temperate as Professor Ranke, will, we hope, trace the progress of the Catholic revival of the nineteenth century.
It seems to us, therefore, that we have no security for the future against the prevalence of any theological error that ever has prevailed in time past among Christian men.
Barère had not, it is true, yet attained to full perfection in the art of mingling jests and conceits with words of death; but he already gave promise of his future excellence in this high department of Jacobin oratory.
Whole nations then renounced Popery without ceasing to believe in a first cause, in a future life, or in the divine mission of Jesus.
But tell me, I pray thee--this Lady Tiphaine, who readeth the futureas a pilot reads the stars, hath she ever told aught of thy destiny?
Bertrand goes forth at hazard into the wood, and meets there the pilgrim monk; and he, who knoweth the future as I know the blazonry of mine own escutcheon, tells the boy that he is chosen of Heaven to be the champion of the land!
Knight am I none as yet," said the future hero of Brittany, with a slight flush; "but I am he of whom thou art pleased to speak so far beyond his deserving.
Without doubt she can read the future as I would the face of the sky; and there is such might in her lightest word that none may say her nay.
She dreaded the future for her boy cousin without his protector, and half wished him dead and safe from temptation.
On the day before the football match Bolsover was staggered, and, so to speak, struck all of a heap by the announcement that in future the school tuck-shop would be closed until after the dinner hour!
Since Saturday morning his eyes had never closed, and yet, strange as it may seem, he could take in no more of the future than what lay before him on this one night.
In most respects he is as well able to picture the futureof Jeffreys, and Raby, and Percy, and Tim as I am.
In the end, the rule of uniformity was left unbroken, and it was left tofuture experience or local arrangement to meet the wants of the smaller places, not now reached by the mails.
Even while Lot, Ishmael, and Esau are thus being cut off, the greatest care is taken to keep the descent of the future nation pure to the blood of Terah's house.
While herding his sheep in the mountains called Horeb (Sinai), Moses received at the burning bush that personal revelation of the God of his fathers, which lay at the base of all his future labors for God and his people.
Such connection was not without importance for hisfuture service as apostle to the Gentiles.
Details of future events, especially times and seasons, are not intended to be revealed, but rather great principles both of good and of evil, which manifest themselves in various ways in the subsequent history of the Church.
Not all, even of Abraham's family, were to become part of the future people of God.
Those sons of his are to become the heads of the future nation of the "twelve tribes", Acts 26:7.
Again Moses looks forward to the realization in the future of the ideal communication between God and his people typified in the prophet.
The wicked Giantess was well aware, when she gave you the form of a Green Monkey, that the Green Monkey must exist in the Land of Oz for allfuture time.
As for Woot, being a Wanderer by profession, he was allowed to wander wherever he desired, and Ozma promised to keep watch over his future journeys and to protect the boy as well as she was able, in case he ever got into more trouble.
However, there is little doubt that they both knew that a critical moment in their lives had arrived, and that Nimmie Amee's decision was destined to influence the future of one or the other.
He is as cheerful and as inconsequent as ever, and his plans for the future seem to me, although I am not a practical woman of business, more sketchy than well defined.
And then he adds as usual that his tailor and other similar friends ought to be considered, and the more important the function the firmer his future credit will be.
I can only dimly conjecture Peter's dismay if he were asked to pass the Hamburger steak to Mr. Wilkinson, yet that is the shadowy future awaiting him.
Future history resolves itself, in their eyes, into the propaganda and the practical carrying out of their social plans.
The Communists fight for the attainment of the immediate aims, for the enforcement of the momentary interests of the working class; but in the movement of the present, they also represent and take care of the future of that movement.
Although the present tense of the verb is usually expressed by the auxiliary, the Highlanders also use the future tense to express the present.
He is celebrated for his beauty, which led finally to his death, as will be seen in a future poem.
Thy pride is all gone, for all thy future days, None are now left of thy band but thyself.
Silvia is the future bride of the one, and the future daughter-in-law of the other.
The next year, 1720, however, was one of the utmost importance in determining his future career.
Whatever he saw became food for meditation, and, if not used at once, was treasured up for future need.
Modern syntax requires the future after the imperative, instead of the conditional present.
So for the moment the family cares were not so heavy as in the future they would assuredly be, when the little boys' schooling would have to be thought of, and college, or starting them in the world, beyond that again.
I should like her to know some day," and his blue eyes gazed out into the future wistfully.
I confess that I am one of the unconvinced grumblers, and that I doubt the present or future existence of any government in England, strong enough to convert the people to your income-tax principles.
If Browne should suggest anything for the future which may enable him to do you justice in copying (on which point he is very anxious), I will communicate it to you.
However, it shall not interfere with my determination to address you as Old Parr in all future time.
For all this it is an indubitable fact, I conceive, that Russia MUST BE stopped, and that the future peace of the world renders the war imperative upon us.
And now began that close and loving intimacy which for the future was to exist between these two families.
I shall have more than one notion of future work to suggest to you while we are beguiling the dreariness of an arctic winter in these parts.
Did that reverend Basket-bearer intend, by such designation, to shadow forth my future destiny, or his own present malign humor?
Is the Past annihilated, then, or only past; is the Future non-extant, or only future?
O Heaven, it is mysterious, it is awful to consider that we not only carry each a future Ghost within him; but are, in very deed, Ghosts!
Lay the roads but open to the view, and the traveller will take the right of course; give but the boy this history to peruse, and his future welfare is almost certain.
We determined, therefore, to examine well before we decided on our future course.
The Mandans, who were careless in providing food for future supplies, also suffered for want of meat, sometimes going for days without flesh food.
A speech was then made, announcing to them the change in the government, our promises of protection, and advice as to theirfuture conduct.
But in future he said they would attend to our words and live at peace.
Captain Lewis then gave him the flag, which he informed him was among white men the emblem of peace; and, now that he had received it, was to be in future the bond of union between them.
After the council was over we consulted as to our future operations.
The declaration is only a display of political fireworks that will dazzle the eyes of the British public for a while, delighting our Little Englanders, but only making the future hazy and possibly more dangerous to deal with.
Round and round again they are marched, but the bids do not rise high enough to effect a sale, and they are locked up again for a future occasion.
Had it but acted with a little firmness, the opening up of this country would have already begun, and there would have been no 'Declaration' which will assuredly give future Foreign Secretaries matter for some anxiety.
Our lord has expressly instructed me to tell thee that in future no excess of the rights guaranteed to foreigners by treaty will be permitted on any account.
It may here be noted, to save future explanation, that when we use the term perpendicular, we mean it to be that applied to a line or lines which run parallel to the side of the board or slate; and horizontal, those parallel to the ends.
Their future destiny seemed the engrossing object of their parents' minds; to bring up these little ones in the fear and love of the Lord, their most earnest desire.
For her part, she should for the future make it a sine qua non with all gentlemen who aspired to her friendship to cultivate moustaches.
It is sincerely to be desired that all need of coercion in future may cease and that an intimate intercourse may succeed, calculated to advance the happiness of the Indians and to attach them firmly to the United States.
I earnestly beg of you, sir, not to lose sight of an object which, as I have already had the honor to tell you verbally, is of the greatest importance for cementing the future commercial connections between the two nations.
In my future endeavor for the public welfare, to which my duty may call me, I shall not cease to count upon the firm, enlightened, and patriotic support of the Senate.
For the fulfillment of your anticipations of the future I can give no other assurance than that the motives which you approve shall continue unchanged.
The proper mode of carrying that resolution into effect, being a subject in which the future character and happiness of these States are deeply involved, will be among the first to deserve our attention.