I have a very different message todeliver to you in the Prince's name.
Well, one fine day this same Kapi came to me, and told me that your Highness had been commanded by the Palatine to arrest and deliver me over to him.
I would deliveryou and your host out of their hands," said Zuelfikar.
He quitted the town last night, and sent back a messenger, who has been waiting outside there ever since dawn to deliver his message.
I mustdeliver a message," replied Beldi evasively.
It was meet that I who could forget a wife who sacrificed herself to deliver me out of the hands of my enemies, should fall into the power of a harlot who would have betrayed me to them.
He insisted that I should deliver him the keys, threatening to punish me if I did not.
And now the moment has come when he must deliver up the insignia of royalty, and, with the natural dignity which so rarely forsakes an Oriental he tenders the keys of the Alhambra.
To deliver the Catholic sovereigns’ message to the King of Granada,†replies Don Juan, proudly.
I had intended to deliver it in person, but after arriving here I found you were still in town.
Or if you prefer to wait until Saturday, you can deliver it in person as you first intended to do.
I shall be very glad, indeed, to deliver your letter, Miss Sturtevant," said Forrester.
The accountant-general willdeliver either blank account-books, or account-books having a certain sum inscribed to the credit of the account-book.
The National Bank shall become a comptabilistic establishment, commissioned todeliver to individuals, to societies, etc.
Ladies and gentlemen, be it my high privilege to deliver this to its real and only owner.
I wish you would deliverit to him," I added, offering a half-crown.
What I please to want is to deliver a letter to a young man in this place; perhaps you be he?
I accept this sword from thy hands, most reverend father; and may God send me an early and sudden death if I fail to deliver thee!
Some blacks deliver it in the lump, and a certain lawyer has been seen to part with it in the form of globules.
The best wish I can send her Majesty is that she may not again have to deliver such a long one, and that the circumstances of her future speeches may be very different.
The man or woman, comes on the stage to deliver one message, and then disappears.
True, God does not always deliver a conscientious man from the special danger before him, but in the forum of conscience, and before the judgment-seat of Christ, he will be righted.
If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliverus from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for Mine own sake, and for My servant David's sake.
My son told the Parliament they had nothing to do with the coinage; that he would maintain the royal authority, and deliver it to the King when he should be of age in the same state as he had found it on his becoming Regent.
Sometimes when he spoke one would say he was stupidity itself; at another time he would deliver himself with astonishing sense.
He had written to my son demanding enormous pensions and rewards; but meeting with a refusal, he went into Spain, where he promised Alberoni to carry off my son, and deliver him into his hands, dead or alive.
The intercession was unnecessary, for two policemen came up in hot pursuit, and the general, who was sitting by, ordered the guard to deliver their prisoner to the civil power.
The fields were not much more lively, but at every landing the whites who came down were in some sort of uniform, and a few negroes were in attendance to take in or deliver goods.
The job was accepted by an Eastern house, which engaged todeliver the cargo at a certain point on the coast within certain limits of time.
When we heard these words we all looked that Jesus should either rebuke the Prophet for his want of faith, or else make some comfortable answer, saying that he would come with speed and deliver the Prophet from his bonds.
But others said that he desired to bid farewell to his mother before he went forth to deliver Israel; and to this most people agreed.
And indeed I myself have often marvelled that Jesus was not moved to adventure to deliver John.
For he could not deliver them which loved him not; no, not though he had worked ten thousand signs in heaven.
Yea, Eliezer himself had confessed as much; for he had said in his letter to Jonathan that, if other means failed, it was purposed to deliver Jesus over to Herod.
And he stood still, and marvelled much because of the power of the things of this world over the mind of man, and yet more because of the power of the Lord to deliver the souls of men from the things of this world.
But all the people listened the more intently; and Jesus gave command that the messengers should deliver their message aloud, and they did so.
Deliver my soul from the sword, my darling also from the power of the dog.
But Nathanael sat musing, while I conversed with Jonathan concerning his return to Sepphoris and concerning certain messages which I desired that he should deliver to my mother.
Wherefore Jesus could not redeem them nor deliver them, even though he had worked a sign in heaven.
Many of them that were in the crowd had been disciples of John; and they cried aloud that the men of Galilee ought to rise up and deliver the prophet.
There is a basis of certainty, sufficiently broad and deep to deliver the mind from concern lest intellectual confusion should arise from continued observation and thought.
Neither science, nor philosophy, nor religion can deliver them from the narrow round of materialism.
In 183 he undertook an embassy to Prusias, king of Bithynia, to induce him to deliver up Hannibal, who forestalled his fate by taking poison.
If the Governor of Virginia wants to speak with us, and deliver us a present from our father (the King), we will meet him at Albany, where we expect the Governor of New York will be present.
To that commander he was to deliver his credentials, and the letter of Governor Dinwiddie, and demand an answer in the name of his Britannic majesty; but not to wait for it beyond a week.
Cobentzel was constantly opposed to this arrangement; he equally refused to deliver Mantua to France as a condition of the armistice in Italy.
He did not consent to deliver to Prince Borghese the ring of the Fisherman, which he wore habitually on his finger, until he had himself broken it.
Deliver Portugal, instead of famishing it," said they.
The prince saw himself compelled to capitulate, and deliver to the English his fleet, with all the materiel of his arsenals.
Mortier was urged to take to a boat, and not deliver to the enemy a marshal of France.
I had resolved to take the earliest opportunity of sending you this information according to my promise, little supposing that I should be able to deliver it under, to me, such unfortunate circumstances.
The natural and proper course for me to pursue was to deliver the lecture first and treat myself to a magnum of champagne afterwards.
As before, he came to a halt immediately on appearing, and coughed in a distressing fashion without making any attempt to deliver his lines.
What I actually did was to treat myself to the magnum of champagne and then deliver the lecture.
Give this ring to the old servant, tell him to deliver it to the judges, but not till the trial.
He has, however, asked me to deliver you his letter, which explains all.
Judge Nelson then proceeded to deliverthe Charge of the Court, in which Judge Shipman, his associate, concurred: The first question presented in this case is, whether or not the Court has jurisdiction of the offence?
To proceed with the prisoners to New York, and deliver them to the civil authorities, I think.
States that they shall deliver up fugitives from service, is as binding in honor and conscience as any other article.
As long as I had no proofs of crime against you, I had cause to fear you; but would you dare now to reveal my real name, now that by one word I can deliver you into the hands of the executioner?
For the love of God, deliver me from this torture!
At the present moment I am powerless; if I took any means to prevent the attempt, he might destroy all evidence of his criminal design, and deliver me up to the authorities of Lucca.
Simon arose and walked towards the door, saying: "It is well; I will go and deliver you up to justice.
Signor, I bring you a message which I would deliver with more pleasure were it less sad.
The least infidelity on my part would make him deliver me into the hands of those who for five years have been seeking me.
Exile me to the ends of the earth; but pardon, pardon, deliver me not to the executioner!
She had no relatives who could pay her ransom, and she had consequently been fastened to the plough like a beast of burden until death should come to deliver her.
Certainly war was one of the most terrible evils to which the world had ever been subjected, and he who should deliver mankind from this curse would be a new Saviour.