This ship was driven to Chincheo under stress of weather, and there everyone in her was well received, when the inhabitants of Chincheo learned that they were coming to trade in China.
The materials are so good and the workmen, both Chinese and natives, so numerous, that everyone is encouraged to build the houses in this manner.
Vouchsafe unto me, through Thy grace, what will enable me to dispense with all except Thee, and destine for me that which will make me independent of everyone else besides Thee.
He is the One Whose grace hath encompassed all that are in the heavens, on earth or elsewhere, and everyone abideth by His behest.
There is no God but Him and at the appointed hour everyone shall bow down unto Him in adoration.
Thus on the Day of Resurrection God will ask everyone of his understanding and not of his following in the footsteps of others.
He directed everyone to await the advent of the Promised Qá’im.
In the case of the Apostle of God—may the blessings of God rest upon Him—before the revelation of the Qur’án everyone bore witness to His piety and noble virtues.
Say, this earthly life shall come to an end, and everyone shall expire and return unto my Lord God Who will reward with the choicest gifts the deeds of those who endure with patience.
Within a very short time after he came home to the Bentley farm he made everyone there a little afraid of him, and his wife, who should have been close to him as his mother had been, was afraid also.
I know what everyone would say is the right thing to do, but what do you say?
I wanted to suffer, you see, becauseeveryone suffers and does wrong.
At night when he went to bed after a long day of adventures in the stables, in the fields, or driving about from farm to farm with his grandfather, he wanted to embrace everyone in the house.
When it began everyone whispered and shook his head.
It seemed to the boy that the man had but one object in view, to make everyone seem despicable.
Louise and her husband did not live happily together and everyone agreed that she was to blame.
To everyonewho came into his shop he talked of the matter, and in his own household he drove his family distracted by his constant harping on the subject.
Everyone in Winesburg is telling me how smart she is.
On Main Street everyone had become excited and a cry for doctors had gone up.
Everyone in the old house became happy after the boy went there.
All arrears of business are made up, all accounts closed and punctually discharged, whilst everyone works his hardest to increase his stock of money.
Everybody wears these leather boots just as everyone is an equestrian.
Hum, you know the proverb, excellency, 'everyone knows where the shoe pinches him.
Oh, how little you know this man with the implacable will, this wild beast with a human face, who pitilessly breaks everyone who dares to resist him.
They are not wanted; everyone knows they are out of place, but they have their way.
This did not pay for his paper and ink, and he tried to make up the difference in advertising income; but as an advertising medium the Declarator was not worth the paper on which it was printed, and everyone knew it.
It was understood that not everyone could gamble there.
She laughed and chattered inconsequently and flirted with all her little might and joked about herself and everyone else and even about David--and who else dared joke about the dominie!
Everyone else thinks me a pleasant or unpleasant kind of fiend.
Everyone knew it to be true, and became frightened to look into the future for themselves.
Everyone believes in the occasional possibility of "curious coincidences.
You are making me ridiculous," he said, "everyone is laughing at me.
Everyone who has mixed with colored people in the East or the West knows what that is, though it is very difficult to describe, being something like warm rancid oil mingled with the fumes of charcoal, with a little worse thrown in.
Another real grievance was that everyone had tried to give her things to bring to friends and relatives in America.
Anyway, you can show this printed account round, and tell everyone that your son helped General Maxwell to hold the Turks back.
Everyone knows the distinctive curve or arch of the foot, and the characteristic imprint which it consequently leaves on the ground.
Does not everyone know that, as between the one who receives, and the one who confers a favor, it is the latter who cares the more, because he has done something?
It is almost as though some natural fluid emanated from them and spread to the others, so profoundly does everyone feel the attraction.
It is also very rare to find a man quite lacking in medial measurements: everyone has a few central measurements and certain others that are eccentric.
The biographic chart will furnish everyone with a document capable of guiding him in his own subsequent self-education.
Misconduct in class, frequent fits of anger, during which he abuses everyone and strikes his smaller comrades.
He proclaimed a great holiday in Atri, and invited everyone to come to the marketplace and see the bell.
Some will not listen to it, and so they complain and make everyone about them miserable.
One night, when everyone was asleep, the house caught fire; and the dog awakened the man in time to save the whole family from burning to death.
Dogvane, in surprise; "then everyone must of a certainty be below.
There came a tap on the door of the private room, and instinctively everyone started.
It seemed for a moment as if everyone was lifted from his feet.
There was a moment's silence, during which everyonelooked at the heartless culprit.
Now a pretty woman in tears is, as everyone knows, a sight to melt a heart of stone, especially if that heart be masculine.
Everyone then, whatever be his religious, philosophical, political, or social principles, must be intolerant of principles which are opposed to his own.
It is a logical necessity for everyoneto be intolerant of principles opposed to his own.
Everyone must have credit for honesty, since one cannot fathom the depths of another's conscience.
The strictest watch was now set upon the house, and everyone leaving it was followed.
Everyone knows that you are in disgrace, and exiled to Paris.
At this call, therefore, there was a general silence; and everyone turned to see who was the fencer whom the great master thus signally deigned to honour.
Everyone was anxious to provide for himself individually, to be prepared for the coming winter.
Everyone there told Francois that it would be foolhardy to attempt such a trip in midwinter, about Christmas, with the cold as great as it was, some four feet of snow lying in the woods, and alone.
Everyone drew his pipe from his pocket, and the pig's bladder filled with tobacco leaves cut by hand, and, after the hour and a half of restraint, began to smoke with evident satisfaction.
Everyone to his own notion," declared Lorenzo Surprenant, with unbiassed mind.
When I was a girl," said mother Chapdelaine, "pretty nearly everyone went off to the States.
Raincoat's nose was broken and that everyone was down on Jean for fighting in an unsportsmanlike way.
Everyone of the prisoners has a marraine, do you understand?
It came and went with a certain sexual velocity, a velocity whose health and vigour made everyone in La Ferté seem puny and old.
The Fighting Sheeney told everyone that to sleep stark-naked was to avoid bugs (whereof everybody, including myself, had a goodly portion).
Despite their natural puzzlement everyone (plantons excepted) was extraordinarily kind and brought us often valuable additions to our chromatic collection.
He is perhaps most curious of this pleasantly sounding thing which everyone around him, everyone who curses and spits upon and bullies him, desires with a terrible desire--Liberté.
He hinted darkly of trouble in store for le noir; and received the commiserations of everyone present except Mexique, The Zulu, B.
Everyone knew, of course, that the Spy had peached.
Here he stood, and threw at everyone (as everyone entered) a hunk of the most extraordinary meat which I have ever had the privilege of trying to masticate--it could not be tasted.
I found Jean still very angry, and moreover very hurt because everyone was now shunning him.
Which everyone took as a matter of course and admitted among themselves that hanging was too good for him.
The doctor arrived in half an hour's time, but only to say what everyone knew for himself when he saw that Berthelin had never regained consciousness--namely, that the wound was mortal.
The stories of his youth were known by everybody: I have only related a twentieth part of these anecdotes in order to enable everyone else to add another fresh story about his most eventful life.
The musicians were playing the first bars of a quadrille; everyonesprang up to take his partner's hand.
Two days passed, during which everyone held forth upon the event at leisure; then, all at once, the rumour spread abroad that the assassin had been arrested.
Everyone who was not already in the quarry at once retreated to it; the last man who descended removed the ladder, and, for twenty-four hours, not one of the colony had the courage to go near the opening.
I guessed at first that I was late and everyone was already in school.
So we see opinion concerning the Egyptian expedition was unanimous: everyone suffered, everyone complained, everyone longed to get back to France.
At both houses many dogs were kept, at Monte Cristo only were piles of gold left lying about for everyone to help himself.
Everyone rushed towards the door, and when it opened it gave entrance to the strangest Meg Merrilies that the imagination of any Walter Scott could ever conceive.
Everyone began hiding his valuables, burying what he considered most precious.
Everyone was close attention, knew that there would be a row, When the chairman said that "Mr. Murphy will oblige us now.
Everyone there had been particularly nice and polite to her, to Ellen Green; there had been a time of waiting in a room upstairs in the old inn, and the witnesses had been accommodated, not only with chairs, but with cake and wine.
Now everyone was talking of The Avenger and his crimes!
And in the nick of time Lord Glengall, whom everyone said was dead, turned up safe and sound to nurse his old mother.
There'll be a beautiful dinner, and everyone in the county there, and afterwards there will be acres of beautiful things to see.
Everyone rushed wildly hither and thither because there was no one to lead them.
I manage to reach the trading center at midday, when everyone is up and about, and the post office open.
Then the horn of the car was heard tooting in the woods, and everyoneraced to meet it.
Not everyone has a man like Nikolai to live with, either.
It was after he had received his second "No" from the gentleman that he began to talk, to tell everyone that he was "Solem, my lad.
Everyone has his own problems, and Petra had hers.
So I placed the knapsack on a chair in the middle of the room, all packed and ready, for everyone to see that we're leaving.