We waited some little time in the large drawing-room, where many presentations were made; and then had a very handsome breakfast, people talking easily, but the Russians visibly nervous and preoccupied.
The Prince and Princess stood about on the terrace while all the presentations were going on, talking to their friends.
The Empress never wore a regular Court train--her presentations in the Tuileries were always in the evening, in ordinary ball dress.
Judged merely by the few royalpresentations it is curious to observe how closely the epidemic in this country clung to the rivers and water-courses.
On these rolls, amongst every variety of public document, are entered royal grants, licenses, and presentations made by the Sovereign to such vacant ecclesiastical livings as were at the time in the royal gift.
The roll, upon which are entered the grants and presentations from September to the close of the year, affords conclusive proof that in the last four months of the year 1348 death had been busy among those holding royal preferments.
Nor are these the only instances, even among the few presentations recorded on the patent rolls, of Dorset incumbents following one another in rapid succession during the last months of 1348.
On the first part are enrolled the presentations from January 25th to the end of May.
Among the presentations made by the King, in the autumn of this year, frequent mention is made of vacancies in the diocese of Sarum, in which the county of Dorset is situated.
He ignores the mental activity involved in the act of knowledge; and looks upon perceptions as mere presentations which are determined, as he says, by God.
They cannot say that presentations on their ceasing to be my presentations, continue to be presentations to God's consciousness.
But if the order of presentations requires a cause to account for it, why should not that cause be sought in the original constitution of matter as Locke did?
Manicamp's presentations to De Guiche, and through De Guiche to Monsieur.
The presentations had been carelessly made, and Buckingham, with the rest of the English gentlemen, had been introduced to Monsieur, from whom they had received but very indifferent attention.
It is also true that the Thinker, as a rule, does not accept a neurograph as valid until it has been verified by at least one or more presentations through his outer sense organs.
Notions of perceptual space are constituted of the triple presentations arising out of the visual, tactual and motor sensations which are fused together in their final delivery to the consciousness.
It is but natural, however, that in the present more or less chaotic condition in which the faculty of the intuitional is found it should be difficult even to interpret its presentations accurately.
The wives of members of the Cabinet and of the ambassadors or ministers at the Court of St. James's usually attend at each Court, and have the privilege of doing so by reason of the official presentations made by them at each Court.
This restriction does not apply to ladies who, from official position or other circumstances, are specially privileged to make presentations to Their Majesties.
Presentations at each of Their Majesties' Courts are now limited by royal command.
Presentations in London do not count as Presentations at the Viceregal Court.
Presentations are also made by Relatives= and friends of those presented; but these are greatly in the minority at all levees.
The club members could add interest to this meeting by recalling the famous actresses they may have seen, and comparing their presentations of Shakespeare's women.
Story of some of the famous presentations given there.
We think of philosophicpresentations of the future with entire indifference.
We are familiar enough with presentations of heaven which seem to us to be so detached from Christian reality as to lack any human appeal.
The intensities of the individual ideas become capable of discharge in their entirety, and, proceeding from one conception to the other, they thus form single presentations endowed with marked intensity.
It is regarded as a motor or secondary activity, the key to the innervation of which is located in the presentations of the Unc.
But in order to make possible more delicate functions, it was later found necessary to render the course of the presentations more independent of the manifestations of pain.
The dream presentations consist chiefly, if not wholly, of scenes and mainly of visual sense images.
The state of thinking must take an interest in the connecting paths between the presentations without allowing itself to be misled by their intensities.
But other end-presentations are lurking in our foreconscious that originate from the sources of our unconscious and from the ever active wishes.
Separated only by the time appointed for their appearance in the world, they were both presentations of the same Logos, called in Buddhistic terminology "Bodhi" or Intelligence.
Both Philo and St. John may be credited with the possession of a certain amount of this abnormal power, and considered as presentations of Logos, but not in the same perfection as Jesus and Gotama.
This play, a great favorite still, contains manypresentations of old Russian customs.
This element he can eliminate and fix by means of vocal signs; and he can further classify single presentations under the same general concepts, and mark them by the same vocal signs.
Wherever we can see clearly, we see that what we call mind and thought consists in this, that man has the power not only to receive presentations like an animal, but to discover something general in them.
So that almost coincident with the birth of the idea began its abuse and disintegration; the result we see in the meaningless presentations which pass for "woman's pages" in the newspaper of to-day.
A series of three double-page presentations was decided upon, allowing for large photographs so that the steps could be easily seen and learned from the printed page.
In 1488, among the presentations to prebends is one of Pedro Sánchez, qualified as Inquisitor of Osuna.
There is scarcely anything quite fundamentally new to offer in this sphere since the presentations of Freud, Adler and Stekel.
The process of reflection sinks into the subconscious; only its end-results arise to consciousness either as presentationsvividly tinged by the senses, or directly as hallucinations.
From the brusque interruption of the new personality, we may conclude that the presentations concerned were very vivid, with corresponding intensity of expectation.
Police help provide classes and presentations on drug abuse in the schools.
Similar presentations are made in school assemblies for students from kindergarten through grade 4 and in the junior and senior high schools.
Each child attends these presentations with varying measures of complacency, questioning, bafflement, and involvement.
These oversimplified presentations usually deal only with what is occurring that is important to the particular interests of the reporter.
This meant that I had two conceptualized presentations of similar type personal experiences in nursing consultation to compare and contrast.
Such presentations as have just been specified may be looked upon as a class by themselves, and as being worthy the attention and closest scrutiny of devotees to the physical sciences and all logical minds.
In our day we hear of such presentations as semblances of small living animals around mediums; but personally, have not seen or felt such.
But the probabilities are, that the elements emanated from him which rendered such presentations practicable.
Probably such presentations may be made to some members of a company, while others in the crowd will be insensible to them.
As fashion shows become prohibitively expensive, the fashion market is exploring interactive presentations that put the talent of the designer and the desire of the public one click away from each other.
In some cases, the books were rewritten on tape, as visual presentations impossible to fit in sentences or between book covers, or on CD-ROM.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "presentations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.