He contemplated it for a long time while Mrs. MacDermott put away the remnants of his supper, and his Uncle Matthew sat by the fire watching him.
His fidgettiness fell from him as he contemplated the swift river and the great dark shapes of warehouses and the black hulks of barges going down to the Pool and the immutable loveliness of Waterloo Bridge.
As he contemplated the flagstone, he forgot about the Cathedral, and remembered only his Uncle Matthew.
Mr. Whedell paused, for effect, and contemplated the vermicular work in the carpet.
This was an addition to the strange machine as Bog had last seen it, and hecontemplated it with fearful interest.
There I breathed freely for awhile, and contemplated the magnificent prospect that presented itself to my sight.
His plan contemplated the making of twelve gores or segments, six for the northern half of the moon and six for the southern.
Furthermore, the undisguised pleasure with which this prospect was contemplated was sorely trying to men oppressed by the burdens of anxiety and trouble which rested on the President and his ministers.
Now and again he contemplated turning the letters over to Jessie, and felt a desire to talk with her about the progress of his pupil.
He contemplated Dennis with a sort of curiosity, and a smile stirred the loose dark beard about his lips.
Lance resumed, with some hesitation, but impelled to speak at this precise moment, though he had not contemplated doing so.
Viewed as accumulating and being transmitted through the voluntary agency of man, it is manifestly mighty; contemplated as conferred by the authority of God, it appears to be infinite.
The law of the ten commandments, written at first on the heart of man, and afterwards proclaimed by the voice of God, contemplated and anticipated every departure from the service due to Him that should occur throughout all time.
The same principle which is applicable to the Church as a whole, behoves to be contemplated by every Section of her in given circumstances.
It must, therefore, now appear how the idea of the present dispensation being a covenant is contemplated in the New Testament, even while it is described as a testament.
Are the benefits contemplated in the exercise of Covenanting, individual or general reformation in religion or in practice, or the preservation of peace and truth, or any other blessings spiritual or temporal?
The movement that has been lately made, contemplated in its highest character, appears the work of God.
Before this he regarded with favor the philanthropic designs of Washington and others, whichcontemplated such a change.
Not satisfied with the large purchase already made, the white man contemplated still greater acquisitions of Indian land.
The plan with which it was proposed to open the campaign of 1814, contemplated an attack on both of these places.
The girl had had no intimation in advance of this contemplated change of order.
The short cut she contemplated taking required a mule.
The reform of the Ottoman governmentcontemplated by the sultan Mahmud II.
Her father at first contemplated a Spanish marriage for her, and at the age of eleven she was betrothed to Don Cherubin de Centelles, a Spanish nobleman.
It was a hard duty, but he again found solace in work, and at intervals he contemplated the mouths of the bears' caves, now almost hidden by the snow.
He contemplated himself, so to speak, face to face, and at the same time he saw through this hallucination a species of light which he at first took for a torch.
I contemplated the wants and anxieties of those who sought to make them known therein, and smiled at the curious manner in which a thousand ambitious individuals expressed their readiness to supply the wants of others.
They therefore betook themselves to a small cabin built of palm-logs and clay, where they spent the day in carousing; while the great rulercontemplated the majesty of his position, and the army roamed over the country in search of plunder.
Easley, who contemplated himself the most learned scholar and critic,) he sometimes spoke such sense as to make the listener mistake him for a wise man.
I contemplated my journey in quest of fame, and resolved never to falter.
In connection with my visit North in 1865 it will not perhaps be out of place to give here an account of a conversation that related to an important contemplated movement.
Hood, and making arrangements to invite their commander to meet them at their "rendezvous" to listen to their complaints, and almost dictating what should be done after the failure of the contemplated morning attack.
When the Governor learned that they contemplated going to Richmond, he told me to issue an order requiring them to turn in their arms.
Graves contemplated renewing the action, but early in the night was informed that several of the van ships were too crippled to permit this.
Benjamin paused on the edge of the pavement, mopped his perspiring brow, and contemplated the garish scene.
One thing that struck me as much as anything else in the Highlands I had forgotten to put down.
If he contemplated them, they induced violent dyspepsia, such as he had once incurred by visiting the Crystal Palace.
She turned and contemplated the scene of devastation.
A red-and-white heifer browsing at a little distance looked up from her meal and surveyed the intruders with mild attention, but apparently satisfied that they contemplated no invasion of her rights, resumed her agreeable employment.
As Mrs. Arnold dismounted and called her by name, Susannah Maude started, uttered a shriek, and apparently for a moment contemplated casting herself into the stream below.