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Example sentences for "privation"

Lexicographically close words:
privateers; privateersman; privateersmen; privately; privates; privations; privatis; privative; privatization; privatizations
  1. In fact, so scarce were provisions that many sank from privation alone, aggravated, indeed, by the bitter cold, which just at this time was intense.

  2. What, indeed, was a year's or a lifetime's imprisonment, looked on in the light of privation or sacrifice?

  3. How many of them have borne every hardship and privation of war, every cruelty of filthy prisons and carrion-food, yet have breasted the slave-masters' treason till its bullet struck the pulse of life!

  4. The reader who has followed thus far this story of a strenuous life, will understand what these meant; to what deeds of daring they gave rise on the part of the men and women of the border; what privation and anguish they entailed.

  5. I have struggled for years with poverty and privation to ward off this hour; but, like destiny, it will not be averted!

  6. Excited almost to madness by privation and want, and unable to get assistance from a human being, I visited my uncle.

  7. In a day, the privation had ceased to be one.

  8. She was in rags, but she looked clean, and she might once have been beautiful; but settled trouble and privation had pressed upon her hollow eye--had feasted on her bloomy skin.

  9. The bucks provide the food, and should privation occur they will cheerfully share their last morsel with their wives and children, and, the more honor to them, they will do the same by a white man.

  10. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure.

  11. In the salutary operation of this sagacious and benevolent restraint it is believed that the inhabitants of Indiana will at no very distant day find ample remuneration for a temporary privation of labor and of emigration.

  12. Most of the troops had come from the west, and they, too, were used to every kind of privation and hardship.

  13. Both were thin, and were black under the eyes with privation and anxiety.

  14. Courage that has borne long years of suffering and privation will not fail at the moment of liberation and revenge.

  15. Privation and exposure had left their mark on the party, and the health and mental condition of several men were causing me serious anxiety.

  16. By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain and the privation of pleasure.

  17. Thou shalt endure whatever hardship and privation the maintenance of this mean in the service of thy end requires, heedless of pain involved.

  18. We believe no men are capable of bearing greater toil or privation than the Irish.

  19. For the first two or three years, they bore this privation with a strong confidence that it would not last.

  20. His face pale with fasting, and his body so worn with penance and privation that it was almost dead, he had yet felt the fire of earthly passions burning in his soul after the truest orthodox model.

  21. There was nothing Quixotic in the justice and generosity of De Courcy; and he had no intention of incurring real difficulty and privation for the sake of adding a trifle to the stores of affluence.

  22. She was representing a character; the actress sustained the character even while she read words that were to raise her from privation to renown.

  23. Now that the days of privation are past, I recall them with something like regret.

  24. Every Person has some Idea of the Disease termed an Apoplexy, which is a sudden Privation or Loss of all Sense, and of all voluntary Motion; the Pulse at the same Time being kept up, but Respiration or Breathing, being oppressed.

  25. It is true that the world springs out of a want, out of privation, but it is false speculation to make this privation an ontological being: this want is simply the want which lies in the supposed non-existence of the world.

  26. Mr. Mott had given up a prosperous cotton business, because the cotton was the product of slave labor; but he had been equally successful in the wool trade, so that the days of privation had passed by long ago.

  27. That she felt the privation of a collegiate course is undoubted.

  28. The family at this time moved to Groton, a great privation for Margaret, who enjoyed and needed the culture of Boston society.

  29. Perhaps you would be so too, if learning cost you the privation which it costs some of them.

  30. For this, diligence in business, abstinence from pleasures, privation even, of everything that does not endanger health, are to be joyfully welcomed and borne.

  31. O Sophie, after moments so sweet, the idea of eternal privation is too frightful for one who groans that he cannot identify himself with thee.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "privation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.