In this connection, we may with propriety, introduce the following extract from President Johnson's recent speech to the Indiana delegation: "We are living at a time when the public mind had almost become oblivious of what treason is.
I'll some day introduce you to all of them, my aunt and the two girls; but your house must first be put in order.
The parties must be informed at what time the court holds its session; they have to appear before the court, and introduce testimony.
But to introduce myself to an American nabob as the rescuer of his child was impossible!
Siegfried led me to her and presented me with the following words-- "At last I am able to introduce my hitherto invisible friend.
Come, pray, do not hesitate, and give me leave tointroduce you to my wife!
Alpaca, the, successful attempts to introduce into Australia, iii.
The Protestant missionaries were the first to introduce about L2000 of copper money, which they had got struck in England for the purpose.
Attempts to introduce the Llama and Alpaca from Bolivia.
Did the problems create sufficient interest to arouse the desire and will to reject faulty methods, and introduce others of greater service?
The mark is made by moving the bar through a minute portion of a circle, which provided that the bar is two or three feet in length, will not introduce any perceptible error in a scale of say a quarter of an inch in width.
In the case of capillary tubes, it is convenient to introduce an unweighed quantity of mercury, measure its length accurately, and then to move it along the tube in stages, either by tilting the tube or by the application of air pressure.
It is now necessary to introduce the smaller bulb into the larger, and for this purpose the larger bulb must be cut into halves.
It is convenient to introduce the substance at the stage indicated by g.
Some towns, like some people, introduce themselves to you in a friendly, charming way, with no chill reserve, as if they were sure you deserved to see their best side.
I responded by confessing my boyish resolve, and to amuse myself, asked if she would some dayintroduce me to her friend.
Would that the whole of India were under our sway, and that our Government would seek, by firm and decisive measures, to introduce the blessings of Christianity amongst the thousands and millions of their heathen subjects!
To render the subject more attractive, Mr. Acland was careful to introduce anecdotes and short narratives throughout, which are calculated to amuse, while instruction is at the same time conveyed.
Boerhaave was desired by the czarina to recommend proper persons to introduce into Russia the practice and study of physick, Dr.
It would upset every custom and introduce endless confusion.
It was reserved for Roman and Christian art to introduce this element of architectural effect in all its power.
The granite of the casing has entirely disappeared, but that employed as linings is still in its place, and so skilfully worked that it would not be possible to introduceeven a sheet of paper between the joints.
The next step was to introduce a succession of such cross vaults close to one another, so that large portions of the original main wall might be dispensed with.
Some enterprising parties should introduce a few hundred Hansom cabs into the city, to take the place of the hideous four-wheeled vehicles which are drawn about town by two horses.
That the Chinaman never fails to introduce certain vicious habits wherever he appears, goes without saying; opium-smoking and gambling have become as natural to him as breathing.
And here I would beg my friend Prodicus not to introduce his distinction of names, whether he is disposed to say pleasurable, delightful, joyful.
The dialogue commences with a request on the part of Hippocrates that Socrates would introduce him to the celebrated teacher.
Balzac, through his remarkable instinct for detail and particularity, did introduce into nineteenth century fiction an effect of greater truth in the depiction of life.
They are not content to watch, but they introduce 'tests,' generally with the most disenchanting results.
But he merely performed a few speciosa miracula under tests established by one or two English men of science, and believers and disbelievers are still left to wrangle over him: they usually introduce a question of moral character.
At last, with the short laugh with which her tribe often introduce a doubtful proposal, she said, "Laws me, Missis!
Each wished that the other should introduce the matter which both knew was to be the subject of their conversation.
Would you do me the great honour to introduce me to his Grace?
Nevertheless he did not wish to introduce his friend to his father.
It is a hateful, foreign, poisonous plant which no one has ever tried to introduce into Germany without doing great injury to the people and to the Prince.
Hereditarily the Crown Prince Frederick, now fifty-six, should succeed, and a new reign would open which might introduce political changes of moment to other countries as well as Germany.
I will introduce you to the ladies here; I will take you under my wing,' interrupted Matvy Ilyitch, and he laughed complacently.
We will introduce him to the reader while he sits, his feet tucked under him, gazing thoughtfully round.
Allow me to introduce myself,' he began, with a polite bow.
Let me introduce you to my cousin, Lady Locke--Lord Reginald Hastings.
Returning to their carousal, Archias and Philippus impatiently called upon Phyllidas to introduce the women according to his promise.
The fleet of Timotheus having now been removed home, a malcontent Korkyræan party formed a conspiracy to introducethe Lacedæmonians as friends, and betray the island to them.
And even by sea means were found tointroduce provisions.
An extreme instance is the recent attempt to introduce party government into Japan, a country just emerging from the feudal stage, an interesting account of which is given in the Nineteenth Century for July, 1899.
The keynote of the first of these two books is to abolish corruption by destroying the power of the "machine" and the "boss," and of the second to introduce responsible leadership.
Let me introduce you to the 'Great Paleface Hunter' who held your trail till the White Eagle could arrive with his braves.