You two go on living together, just for company, but I shall go--I shall go to America.
There are still some old men living in his neighborhood who never understood him, and who are disposed to think he was in league with the devil.
And she has a daughter--a typewriter down town--and she has friends living in the suburbs.
There is a very old man called Hugh Norton, living in Ballynaskeagh, who remembers him making fences and philosophizing at the same time.
Professor Wundt is the greatest psychologist now living in Europe, and a majority of the noted psychological experts, both of Germany and of America, have been his pupils.
No, living in a palace, on the whole, is cheaper than living in a hotel; incidentals are less numerous and not so costly; and then you are so independent.
In the case of one author living abroad whom we will call Smith, a book was arranged with a house A, and a second with a house B.
A living Index he must be, knowing just enough to readily discover more, and with this knowledge he must make others feel and imagine.
All these matters the agent had to straighten out, while the author was living three thousand miles away.
The sight of the living prey had awoke in me the dormant spirit of the hunter that has hardly slumbered since; and not in me only--my sisters were evidently as excited as I was, for their brushes were lashing mine as wildly as mine did theirs.
At first I wondered what she had found, as the only livingthings visible to me were some rabbits far below on the lip of a funnel-shaped warren.
I shall never forget the pride I felt nor the inner voice that kept whispering, "You are able to get your ownliving now, my boy, but don't be too highly elated!
All who have under the Gospel reached the age of understanding, and are still living without God in the world, enjoy the present respite in virtue of Christ's compassionate intercession.
Many of those small but living seeds have burst through the ground and made themselves known by their magnitude; and many similar seeds are lying hid to-day under the capacious folds of our vast and earnest industry.
The Mustard-seed; the progress { of the kingdom under the idea { of a living growth.
The two chief elements which generally go into the composition of a parable are the processes of nature and the actions of living men--parables, in short, as to their constituents, are composed of history and natural history.
Though the sower is helpless after he has cast the seed into the ground, he should not be hopeless; we know that the seed is a living thing, and will grow except where it is impeded by extraneous obstacles.
The net surrounded and brought to land every living creature that fell within its sweep, and was not small enough to escape through its meshes.
Suppose a band of living men should rush with all their might against that stone, they would be broken and it would not be moved.
It is a fearful thing for his murderers to fall into the hands of this living God.
But the living seed burst, and sprang, and pierced through all these coverings.
I speak frankly, because you also know that no possible extremity would induce me to accept help from any living person.
We are so interested to hear, Miss Pellissier," she said, "that you have beenliving in Paris.
An acute sense ofliving was in her veins, even the taste of her wine seemed magical.
She was to fall back amongst the ruck, a young woman of talent, content perhaps to earn a scanty living by painting Christmas cards, or teaching at a kindergarten.
He knew my name, and also that I had been living in Paris, and a man doesn't risk claiming a girl for his wife, as a rule, for nothing.
She tries every way of earning a living and fails.
I have been used to living in apartments in Paris, but I suppose the system is different here.
But with the morning, the glorious unstained morning the passion of living would stir even the blood of a clod.
Your brother has everything--I have not shown myself capable even of earning my ownliving except in a way which could not possibly bring any credit upon anybody.
Even for an accidental she was strange, living far inside a deep armor of flesh.
He was living out in the open near a stream which, I imagine, was his water supply.
The great ballerina was a living spore culture medium.
It would have to be someone living here," said the big engineer.
And any living creature that had a mouth from time to time might refresh its lips with the common and precious fluid.
There were minute cells that lived motionless and free floating in water long before any living thing learned to swim through its droplet universe.
There were others that didn't need oxygen, anerobic microorganisms which perished in the free atmosphere because of the presence of a substance commonly considered necessary for living things.
Then to Wogan's relief a few ladies and gentlemen stepped between, and the livingscreen hid him from her view.
My motive for not living on crabs in a cave was bad, I confess, but it was over-ruled for the best.
If it failed, or could not be struck, Mr. Kelly was to withdraw from the King's affairs and earn his living by writing for the booksellers, and instructing youth.
That night the Parson was taken to the house of John Gardiner, livingin Westminster Market, there to be kept in safe custody.
There was noliving thing in sight, the road was empty as far as the eye could see.
I assure you," the officer interrupted, "that there was no living thing in the room when we entered.
That you won't lay a hand upon any living soul, or allow any of your followers to do so, who has touched the slipper or had anything to do with it, but that you will go in peace.
Junker mentions her, even in his musical almanac of 1783, among the most eminent living artists.
We were not nearly so well acquainted the first time I was here, (we have agreed on this point,) nor did we mutually under stand each other so well; but living in the same house affords greater facilities to know a person.
I am living at Madame Cannabich's, who, as well as her family and all my good friends here, was quite beside herself with joy at seeing me again.
Still I cannot deny that my joy would be twofold were this to be elsewhere, for I have far more hope of livinghappily anywhere else.
It was entirely to save money that he sent me by this slow conveyance, not adverting to the fact that the expense would amount to the same thing from the constant living at inns.
I had told you that Eric Austin and his family are living there.
She is the bright angel to a family of Italians living in Sycamore Canyon.
You were living near here, weren't you, when my father was a boy?
I don't believe she even knows that she's living in a wonderful world where everything is so beautiful that a person just has to sing.
Charles followed Jenny through the kitchen and the cheerful living room into the bedroom which had been decked in so festive a fashion only that morning.
He glanced toward the closed door which led to the living room where their "gal" slept since she had given her bed to her guest.
Begorrah, and maybe you know her being as her ma owns the farm you're living on.
Miss Dearborn led the way into a long, coolliving room which extended entirely across the front of the house.
Then she told me that she had a college friend living in Waltham, and that she would make inquiries about our family.
Amid the roar of Broadway's living tide, beneath the shadow of old Trinity Church, a costly monument commemorates his heroic and untimely death.
All that day, and on many a foughten field thereafter, the living brother heard those dying words, and in his ear there rang a wild refrain, which nerved his arm and steeled his heart to fight for the country hallowed by his brother's blood.
There came a burst of thunder sound; a volcano of fire and timber; stones and living men were hurled two hundred feet in the air; and the night settled down on the scene of chaos.
It was no time for ceremony, so everybody met in the commonliving room.
There's not a manliving good enough for my Kate-- I'd have you know.
These memories have been well expressed in graphic verse by a living Canadian poet--a denizen of the old borough of Niagara.
How pleasant the lives of the birds must be, Livingin love in a leafy tree!
The lilacs where the robin built, And where my brother set The laburnum on his birthday,-- The tree is living yet!
Believing that she was still living in the same hour which parted her from her lover, taking no note of years, 245:9 she stood daily before the window watching for her lover's coming.
I was living in the East at that time, and was advised to try change of climate, which I did.
The so-called dead and living cannot commune together, for they are in separate states of existence, or consciousness.
Few understand or adhere to Jesus' divine precepts for living and 141:6 healing.
And suddenly the cloak was dropped, and he saw a lonesome chip of rock beyond Pluto, all hollowed out for shops and living quarters, and the great ship standing in the mile-long plain, with the stars all drifted overhead.
He could not bring himself to stay in the living quarters.
The living quarters were now mere cubicular tombs for a lot of memories, absolutely bare of any human or familiar touch.
One was the Lazarite, a grey man, old and seamed with living and none of it good.
Twenty-six of them had been found so far, and studied, and still no one could say certainly whether or not the hands of any living beings had fashioned them.
The date of The Legend of Good Women is given as probably in the spring or summer of 1386, and as the house in which he was then living had a garden and an arbour, it could not have been the dwelling-house of Aldgate.
It is a difficult matter to appraise the relative positions of our great authors, but probably the true test of immortality is the creation of living characters.
They preached to and visited the masses; hence, instead ofliving in retired spots, they settled in the heart of the cities.
He gives a full list of the Greek and Arab authorities, and also of the menliving nearer to his own day.
That my public allowance (whatever the world may think of it) is inadequate to the expence of living in this City; to such an extravagant height has the necessaries as well as the conveniences of life arisen.
In time he became a fellow and lector of Brasenose College, and presently obtained the good living of Purleigh.
I had a most living perception of the fact that my being had been expanded a whole infinitude.
What we miss in them is exactly what we like best in his epopee--the vast living picture of semi-barbarous civilization.
Mr. Keynes writes with a fullness of knowledge, an incisiveness of judgment, and a penetration into the ultimate causes of economic events that perhaps only half–a–dozen living economists might hope to rival.
Tell me," said Reeves, speaking slowly and distinctly in English, "how is it that we find men of fair complexion living in the desert?
Many a hauberk-clad man bit the dust under the almost irresistible sweep of those desert-forged weapons; but numbers prevailed, and ere long not one living Arab remained within the city.
A Proverb | 1 | 3 A Close Shave | | 2 Including a complete programme of effective Living Portraits and Tableaux, with full directions for exhibiting them successfully.
Well, sweetness, I believe absolutely in you Girl Scouts living up to your promises exactly as it seems right to you.
Her old nurse and maid, Minnie, was married and living with her nice, hard-working young husband in a rose-covered cottage in the Highlands.
Oh, Frank, there is no such thing as a person living all for herself.
I reckon the first thing to tell you about my experiment in living for myself alone is that it will not work.
Mr Dawson came last, and his concern appeared to be awakened rather for the living than the dead.
Hence these great Cascade peaks have an individuality which gives them a kind of living personality in the life of any one who has lived for any length of time within sight of them.
Morigeau told us the interesting fact that there were practically no Indians living in the Windermere district until about a century ago.
He remained an Indian to the last, not ordinarily living in a house or wearing civilised costume or even speaking English, though perfectly able to do so.
A quaint Nez-Perce myth accounts for the creation as follows: There was during the time of the Watetash a monster living in the country of Kamiah in Central Idaho.
Another noted man, still living in the prime of life, is Major Lee Moorehouse, famous in earlier times as an Indian fighter and agent, and more recently as one of the most successful students and photographers of Indian life.
McLoughlin, so conspicuous in the story thus far, removed to Oregon City, and became an avowed American citizen, livingon the claim on which he filed at the Falls.
It appears that an old woman living near the ancient Indian village of Ne-Ahkstow, about two miles south of the mouth of the Great River (the Columbia) had lost her son.
The Klickitat Indians, living along The Dalles of the Columbia have a fine legend of the land of spirits.
A more living monument to the missionary is found in Whitman College.
Timothy, a Nez Perce chief living on Snake River at the mouth of the Alpowa, put them across the wicked stream, then running high with the May freshet, and went on with them as guide.
Hammers] Claw hammers are comparatively modern inventions, and there are men now living who, when serving their apprenticeship, were obliged to withdraw their nails with a pair of pinchers.
To be recommended for its persistence in living under the most trying conditions, even if its wood is not very valuable.
For example, boys living in the city, where a pull-up bar has to be located in the house, can easily make one in this way, and fasten it between the door jambs at a convenient height.
An attempt has been made in this volume to suggest some of these, especially for boys living in the city, where a little work shop for himself, unfortunately, is too often a luxury.
Like all living organisms, it is made up of minute cells.
This meant that the daughter of the house must spend at least an hour every morning in bed-making, and perhaps another fifteen minutes in that mysteriously absorbing business known as "straightening" the living room.