It was true there was no sign of violence, but was that the face of one who had died from one instant's terrible heart pang, who must have died before he had realized his pain?
And for the first time since their interview, Reine shows a sign of weakness.
On the night of Mr. Brooke's death no sign of violence had been discovered on his person.
When he came and found her singing like an angel by Lilia's dying bed, he made no sign save by the silent gratitude in his dark eyes, and Elaine was best pleased thus.
She glanced up quickly in his face for some sign of relenting.
The thousandths of sea salt, which indicate an augmentation of standard, are preceded by the sign +, and the thousandths of nitrate of silver by the sign -.
O] the back line of carriages, and the sign [O|] the front line of carriages.
He was not kept on the tenter-hooks of impatience an instant longer than the appointed moment arrived, for, even as the clock struck, Ambrose appeared at the door of the gallery, and made a sign that Alan should follow him.
My conductor made Cristal a sign with his finger, and, turning from the cottage door, led the way up the steep path or ravine which connected the sequestered dell with the open country.
One lady of quality, whose father was long under sentence of death previous to the Rebellion, was marked on the back of the neck by the sign of a broad axe.
On a second perusal, his displeasure seemed to increase, his brow darkened, and was distinctly marked with the fatal sign peculiar to his family and house.
He made a sign with his hand to Redgauntlet, who came to assist him into the skiff.
Neither he nor any of the loafers who had assembled showed the slightest sign of astonishment, but all were as respectful as possible.
However, more fresh tangerine peels were found in the same spot, which is the third sign of invasion.
Esther half wondered that he did not get up and go away; but there was no sign of that.
If they are, there is no sign of it, and I do not believe it.
The other made a courteous, half smilingsign of assent, not as if she were surprised.
The Tabard -- the sign of the inn -- was a sleeveless coat, worn by heralds.
Crouche: protect by signing the sign of the cross.
I do vengeance and plein* correction, *full I dwell in the sign of the lion.
A garland had he set upon his head, As great as it were for an alestake*: *The post of an alehouse sign A buckler had he made him of a cake.
Some manner comfort shall I have, parfay*, *by my faith My mouth hath itched all this livelong day: That is a sign of kissing at the least.
Father Antoine trembled a little; it was the first sign he had given that his violent personality was still alive under the perplexing new power that had covered it.
She studied the sign she had painted, and spelled out the crooked letters: "M A n WAnTeD.
But the strangest thing of all--and the surest sign of witchcraft--was that he had always come safely out again, yet with never any satisfactory explanations as to why he had gone.
On the steps of the cathedral he saw Father Antoine, but, although the priest must have seen him, he gave no signas he passed.
He frowned, made the sign of the cross, jerked out the knife, and thrust its point in the purifying blaze of the charcoal fire.
They had long since ceased to look or care for any sign of the young master of the land.
She moved to the arched door of the warehouse and hung the sign outside in the sunlight against an iron shutter and for a moment stood there blinking.
Sacrament means the performance of a certain act, which is an outward and visible sign of spiritual grace.
Give me a ream of foolscap and I will sign it: it may be filled with my demerits and unworthiness, which I agree to; but my so doing is a proof of how much I accept the free gift of God.
A clause was added requiring all ministers to sign an act of submission to the bishops on penalty of losing their offices and their livings.
His friends asked him to give them some sign that he was at peace, when he repeated the dying words of the martyr Stephen, and so passed away to that country of his own which all his life he had been seeking.
No sign of recognition came from the steamer as she ploughed on swiftly, relentlessly, disdainfully, soon to be lost in the distance.
A red-hot iron is used, shaped either to form one or two letters or some special sign which constitutes the trade or hall mark, so to speak, of the respective ranch.
He laid Manoel down, with his head on a heap of turf, and kneeling beside him, made the sign of the cross over him, and repeated the Pater Noster, while a smile of peace passed over the face of the dying boy.
He cowered under it for a moment, and then, as the striker turned away, his victim looked up to Heaven and made the sign of the Cross.
The King made a sign to the boys to wait while he listened to Dom Pedro, who was speaking to him.
Leila looked perplexed, tears filled her eyes, and, with a half-unconscious movement, she made the sign of the cross.
Then he made a sign to the peasant, who understood him and dug his heels into Bourriquet's ribs.
At a sign from her mistress she admitted the little man, who confounded himself in reverences to Mademoiselle de Mongarcin.
Attest our gracious sign manual and the impress of the seal of the Privy Chancellary.
Not a sign was to be discovered in him of that spark of genius which glowed so brilliantly in him afterwards.
At the appointed time he mounted the pulpit, bowed gravely, made the sign of the cross, shouted "Zum April!
Attestation by the most gracious sign manual and seal of the privy chancellary.
The houses which bore the sign "Zur Weintraube" were situated "am Hofe.
There was no sign of Vicky Van or of Julie, and next we came back to the first floor, hunted that, and then on upstairs.
But I saw no sign of such a happening, and went on home, my heart full of a gloomy foreboding that I would never see her again.
The Avenue was lighted, as usual, and we could see a block and more in both directions, but no sign of Vicky.
It was very late, nearly midnight, and I marveled to see that Ruth showed no sign of weariness.
As he went up the street a canvas sign over the empty storehouse attracted his attention.
Each constructed his abiding place according to his needs and ideas, and promptly erected a sign naming it.
The sign was not the less legible, though not so fiery, by day.
The lank and sinister figure of Saleratus Bill was observed to accompany that of the land agent, but the gun man, at a sign from his principal; did not dismount.
He ought to get a nice neat 'For Sale' sign painted.
And so there come along last week a ranger and started to tack up a sign bold as brass that read: 'Property of the United States.
And this, could he have known it, was the outward and visible and only sign of the things spiritual that had been veiled.
At the firstsign of trouble his father had taken the field to fight out his own fights.
Sign your name and address on this," the man whispered.
If you've got anything to kick on, put it down and sign it and send it on.
Sommers proceeded to make an examination, however; he would have to sign a certificate for the health officers.
Carson, inviting him to dinner: a signthat something notable was expected of his career, for the Carsons were thrifty of their favors, and were in no position to make social experiments.
Finally, he saw one morning that his modest signno longer waved from the pendent ladder.
Mrs. Ducharme showed no sign of life until Alves reached the steps.
It was all a sign of the irrational drift of things that seemed to thwart his energetic, honorable life.
The little iron sign with gilt letters shone with startling freshness beneath the larger ones above.
Preston had tried before to drag himself out of the cottage, across the intervening lot, to the saloon on Stoney Island Avenue, whose immense black and gold sign he could see from his chamber.
Through another window at the north the bleak prospect of Stoney Island Avenue could be seen, flanked on one side by a huge sign over a saloon.
Chief Scout Director of Chivalry: The badge of the Chief Scout Director of Chivalry is the first-class scout badge with the scout sign above it embroidered in gold.
The sun is the sign of His brightness, the sky of His greatness and mother-love and father-love, and the love of man and woman are the signs of His love.
It is a modified form of thesign of the north on the mariner's compass, which is as old as the history of navigation.
But each of the messengers that Ward sent down to the outer world bore unmistakable sign that this ruler of the wilderness was in full possession of his autocracy.
But your five thousand will be put to your credit in Kenduskeag Bank the next day after you sign our papers, and your salary with us will begin the minute the ink is dry.
It would be easy enough tosign that paper and then go away and do as I like.
Not a faltering word--not a doubtful movement--not a signof flinching, till the white flag was seen flaunting its cowardly folds before the banner of his country.
Then the Don blessed himself with the sign of the cross, and pointing to Georgia and me, replied, "Those two are daughters of a sainted mother, and are always welcome!
Nothing in the wagon had been disturbed, nor did they find any sign of struggle, or of Indians.
They went into camp with us, and by word and sign explained that we were still far from the sink of Mary's River, but on the right trail to it.
Milton Elliot went on guard at midnight, and kept the fire till morning, yet neither sign nor sound of the missing came over that desolate trail.
We heard no word of greeting and met no sign of welcome, but were given a dreary resting-place near the foot of the steps, just inside the open doorway, with a bed of branches to lie upon, and a blanket to cover us.
When the people are in this ecstatic state they are persuaded to sign cheques for large amounts.
It was far away from any sign of human habitation, and the recommendation of Dr.
There was not the least sign of life or animation about the boy.
I'm not given much to superstition, but I own up I could see something like a good sign about that sort of thing.
And it goes without saying that his appetite showed no signof flagging on that occasion, for football work is calculated to put a keen edge on a boy's natural desire for food.