Such comfort as do lusty young men feel When well apparell'd April on the heel Of limping Winter treads, even such delight Among freshfemale buds shall you this night Inherit at my house.
D'Effernay came from Paris, she was as fresh as a rose.
But in Webster this fresh suggestive sensibility of the judgment has been carried on into the matured and determined wisdom of manhood.
Leaving the things that are behind," is now the trumpet-sound by which he rallies his friends to a new confidence, and stimulates them to fresh efforts.
It has much of the fearless felicity of youth; and its imagery has the sharp and vivid outline of ideas fresh from the brain.
Cliche retired with nofresh sign of any sense of the existence of Mr. Flack, though he stood in her path as she approached the door.
After a fresh silence, Rodolph said, "Let all be got ready for my departure to-morrow.
But I am not sorry I hesitated in my resolution, since I owe to it a fresh proof of the perfection of your character.
Abbe, you shall have a fresh opportunity of praising him as he deserves.
I beseech you, dearest father, to spare me the fresh trial of hearing him thus praised by you.
Instead of breaking out into a fresh rage, Jacques Ferrand replied, with the most extreme dejection, "Do you know the person you are speaking of?
That was merely a pretext to conceal the fresh act of goodness he meditated, M.
Polidori, alarmed at the excess of this fresh fit, suddenly extinguished the lamp, and they were both in perfect darkness.
A fresh cry ensued, sharp and terrible, from Jacques Ferrand, which resounded in the chamber.
I rather gave way to fresh puerilities; I wore on my finger a ring that Thecla (the countess of whom I have so often spoken) had given me, although this souvenir of a boyish love could not have much embarrassed me.
My poor friend's sympathies have been still more painfully awakened by a fresh blow, which, as you perceive, has had a very serious effect on his health.
Do you not fear that this letter may serve to awaken fresh recollections?
B]” England had already been impoverished by the enormous taxes to raise the king’s ransom, and his return was the signal for fresh exactions.
With the new year’s reading I begin life with fresh hope to attain a greater height in the study of God and his works.
At the death of every powerful sovereign fresh divisions were made; hence no principality remained sufficiently secure to become the home of a distinct, an enduring nationality.
But the latest comet has brought with it fresh news.
It is well known that speedily fatal results arise from overcrowding and want of fresh air.
I can not love him; yet I doubt not he is virtuous; I know him to be noble and of high estate, of fresh and spotless youth.
No, I want a towel fresh from the wash, folded in nice, clean folds.
Something in the fresh vigour of his glance and of his rather sensual laugh, something about his figure, about his teeth reminded her of Henri as a young man.
She well knew at the moment that she was doing what she should not, wandering like that through the house, half awake, half asleep, because it was so fresh and cool to walk about like that half-naked.
The soldiers, as usual, making excursions into the woods, to hunt for fresh provisions, were attacked by them, and some of them were killed.
Government winked at those emigrations, and every year brought fresh strength to Carolina, insomuch that the lands in Ireland were in danger of lying waste for want of labourers, and the manufacturers of dwindling into nothing.
Tobacco being a plant which quickly exhausts the richest lands, the planters of Virginia were accustomed gradually to stretch backward, and occupy such fresh spots of ground as promised them the greatest returns.
Every day brought fresh accounts to the capital of their ravages, murders and desolations.
Some think that the spawn of fishes is exhaled from the large lakes of fresh water in the continent, and being brought in thunder-clouds, falls with the drops of rain into these reservoirs of water.
Nay," said she, "I'll bring a fresh pot to drink with him.
Dougal Graham, author of the well-known metrical history of the rebellion in 1745, being candidate for the place of town bellman in the City of Glasgow, was desired to call "Gude fresh herrings new come in at the Broomielaw.
Dawvys rolled, yelping at the pain of scratches on fresh wounds, then vanished with a howl.
And now the weary Revel was a brazen-throated fiend, brandishing his pick, roaring, scalping one and braining the next, destroying with freshvigor dredged up from the pits of his free soul.
Jerran said, "Aye, cut him a thousand times and he'll make fresh blood from that valiant heart!
But the advice was rejected, for there was no hope that fresh elections could bring together a more royalist House of Commons than that of 1661.
He had lost the support of the Houses, and the admission of fresh opponents into the royal council spoke of the secret enmity of the king.
It was at this moment of national disappointment, with the fruit of great efforts snatched away and the sea lost, that a fresh calamity at home was added to the sufferings of the war.
The death of Charles gave fresh vigour to the Royalist cause; and the loyalty which it revived was stirred to enthusiasm by the publication of the "Eikon Basilike," a work really due to the ingenuity of Dr.
But in July the horse broke through his lines; and joining a force which Charles had sent to their relief, turned back, and dashed Waller's army to pieces in a fresh victory on Roundway Down.
Stripped of their support, it was easy to bring about his fall and clear the stage for fresh efforts after a religious toleration.
His course had roused into fresh life the old suspicions of his perfidy and of a secret plot with Lewis for the ruin of English freedom and of English religion.
A fresh conference was promised, but in the absence of any Parliamentary action the Episcopal party boldly availed themselves of their legal rights.
Defeat had only spurred the Dutch to fresh efforts.
The Cornish rising seemed to decide the fortune of the war; and the succours which his queen was bringing him from the army of the North determined Charles to make a fresh advance upon London.
Coleman's letters had won credit for the perjuries of Oates, and a fresh discovery now won credit for the perjuries of Bedloe.
A fresh interest now attaches to our older alluvia, which must be carefully re-examined in the new light thus thrown upon them.
How vivid and striking is the contrast between the fresh delicate green of early summer and the rich warm tint of these rocks, which when lit up by the setting sun seem almost to glow and burn!
In the valleys of the same region occurs a younger series of glacial deposits, consisting of conspicuous lateral and terminal moraines, which, unlike the older accumulations, have a very fresh and well-preserved appearance.
And then those long straggling arms of the sea, reaching into the very heart of the island--how blue, and bright, and fresh they look!
But none of this fresh evidence contradicts the conclusions I had previously arrived at; on the contrary, it has greatly strengthened my general argument.
With such a sky above him, and with a lively breeze fresh from the Atlantic and laden with the sweetness of clover and meadow-hay and heather-bloom sweeping gaily past him, what wanderer in the Outer Hebrides need be pitied?
Any one fresh from the glacier-valleys of Switzerland or Norway could have little doubt as to the cause of the transformation.
They are characterised by their very fresh and well-preserved appearance.
They were evidently too far committed to hesitate over fresh crime to keep their secret.
Finding they could get no further information out of him, they left their bovine acquaintance with a fresh supply of beer, and returning to the station, took the first train back to Hull.
The arrests supplied the inspector with fresh material on which to work.
This was of course the merest guesswork, but it at least indicated to Willis a fresh line of inquiry in case his present investigation failed.
We had better go to Bordeaux this evening, so as to start fresh tomorrow," Willis suggested.
He had also written a couple of scrappy notes to Hilliard, merely saying he was on a fresh scent, and to make no move in the matter until he heard further.
During my inquiries of the working gardener who has succeeded him on the ground, I learnt some particulars in regard to the economy by which the metropolis receives its vast supplies of fruits and fresh vegetables.
It will be possible, except on very cold dark days, to give them fresh air.
So long as they are not chilled, they cannot have too muchfresh air during sunny days.
Beware of drafts blowing across the plants, but provide plenty of fresh air.
Even on very cold days, fresh air may be let in indirectly, through a window open in an adjoining room or through a hall.
How good it is right fresh and crisp from the soil compared to the wilted or artificially revived bunches one can get at the grocer's!
The required openings will be a door or doors, and three ventilators, to give a sufficient supply offresh air.
I have grown some of the newer varieties with stems from twelve to eighteen inches long, supporting enormous trusses of dull red or the most delicate pink and keeping fresh in vases for days at a time.
Remove such a plant from its pot and carefully wash all the soil from the roots; clean the pot and carefully repot in fresh soil in the same pot.
Insert fresh moss and with strips of soft cloth tie a good handful over the wound.
Be sure in ordering to get them fresh from some reliable mail order house, rather than take chances on them at the florist's.
The supply would be large, the prices low, and the profits highly satisfactory, and it would greatly relieve the meat market, because a very large quantity of fresh meat which is now used for soup could be employed in other ways.
In the same parcel came some green sugar-cane, fresh tamarinds taken direct from the tree, fresh limes, and the juices of two different fruits.
If freshmilk be treated with this preservative it can be set for cream for several days, even in hot weather.
The climate here is very hot; freshfood will only keep a few hours.
The yield was not more than seven tons of fresh fodder per acre.
He was confirmed in the opinion of its freshness by the cook, though she said there was a very slight tartness perceptible, by which she could distinguish it from fresh cream.
It was cooked and eaten by several persons, who said it was quite fresh and good, and had the flavor of fresh turtle.
Washed with an aqueous solution (four drachms of acid to a gallon of water), or kept in it, or wrapped in cloths soaked in this water, keeps fresh for a very long time.
Here are sprats which have been kept for a year; they are dry, but perfectly good and eatable; also some preserved fresh since Jan.
For instance, in oysters which had been preserved over three months there was the characteristic aroma of the fresh oyster; mutton could be easily distinguished from beef, and the peculiar smell of the turtle was also very distinct.
Every time Miss Western came around it was my custom to read up fresh on "Oliver Twist" and hurry around and enjoy Bill Whally's happy application of retribution with the aid of the old property chair.
Why, it would be an education in itself to know that man, to shake his honest hand, fresh from charity or concealment, and smoke a pipe with him and hear him talk about things frankly.
Every gulch and gully held for him a fresh terror.
I didn't see any fresh hide a-hangin' on the fence.
Ralston still regarded the affair of the fresh hide as too suspicious a circumstance to be overlooked, and he meant to learn which of the white grub-liners had been absent.
He had noted that there were no fresh hides among those which hung on the fence, and he sauntered down to have another look at the old ones.
Smith put a fresh bandage on her arm, and praised the scrawling signature on the check which she had filled out after laborious and oft-repeated efforts.
He had wanted Susie's help, but each time that he had tried to conciliate her, his overtures had ended in a fresh rupture.
Each time, he took a fresh grip on the slack reins and kept his horse plodding onward, ever onward, through the heavy sand and blistering alkali dust, and always to the northeast, where somewhere there was relief which somehow he must reach.
With an ejaculation of surprise, he pulled a fresh hide from under a pile of rock, it having been partially uncovered by coyotes.
If you were," Yellow Bird answered, "there would befresh meat to-morrow.
Go out in the fresh air and build yourself a couple of them sheep-herder's monuments.
Unable to endure the strain any longer, Dora went into the fresh air, and Susie dropped on her knees by the bedside and took her mother's limp hand in both of hers.
There is a more complex synthesis of forces here than there, a more subtle exhibition of nature's infinite capacity for evolving fresh forms of life, and that is all.
But here a fresh difficulty presents itself to the theist.
In many cases the thought of the injury experienced acts itself as a fresh cause of degradation.
He's got the cooking and the clean fresh linen; he must have a wife, the very best.
Moreover, since Brent came, she felt that the Colonel had been given fresh inspiration to imbibe.
Her skirt showed one or two rents where, in her haste, it had been forced through stiff underbrush, and the knuckles of her hands were stained with fresh earth, as though she might have crouched upon the ground somewhere to escape detection.
As he stepped out into the fresh early morning one might have remarked a noticeable change in him since the night he crossed twice to Bradford's cottage.
No leaf stirred, but the shaded air was freshand comforting.
Jane asked; an idea that had been forming for sometime now suddenly receiving fresh impetus.
It sho'ly do look good to see you down so fresh an' early!
Positively, sir, he gives me a fresh and agreeable surprise each day!
She's as pretty and fresh and innocent as a mountain flower.
At midnight, however, Jimmy entered the big tent quietly with a lantern, touching each of the fresh men on the shoulder.
Many years have elapsed since we read thy life, but our laughter at thy adventures, and our tears at the death of thy poor 'prentice, seem as fresh as those of yesterday!
The green elm-tree from the carpenter's yard looked as fresh and fair as if rooted in solitudes, leagues away from the smoke of Babylon.
His fine fresh complexion and well-furnished mouth were set off by his brilliant black eyes and hair, which curled naturally all over his head.
The little animal is very luminous if placed in fresh water or disturbed, but this phenomenon is most beautiful when an ammonia solution is poured over the animal.
We ought to add that another peculiarity of the Anthracite is that she uses the same boiler water over and over, only a trifle of fresh water being supplied to make good the slight waste.
When cold the glass plate on which the copper and tin are now attached can be separated from the relief, which can then be used over and over again to producefresh matrices.
She felt faint and sick, as if she must have fresh air.
However, she made no comment, and talking of her day on Mount Tallac, escorted Miss Wilkins to a pretty sitting-room, which in her absence had been supplied with fresh flowers.
Of those with whom we played upon the lawn 20 Of early life, in the fresh morning played; Alas!
Fresh tears of anguish on her lonely bed, Thinking on him who is not; then restrain The tear, O God, and her sad heart sustain!