It required blind and absolute submission, and often refused to dispense justice even at this price.
The Nubians dispense with every thing of the kind except a fringed leathern girdle round the loins, decorated with shells.
A little colony of Christians, cast away on some Pacific island, must decide for themselves, whether they will ordain a pastor for their flock or utterly dispense with Christian teaching.
If the infant mortality problem is to be solved on the basis of knowledge and reason, it must be recognized that sanitation and hygiene can not take the place of eugenics any more than eugenics can dispense with sanitation and hygiene.
Neither, therefore, can he dispense from the human law.
Wherefore God cannot dispense a man so that it be lawful for him not to direct himself to God, or not to be subject to His justice, even in those matters in which men are directed to one another.
Therefore superiors can dispense with the precepts of the decalogue.
But man can dispense with the precepts of a law made by man.
Again the sovereign is above the law, in so far as, when it is expedient, he can change the law, and dispense in it according to time and place.
Therefore, since the precepts of the decalogue are ordained by God, it seems that God can dispense with them.
But no man can dispense from the Divine and natural laws.
Whether the Rulers of the People Can Dispense from Human Laws?
Objection 1: It would seem that the rulers of the people cannot dispense from human laws.
At least their fathers, brothers, and uncles, cannot, as good relations and good citizens, dispense with their not standing forth to demand vengeance.
They may dispense with the laws, to favour their friends, or to secure their office.
For the same reason, we might, without any disparagement to the language, dispense with the terminations of our verbs in the singular.
It is far better to dispense with the inflection, in such a case, than either to impose it, or to resort to the plural pronoun.
Their example, their influence, their fortune, every talent they possess, dispense blessings on all around them.
Concerning equivalents, he evidently argues fallaciously; for he urges, that the using of them "does not dispense with the necessity of the definite passive voice.
His middle class, however, our prosodists in general very properly dispense with.
When any words become obsolete, or at least are never used, except as constituting part of particular phrases, it is better to dispense with their service entirely, and give up the phrases.
When any words become obsolete, or are used only in particular phrases, it is better to dispense with their service entirely, and give up the phrases.
For the same reason, we might, without any detriment to the language, dispense with the terminations of our verbs in the singular.
They may dispensewith the laws to favor their friends, or secure their office.
I only insist that there are room and hope for the small farmer also, and that large farming can never absorb nor enable us to dispense with small farms.
Whoever chose would be at liberty to start an opposition, and to use the railroad or dispense with it as he found advisable.
If we had but the right spirit aroused, we might dispense with most of our petty premiums, or replace them by medals of no great cost, and devote the money thus saved to higher and nobler ends.
Very possibly, the day may come wherein you will decide to dispense with pasturing altogether; but that is, for the present, improbable.
Whatever he may learn or dispense with, a knowledge of these sciences is among the most urgent of his life-long needs.
Well, we cannot dispense with either him or the guns.
Moses and Aaron differ indeed a little in which shall dispense the manna, and both struggle for their separate tribes.
But Dick Sand believed he could dispense with this precaution.
But the brig-schooner was navigated, we know, under conditions which enabled her to dispense with the services of a second officer.
A measure of happiness cannot but be theirs to whom is given the heart as well as the power to dispense wisely and liberally, and surely Allison would be one of these.
In country districts it may be possible to tell people to go to bed at curfew time, but the working population of our large cities will never consent to dispense with artificial light.
His iron determination would have enabled him todispense with the assistance thus obtained.
I wonder that you despise the advantages of the tribuneship, especially since they have allowed you to dispense with the fatigues of the military service.
True to his Gaulish manner, he would not allow his age to dispense him from commanding and mounting on horseback, although he was hardly able to keep his seat.
I am going to deprive you of a follower, provided you can dispense with the services of Captain Macgreal, and that he is willing to transfer his allegiance to me.
Redshank--a term applied in the kingdom of Connaught to young ladies who dispense with shoes and stockings.
We drew our rations in kind from the commissary at San Francisco, who sent them up to us by a boat; and we were thus enabled to dispense a generous hospitality to many a poor devil who otherwise would have had nothing to eat.
I thereupon invited them to the Covillaud House, a public house in the town, and directed the keeper to dispense to them the good things of his bar.
Jesus Christ, according to carnal Christians,[218] has come to dispense us from the love of God, and to give us sacraments which shall do everything without our help.
A proper myth can hardly dispense with the idea of a primal flood.
Believing that I have by this time sufficiently prepared the reader who was unfamiliar with psychoanalysis for the psychoanalytic part of my investigation, I will dispense with further time-consuming explanations.
After all, I would not, if I could, dispense with the ministry of disappointment and unrest.
It is a blessing I, for one, am very willing to dispense with.
Richelieu offered to give up his secretaryship, but the queen could not dispense with his talents.
He resolved to live at his ease, without constraint, and to dispense with everything which was not absolutely necessary for the preservation of life.