I do not feel my sympathies chill toward my very agreeable table-companion because he drinks ice-water at breakfast; and he views my tea with an eye of equal tolerance.
Fate could not have devised a more ingenious and at the same time tactful way of making us feel at home; though at home, indeed, a Mile End 'bus conductor is scarcely the authority one would turn to for enlightened views upon the Laureateship.
Once in the quiet of the seaside, with my mother for companion, I recovered my proper frame of mind, and began to take sober views of the prospect before me.
Notice how the gloomy views are the only ones in their second statement.
But the point which I wish to make now is that it is largely a matter for our own selection which of the two views of our lives we take.
Let us take short views both of duty and of hope, and we shall not so often have to complain that we are left without knowing what the Commander's orders are.
In neither of these views is the effect of a public execution upon the criminal taken into account.
On the whole subject of National Education, how enlarged and liberal are the views taken by the Bishop of Oxford, in one of his recent Sermons.
With a Frontispiece by John Gilbert, 13 Views of Public Schools, and 20 Portraits by Harvey.
Buckland brought the weight of his authority to support the views now generally received.
A law student from Cambridge, for instance, has generally no very romantic views either of his profession or of himself.
His views of the limits of medicine are excellent.
If this work be so important, when we confine our views to this state alone, how unspeakably beneficial must it appear, when we extend our contemplations to the great lakes, and the country affiliated with them!
These different comparative viewsshow that New-York has, in every instance, a decided advantage over her great rivals.
He forbore going up himself, that it might not be imagined he was guilty of so black a contrivance; and that he went up to complete any base viewsin consequence of it.
I am not so low-minded a wretch, as to be guilty of any sordid views to her fortune.
I do most solemnly assure you that no temporal or worldly views induce me to this earnest address.
Our views must now be different--Resolve, my dear, to make a worthy man happy, because a worthy man make you so.
The ascent would be more tolerable if any vistas were cut in the forest to give views by the way; as it was, the monotony of the pull upward was only relieved by the society of the passengers.
Moreover Eusebius blames Papias for the crude ideas of Irenaeus and other second century fathers who held the views called "chiliastic" (i.
Popular lectures showing something of theviews of the modern school of critics known as religionsgeschichtlich.
New discovery and more careful study of literary relations have inverted Baur's views as to dates of the Johannine writings.
By extending our views to futurity, we see considerable changes in the condition of theze republican states.
Whatever were the real views of the framers of this institution, its design was generally understood to be harmless and honorable.
This would destroy, in a great measure, the local views and attachments which now embarrass government; every Representativ would be chosen by the whole body; and the interest of the whole number of constituents would be his object.
The ostensible views of the society could not however skreen it from popular jealousy.
Washington's views on slavery were characterized by a high sense of justice and an exalted conscience.
If Priscilla and that lawyer were to begin to exchange opinions and compare views on the great marriage question, they might easily remain in that stuffy office for another hour or two.
I am prepared to hear it alleged," his address went on, "that myviews on this matter are not wholly disinterested, that in fact my own interests are largely bound up with the agricultural industry.
A farmer's daughter, with views of dairy management; that was rather a curious sort of young person for Jack to take up--if he had taken her up.
Mr. Possnett had unwittingly walked into the trap laid for his feet by a young woman who had for years been acquainted with his individual views respecting the dissolution by a court of law of a marriage celebrated in a church of God.
They had not exchanged viewsas to what to say to him.
I am not given to forcing my views on this or any other subject on people who may have feelings or prejudices in favour of the conventional.
Frieda had then aired her views as fully as it seemed possible that any expression of opinion could be aired.
The views of the people who oppose the idea of increasing the number of our ranches and the supply of our livestock I confess I am too stupid to understand.
And yet narrow views and sectional purposes would inevitably have excluded them all from the Union.
My views on the subject are more fully set forth in the reply of the Secretary of State, a copy of which is herewith transmitted, to the communications on the subject made to this Government, especially to the communication of France.
It is not merely as an interesting topic of speculation that I present these views for your consideration.
The late ministers were violently expelled from power, and men of very different views in relation to its internal affairs have succeeded.
The report of the Secretary of the Interior presents facts and views in relation to internal affairs over which the supervision of his Department extends of much interest and importance.
To these more liberal and enlightened views it is hoped that Brazil will conform her policy and remove all unnecessary restrictions upon the free use of a river which traverses so many states and so large a part of the continent.
I lay before you herewith sundry documents on the subject, in which my viewsare more fully disclosed.
I concur in the views expressed by the Secretary of the Department in favor of a still further increase of our naval force.
For a more full account of this transaction and my views in regard to it I refer to the correspondence between the charge d'affaires of Austria and the Secretary of State, which is herewith transmitted.
We will meet in Edinburgh next week to consult on state affairs; but to-morrow, being Sabbath, I have thought well to explain my views to you both to-day.
May I give my own mistress joy on your acceding so cordially to her views for your welfare?
Why should not my viewsbe as clear as yours, or may we not both be right?
There also gather many guides in this spot, some of whom show the stranger all the various points of common interest, and others of whom take visitors to special points from which the views are of peculiar significance.
An excellent set of stereoscopicviews of the figures of solid geometry, prepared by E.
As time has gone on new paths have opened, and new resting places have been made from which these views are best obtained.
The mountains have not changed, and the views are what they have always been.
Since I entered the school I had, indeed, caught distant views of him, hurrying through the class-rooms to or from his lessons in the First and Second divisions.
Heger is chiefly this: that it expresses observations made from a purely personal standpoint; out of sight of any literary views about 'Paul Emanuel,' or historical judgments upon his relations with Charlotte Bronte.
The wall, being in places as high as the houses, afforded some interesting views into attics, chambers, and back yards.
It is not likely that this inland sea is a mere exaggeration of the present Great Salt Lake, because the views of that sheet of water are everywhere limited by islands in such a way as to give to the eye the effect of exceeding narrowness.
The scenery is exquisitely set in a framework of hops; for not only are all the flats covered with luxuriant bines, but the hills between which you survey the views have also each its "garden," the bines being trained upon a wire trellis.
Our views were shaken in the East, but nothing revolutionized them so rapidly as our three days' risk of scalping in the plains.
The views are limited only by the curvature of the earth, such is the marvelous purity of the Coloradan air, the effect at once of the distance from the sea and of the bed of limestone which underlies the plains.
This Bridger's Pass route is that by which the telegraph line runs, and I was told by the drivers strange stories of the Indians and their views on this great Medicine.
By letting my eyes persuade me that the burnt-up herbage was a ripening crop of wheat or oats, I found a likeness to the views in the weald of Sussex, though the foliage of the gums, or eucalypti, is thinner than that of the English oaks.
All views from mountains are different, and every time one climbs one is uncertain, owing to the weather or the possible state of the peak, if the top can be reached or not.
So far the route had been nothing more than a steep grind in an angle where little could be seen, but now views opened out in several directions, and the way began to be interesting.
His Highness of Moozuffernuggar, however, had his own views on this question.
And yet, John, see here in England what different views of religion even good people take.
Not knowing your own views I hesitate to express mine.
Every teacher needs a cultivated taste, a disciplined intellect, and that enlargement of views which results only from enlarged knowledge.
The practical application of these views to the science of teaching, is too obvious to require more than a passing notice.
The views contained in this volume are the result of a prolonged and somewhat varied professional experience.
Points of geography, history, mythology, and antiquities are explained in accordance with theviews of the best German scholars.
We wish the reader to emphasize every line and accept it as our ownviews regarding these treacle-beer would-be-genteel excrescences of our noble race.
On all these questions, and many others, we shall from time to time give our views at further length, as well as the views of those who differ from us.
I did not in the slightest degree mean to indicate my own views as to this vexed question.
Those who regard Hannah More as a prim maiden lady of the conventional type, with a pious and literary turn of mind, will be obliged to change their views should they read Mrs. Walford's admirable sketch of the authoress of Percy.
Certainly, in Walt Whitman's views there is a largeness of vision, a healthy sanity and a fine ethical purpose.
On marriage vows our author has, too, very sensible views and very amusing stories.
As for the matter of Mr. Bayliss's discourses, his views on art must be admitted to be very commonplace and old-fashioned.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "views" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.