Never did she appear to lay stress on anything, still less to interest herself for anybody, but she had an understanding with the minister, who did not dare to oppose her in private, still less to trip in her presence.
This see-sawing lasted once fifteen days running, before a trip to Fontainebleau.
Entering the apartments of the Princesse de Conti, he found there Madame d'Espinoy, who had much property in Flanders, and who had wished to take a trip there.
The provost of the merchants had orders to prepare boats for the trip to Fontainebleau.
On the whole the Black Sea trip seemed to offer the most favourable opportunities of success.
One friend of mine, while training for a trip to Blighty, habitually carried heavy lead plates hung round his waist, to accustom himself to the weight of his pack.
Sunk in gloom, he bumped up and down on an uncomfortable seat, wondering why he had ever taken the trouble to make the trip to Rochester.
Last we saw of him he was doing the trip to Canada in nothing flat.
Mr Pilkington almost abandoned his trip to Rochester on receiving this devastating piece of information.
I remembered him on a brighter trip in summer-time when I was a good deal younger and took the languors of the voyage less slumberously.
I suppose our main object on that patrol trip of ours was the stopping of rice-running, the preservation of our lake blockade.
I think of going a trip to the old country,' said Smythe.
I arranged a riding trip for all three visitors next morning.
In one of these he alludes to a winter trip to Canada, with a sleigh-load of whisky, on speculation.
Unfortunately I am informed that eight and a half Great Easterns, each making one tripper month, could only export the annual increase of our Southern slaves.
He determined to make a trip in Belgium and Holland and along the banks of the Rhine, where he should see for himself what the happiness of the people required.
He reached there May 13, and left on the 22d, to make a trip through Normandy.
Perhaps you might have gone up with your uncle on his trip last week, but it seemed hot.
All the morning the rain poured in torrents, to the discouragement of two or three parties of automobilists, who had planned a trip to Paestum, and a return to Naples by the Amalfi road.
Mrs. Sanford and her party had been there before their arrival in Siena, and Marion, who said he hadn't time for both, preferred a trip to Pisa.
But she is extremely tired, as we arrived on the German liner this morning, and to-morrow we start on a fatiguingtrip through Spain.
Uncle Jim ought to have planned a trip through Spain.
After so much tantalizing promise, followed by disappointment, it began to seem very doubtful whether the six bicyclists of the party could carry out their intention of prolonging the trip into Thessaly.
Vandeloup had calculated on this, for, as a matter of fact, there was a good deal of private matter in the letter, particularly referring to histrip to New Caledonia, which he would not have allowed her to see.
That Barraclough and his friend did well was sufficiently proved by the former taking a trip to Europe, while his friend bought a station and set up as a squatter.
At Provo we joined Governor Young and train on their trip south, and travelled with them as far as Cedar City.
They expressed an earnest wish for me to accompany them on the pioneer trip to the mountains; but my circumstances seemed to forbid, and they did not press the matter.
On repairing to the office found letters from home, also one from Sister Ruth Sayers, who crossed the plains with us on our outward trip from Salt Lake City.
My sisters are in the Concord behind us, going to visit the old folks for a few weeks before their trip to Cuba.
At the end of the ninth day, he was still one hundred eighty miles from Moscow, but, at that point, he got out of the submarine and prepared himself for the trip overland.
They were all in high spirits, the hard work of founding St. Andrews having made a holiday very welcome, while the novelty and interest of the trip certainly promised to be sufficient to satisfy the most enterprising.
And why would he make the trip if he was out to get her and, for all he knew to the contrary, she was still somewhere in New Chicago?
She had managed to make of thetrip a continuous honeymoon, despite a few lovers' quarrels and the stern exactions which her work as a medical laboratory technician had imposed on her.
She provided for her comfort during the long trip in half-dozen ingenious ways, as we know, and made sure that the food concentrates she took along were high in essential proteins.
Who can say how much of the revenue lost to the Irish Exchequer in the event of a reduction of duties would have been due to the reduced rates of duty, and how much had been regained by increased consumption.
But of all attempts to over-ride the authority of law this conspiracy to exempt ecclesiastical persons from its scope is the most insidious and dangerous.
As a wind-up to the season they'd taken her on a yachtin' tripup the coast.
It's plain Marjorie ain't lost any weight by her trip abroad, and she looks more like a corn fed Juliet than ever.
Her excuse is that she wants Uncle Jerry to have the trip of his life by coming to the great city; but incident'lly she urges him to bring his blue eyed nephew along, and the check she sends is big enough to cover expenses for both.
All I could think of Vee wearin' was that pink silk affair she had on at the dance, which wouldn't be exactly what a young lady'd start out on an ocean trip with, would it?
That you give me £500 for my services on the trip before we start, I undertaking to serve you faithfully till you choose to abandon the enterprise, or till we succeed, or disaster overtakes us.
Thence I bid farewell to all who have accompanied me through the strangest trip I ever made in the course of a long and varied experience.
These were interrupted for a while by a trip South in search of health, but he was finally able to accept a position as assistant minister at the Second Church.
It was a trip full of danger and adventure, but Parkman had gained what he wanted--a picture of Indian life still preserved in the solitudes of the plains and mountains as inviolate as the rivers and rocks themselves.
One of Longfellow's great pleasures while on this trip was the meeting with Irving in Spain, where the latter was busy upon his Life of Columbus; and Irving's kindness on this occasion was always affectionately remembered.
He was graduated at twenty-one, and after a short trip to Europe started for the Western plains to begin his historical studies from nature.
Then, there had been the expenses of the trip South.
She had meant to write sooner to Julie, but on a trip like that, Julie would understand, a great many things had been wiped out of mind.
This was my first trip west of Pittsburgh and I viewed my new duties with some apprehension.
On his first trip he went into the lineup and gave us an example of how the game could be played by a master.
Fresh in my memory is the wonderful trip that we boys made to Andover.
It would take a separate volume to describe the incidents of that trip from New Haven to New York.
When the train stopped at New Haven, we were met by the Yale-Lawrenceville men, who wished us the best of luck; some of them making the trip with us to Boston.
It was a wonderfully happytrip back to Lawrenceville.
In a few minutes Harding, after trying to trip Ames, also was ruled off.
I recall a trip that the Princeton team of 1898 made to West Point.
My only pleasant recollection of that trip was a brief call I made at the home of a girl friend of mine, who had attended the game.
The trip was made through a welcome of friendly salutes from Princeton men encountered on the way.
I went to Providence once after I was married, and that's the only long trip I've ever taken from home.
Under the excitement of the trip and its novelty, Abby had fairly bloomed.
There had been a trip over to Rocky Glen after the purchase of Mollie's Baby, and Mr. Butterick had been persuaded to part with a buggy that just fit the mare.
A fleeting vision of that "handy" trip to High School in the dead of winter appeared before them.
There used to be a post office there when the mail-wagon made the trip over, but they needed the building to keep the hearse in, so it's gone.
It was his first trip away from the house since they had moved there, but now that the time had come, it seemed an easy thing to do, as if the strength had been granted to him to meet just such a crisis.
Maybe next year when I bring Honey home, we can coax Aunt Luella to take a trip out with you.
She wanted to go up to Boston on her wedding trip and on to Concord from there, and the Judge wanted to go to New York, as he had some business to settle there and he thought he could attend to it on the honeymoon trip.
Also, there will be no Wednesday evening dancing class, Helenita, for your princesslike toes to trip at.
Cousin Roxana writes that Father stood the trip well and has slept every night since they reached Maple Lawn.
This trip board doubles the value of the trap, as by its use many an animal which merely enters the trap to smell at the bait, will be caught; which would not occur if the board were not used.
A small trip board (H), rests under the bait-stick on the inside of the trap.
As I said before I baited with fish when I could get them; but those trappers who used them for mink alone, never used bait, but attracted the mink into the trap by means of mink musk rubbed on the trip board.
In the spring of 1889 we took a very delightful trip to California, visiting the famed Yosemite valley, and spending some time very pleasantly with my brother James's family in Oakland.
The yellow stage rumbled through the streets on its semi-weekly trip from Hartford and was hailed with joy as a messenger from the great world beyond.
My husband's illness on the way obliged them to cut short their trip and return home, and another long illness followed.
The wedding was followed by a bridal trip to Niagara.
Edward Henry's sole consolation was that each day on the eastward trip consisted of only twenty-three hours.
You must understand that on this trip New York for me is merely a town where Isabel Joy happens to be.
To such an extent that he began to think: "Is she going to spoil my tripfor me?
The Mistress and the Master and the Place's superintended got aboard, and the trip to Hawthorne began.
The European trip had been cut short, for business reasons; and the two travelers expected to land in New York on the following Friday.
The runabout had started upon its orderly fourteen-mile tripto Paterson, before the panic stricken nurse could give the alarm.
Twenty minutes later, the truck chugged bumpily off, upon its trip down the hazardous mountain track.
And, on reaching the barrack, he would have all that freezing and blast-hammering trip back again.
My canoe was only about fifteen feet long, but my voyageur was an expert and faithful man, and we performed the trip without the slightest accident.
I did not venture to trip the “light fantastic toe” on the occasion in question, but my enjoyment as a calm spectator was very amusing and decidedly original.
I ascended Tahawus, as a matter of course, and in making the trip I travelled some twenty miles on foot and through the pathless woods, employing for the same the better part of two days.
The dance was without any particular method; and, when a gentleman wished to trip the light fantastic toe he had only to station himself on the floor, when one of his friends would select his partner, and lead her up for his acceptance.
It is somewhat of an undertaking to ascend Mount Washington, though the trip is performed on horseback; but if the weather is clear, the traveller will be well repaid for his labor.