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Example sentences for "erect"

Lexicographically close words:
ercome; ercross; erden; erds; ere; erected; erectile; erecting; erection; erections
  1. It was not unnatural that the king who had his palace built by Tyrian artists should have proposed to erect a permanent temple to Yahweh.

  2. In 1904 the municipality of Auvers-sur-Oise decided to erect a bronze monument to Daubigny's memory.

  3. The involucre consists of an outer spreading (or reflexed) and an inner and erect row of bracts.

  4. Several varieties of the dandelion are recognized by botanists; they differ in the degree and mode of cutting of the leaf-margin and the erect or spreading character of the outer series of bracts.

  5. It has an erect stout leafy stem 2 to 3 ft.

  6. The beautiful synagogue which the Jews began to erect in Moscow at the cost of half a million rubles was declared by Pobyednostsev to be "too high and imposing," and they were compelled to destroy the cupola and deform the interior.

  7. Asia and Bithynia to erect temples and show divine honour to him at their places of assembly, Pergamus and Nicomedia.

  8. The ground put forward for thus declaring war is not known; the aim is doubtless correctly specified to the effect that he purposed to erect two new provinces, Marcomania and Sarmatia.

  9. She sat rigidly erect in her chair, with her needle-like eyes riveted immovably on the face of her companion, who shifted with evident uneasiness beneath her uncompromising stare.

  10. He stood erect before her, his fine face clouded with anger and mortification.

  11. There the Native Sons of the Golden West, aided by the Native Daughters of the Golden West, propose to erect a memorial to all overland California pioneers.

  12. But what if better counsels might erect Our minds, and teach us to cast off this yoke?

  13. The erect figure of the Duke of Alba, a man of middle height, followed by several colonels, trotted toward it.

  14. And how the unruly girl wheels her horse and sits erect in her wild career over the flagstones!

  15. The lame had leaped before his eyes, and feeble invalids had stood erect long hours when the duties of the court, etiquette, the command of royalty, compelled them to do so.

  16. But how tightly she laced, how erect was her bearing, how sweet the smile on her sunken mouth!

  17. Both quickly assumed a more erect attitude, but the Spaniard whispered to his comrade: "It isn't he.

  18. The little gentleman at his side with the stiffly erect bearing and pompous walk was his son Philip, who was now visiting his father in Brussels, and expected to leave in a few days.

  19. Barbara's head was proudly erect as she crossed the square.

  20. His figure is slender and only slightly above middle height; but how erect and noble is his bearing, how symmetrically his pliant form is developing!

  21. We had in the morning directed the boatman in charge of the baggage to go on in advance, and erect our tents on an island in Round Lake.

  22. Maruja's quick eyes, observant of everything, even under the double fire of Captain Carroll and Garnier, instantly caught those of the erect figure on the bench in the veranda.

  23. Captain Carroll alone remained there, erect and motionless, before the threshold.

  24. She pointed to a tall erect figure slowly disappearing on the other side of the hedge.

  25. Before he could turn, Guest disappeared round the angle of the wall, and the tall erect figure of the solitary worshiper passed on without heeding him.

  26. He shut his lips firmly together, and strode along by the side of his innocent guide, erect and defiant.

  27. The Captain did not remove his military overcoat, but remained standing erect in the centre of the room, with his forage cap in his hand.

  28. Then came our Helene down towards me, walking delicately, yet proudly erect as a young tree.

  29. But I stood as erect as I could, though I felt hands laid upon my shoulders and the breathing of many close about me.

  30. Otho von Reuss, now Duke of the Wolfmark, was standing erect by the great chair in which, as my father had so often described him to me, Casimir had sat so many days with his head sunk on his breast.

  31. Step to a tune, square chests, erect each head, 'Ware the beholders!

  32. Not until she lifted her head to stand erect behind his chair, with a hand on each shoulder, did he find words.

  33. One of the erect fossil trees of the South Joggins fifteen feet in height, occurring at a higher level than the main coal, has been shown by Dr.

  34. In order to follow these, we must survey the country for about thirty miles round the South Joggins, or the region where the erect trees described in the foregoing pages are seen.

  35. It is the remains of an old land and estuarine deposit, containing the submerged stumps of trees standing erect with their roots in the ancient soil.

  36. Erect trees in volcanic ash in the Island of Arran.

  37. I found them maintaining their erect attitude, at points many miles apart, in beds both above and between the seams of coal.

  38. The thickness of the beds alluded to, between d and g, is about 2500 feet, the erect trees consisting chiefly of large Sigillariae, occurring at ten distinct levels, one above the other.

  39. In the sea-cliffs of the South Joggins in Nova Scotia, I examined several erect Sigillariae, in company with Dr.

  40. In some of these shales stems of crinoidea are found in an erect position, having evidently become fossil on the spots where they grew at the bottom of the sea.

  41. Erect Trees buried in Volcanic Ash in the Island of Arran.

  42. This he did, going up about six leagues, where he made a settlement in a place where he could erect a fort, whence he could direct offensive and defensive warfare against the enemy.

  43. Erect in his chair, as the people loved to remember, he defied even Death to make him bend, and at the last received him sitting like a king.

  44. He stood erect and moved nearer, watching her face closely as her eyes became less certain, her cheeks a deeper color.

  45. Then, she stood erect and muttered, "Oh, God, has it come?

  46. He stood erect and looked into the far reaches of the lower valley where the wreaths of mists in the hollows were turning to silver and those without shelter becoming dispelled as the sun spread its first warmth over the country.

  47. She moved to her bed with lagging, uncertain steps and sat down with a long sigh; then, drew a wrist across her eyes, propping herself erect with the other arm.

  48. An architect having raised a proud and noble building to the service of the Almighty, his admirers desired to erect a monument to his memory.

  49. Better then to be a beast of chase, darting mouse or blundering mole, than a man, if the more erect posture is to be the badge of a greater degradation.

  50. Behold, there stood erect the unharmed form of Lorenzo Bezan!

  51. His fine military figure became erect and dignified, and a slight indication of satisfied pride was just visible in the fine lines of his expressive lips.

  52. He stood erect at last with a long breath.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "erect" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aggrandize; assemble; blameless; bolt; boost; build; cast; clean; compose; compound; concoct; construct; create; creditable; decent; devise; dignify; distinguish; downright; elaborate; elevate; elevated; ennoble; erect; estimable; ethical; evolve; exalt; exalted; fabricate; fair; fashion; form; formulate; found; frame; glorify; good; halting; heave; heft; heighten; high; hike; hoist; honest; honor; honorable; immaculate; independent; indite; inviolate; irreproachable; just; lift; lofty; magnify; make; manly; manufacture; mature; mold; moral; mould; moulder; mouldy; noble; perpendicular; pitch; praise; prepare; prideful; principled; produce; proud; pure; raise; raised; rampant; rear; rearing; reputable; respectable; right; righteous; rise; shape; spotless; stainless; standing; sterling; stilted; straight; sublime; unblemished; uncorrupted; undefiled; unimpeachable; unspotted; unstained; unsullied; untarnished; upcast; upheave; uphold; uplift; uplifted; upraise; upraised; upright; upstanding; vertical; virtuous; worthy; write

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    erect attitude; erect position; erect posture