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Example sentences for "military glory"

  • Passing from these testimonies, I would observe for a moment the nature of Military Glory.

  • The new democracy, whose claims to rule were based, not on the policy of peace or restricted powers, but on the seductive glitter of military glory, was in the ascendant, and General Jackson was the favorite of the hour.

  • The Scythian, undisturbed by the illusion of military glory, snatched a phrase of justice from an acknowledged criminal, when he called Alexander "the greatest robber in the world.

  • And all through this Bermudian prison period we find the same devotion to his mother shown in a hundred letters--a devotion which even makes that other love of his life, military glory, lose its fascination for him.

  • The king of Scots, inflamed with a desire of military glory, and of revenge on his invaders, gave the signal for pursuing them, and carrying the war into England.

  • Should the Sun line be strong it would signify success in art, or military glory in a hand where Mars is strong.

  • A star on the Mount of Mercury shows theft and dishonour; on the Mount of Mars, death in battle; but a star on the plain of Mars, military glory.

  • Military glory for a time ceased to be a passion among the most excitable and warlike people of Europe, and gave way to the more absorbing passion for gain, and for the pleasures which money purchases.

  • Sparta, Russia, and the new German Empire show that where the ideal of a nation is military glory, "The individual is owned by the State.

  • The French are still too fond of military glory, and too ignorant of the value of personal liberty and local self-government; but rapid advance in freedom is already possible under the Constitution of 1884.

  • Military glory is their passion, and it is an unfortunate one.

  • The Napoleonic legend was the result of an epoch of military glory; the capitulation of Sedan not only scotched it, but killed it.

  • Don Sebastian, who ascended the throne when a child, was a prince of great abilities and great spirit, but his youth was poisoned with the most romantic ideas of military glory.

  • He now fell the victim of his father's ideas of military glory.

  • The ardour of the volunteer, an ardour unknown to the slave and the mercenary, added to the most romantic ideas of military glory, characterized the Portuguese under the reigns of their first monarchs.

  • Unable to read, or to write his own name, the chieftain was entirely possessed by the most romantic opinion of military glory, and the song of his domestic minstrel constituted his highest idea of fame.

  • Extinguish in your heart the fiendish love of military glory, from which your sex does not necessarily exempt you, and to which the wickedness of flatterers may urge you.

  • It is the business of every wise and good man to set himself against this passion for military glory, which really seems to be the most fruitful source of human misery.

  • The first is the warning to the United States against the love of military glory.

  • Scarcely any memorable slaughter occurred in which these confederated nations did not join; to this they were incited by their unanimous hatred of the Europeans, the certain hope of booty, and their common desire of military glory.

  • Those of Napoleon were at first, at least nominally, to spread or defend the ideas of the French Revolution, until he became infatuated with the love of military glory.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "military glory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    family affair; marine deposits; military academy; military capacity; military career; military control; military convention; military despotism; military duty; military glory; military hospital; military merit; military officer; military organization; military police; military policy; military preparations; military secretary; military service; military skill; military stores; military tactics; military tenure; minutes longer; spiritual truth; thirteen years