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Example sentences for "recitation"

Lexicographically close words:
reciprocity; recit; recital; recitall; recitals; recitations; recitative; recitatives; recitativo; recite
  1. The recitation of the Hesiodic poems was from the first unaccompanied by the lyre, i.

  2. Perhaps therefore the custom of public recitation was exceptional,[5] and unfortunately we do not know when or by whom it was introduced.

  3. Under these influences the older stories of Lycurgus bringing Homer to the Peloponnesus, and Solon providing for the recitation at Athens, were thrown into the shade.

  4. Again, the account of the Hipparchus is contradicted by Diogenes Laertius, who says that Solon provided for the due recitation of the Homeric poems.

  5. The highly theatrical manner of recitation which was fostered by the spirit of competition, and by the example of the stage, cannot have done justice to the even movement of the epic style.

  6. Again we do not hear of poetical contests (except in the story of Thamyris already mentioned) or of recitation of epic poetry at festivals.

  7. That it was the mode of recitation contemplated by the author of the Iliad or Odyssey it is impossible to believe.

  8. The distinction between accent and quantity is clear, and was, no doubt, observed by the ancients in the recitation of verse.

  9. But I believe such recitation to have been always an artificial thing, and that the common conversation was entirely regulated by accent.

  10. Suppose this process constitutes by far the larger part of their work, and that they are continually judged from the standpoint of what they are able to take in in a study hour and reproduce in a recitation hour.

  11. The last half-hour, I listened to a recitation in geography.

  12. I was first conducted to a recitation in arithmetic.

  13. Girls of ten to twelve were numbering and naming the bridges of Berlin, as I entered, and the recitation continued for some time on the topography and boundaries of their own city.

  14. After dinner the young gentlemen had recreation again until two o'clock, when the afternoon study and recitation hours began.

  15. It is a fine old place, with a wide parade-ground extending before the buildings, and back of it are the brick barracks that contain the cadets' quarters and the armory and recitation rooms.

  16. Then the cadets had recreation till 8 o'clock, when the study and recitation hours began.

  17. Whenever a section left its recitation room it was marched by its leader to the third floor, and there dismissed.

  18. When the signal was given by the bugle, the sections were marched to their recitation rooms.

  19. Much studying of lessons by teachers and pupils together will help, provided that the exercise is spirited and vital, and is not looked upon by the pupils as an easy way of getting out of recitation work.

  20. It is becoming more and more the custom in the best schools to plan to do all the school work in school hours, alternating periods of recitation and play with periods of study, so that no school-books need be taken home at night.

  21. Leyden[52] was apparently quite capable of taking down a ballad from recitation in such a way as to produce a more finished poem than one would expect a traditional ballad to be.

  22. It is easy to see how his own contributions of word and phrase might slip in, since his avowed method was to collate the different texts secured from manuscripts or recitation or both, and so to give what to his mind was the worthiest version.

  23. The precedence ought to be given to Coleridge because of the suggestion Scott caught from a chance recitation of Christabel for the meter he made so popular in the Lay.

  24. FN#38] Though performing Ziyarat for myself, I had promised my old Shaykh at Cairo to recite a Fatihah in his name at the Prophet's tomb; so a double recitation fell to my lot.

  25. Without the supervision of the teacher, this is much less efficient than the recitation work.

  26. In most cases the recitation work can go on only with one grade at a time, while the other grades have to do study work.

  27. It makes possible a better division of time in recitation and study.

  28. A severe test comes upon the teacher in the recitation and catechising upon the lesson.

  29. Only two recitation periods a week are usually set apart for the oral treatment of these old myths.

  30. Questions arise during the recitation which the children will answer later from observation.

  31. The few recitation periods used for oral work are rather designed to introduce children to the spirit of this literature, to get them into the appreciative mind.

  32. The pupils of the fifth year sit at one side, at the left, and are divided into two large classes for convenience sake, and use for recitation two of the church rooms on the first floor of the building.

  33. They occupy seats on the main floor, at the right of the superintendent, during the opening and closing exercises, and use for recitation one of the church rooms on the first floor of the building.

  34. The recitation hall or chapel was a little frame building standing in a square, and around that were eight or ten one-story frame houses where boys coming from a distance lived.

  35. Collinsworth Institute was abandoned, and only the recitation hall was left standing.

  36. Hurrying from Science Hall after her last recitation of the afternoon, Marjorie crossed the campus at a swift run.

  37. Leslie accordingly cut her last afternoon recitation in order to call on Katherine before any of her friends should arrive on the scene.

  38. She led a pure, chaste life, and spent her time in the mental recitation of Om.

  39. It means that in addition to one's high school work he is required to carry the subject in practically daily recitation for from 2-1/2 to 3 years in the University.

  40. How much easier it is than to conduct a real live recitation in which there is the give and take, the action and reaction, of eager vigorous young minds, where the instructor is the agency of interpretation and the inspiration!

  41. Recitation at Evening Parties, Social, Temperance and Band of Hope Meetings.

  42. With regard to the oracle of the whole proceeding, the beads do move; but the explanation is simple, although the Indians account for it by saying that the beads become alive by the recitation of the sacred formula.

  43. The recitation is not used excepting in the most serious cases, when, according to the formula, “a very small portion” of the disease still lingers.

  44. The “good black things” referred to in the recitation are the bears.

  45. Then the short recitation is repeated and the doctor blows four times in a circle about the spot.

  46. You can spend that time in study, and I will give you a shorter recitation by yourself.

  47. Sarah almost skipped as she ran along the board-walk to the recitation building.

  48. I couldn't face the public recitation in the Senate House, feeling very much as Cowper felt; Merivale declaimed my poem for me in the Senate House.

  49. In the department of history I can claim no results more calculated to reflect credit upon the little student who hated a poor recitation much, but facts and figures more.

  50. Suddenly, in the recitation room, where I am refreshing my accomplishments in some threatening lesson, I hear low murmurs and exclamations.

  51. Moreover, she told her what she had seen of the slave-girls and their circumstance and that which they had said and how they had made El Abbas desireful of returning to his own country by the recitation of verses to the sound of the strings.

  52. In Scotland the custom of recitation prevails, but multitudes besides Dr.

  53. The almost universal custom of reading in this part of the world, where recitation from memory is scarcely known, and extempore speaking is practised by very few except the illiterate, forbids any thing like a fair deduction from observation.

  54. If you wish to grow as a student, utilize the recitation period and welcome every chance to recite orally, for things about which you recite in class are more effectively learned.

  55. Perhaps the first difficulty you will encounter is the substitution of the lecture for the class recitation to which you were accustomed in high school.

  56. This substitution requires that you develop a new technic of learning, for the mental processes involved in an oral recitation are different from those used in listening to a lecture.

  57. This is the form of expression for which the class-recitation is provided.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recitation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.