Men without faith, without law, without shame, whose contagious example will corrupt the French nation, formerly so decent, and precipitate it into all kinds of debauchery and wickedness.
The frightened creature, discovering its error, continued its precipitate flight.
Then a sudden agitation and wavering of the herd was followed by precipitate and thundering flight.
The garrison made a precipitate retreat towards Limerick, but were overtaken at Cariganlis, and routed with the loss of several men, their baggage, and four hundred head of cattle.
Any signally untoward happening could promptly precipitate a panic.
White persons feel it--at these precipitate sounds their hearts beat faster; and, according to old residents, its effect on the natives was extreme.
But men had not leisure to wonder at the indiscretion of this measure: their astonishment was excited by new attempts, still more precipitateand imprudent.
They apprehended the most precipitate resolutions from men of such violent and haughty dispositions.
What rendered them so backward, after such precipitate steps as they had formerly taken, is not easily explained.
When urged by Fleetwood and others of his friends not to precipitate himself into this rash measure, he swore by the living God that they should not sit a moment longer.
Truth which acts on us and in us like a chemical precipitate was disclosing to him her whiteness and its own.
Chère madame,” some one was saying, “I precipitate myself to renew the expression of my homage.
Throughout his life he deplored theprecipitate tragedy at Fort Mims, and no doubt his subsequent reflection led him to insist that it was not his wish that the women and children should perish.
The more dilute the solution of ammonia, the greater is the amount of iodine required for the formation of the precipitate of NHI{2}.
No such precipitate is formed by the acid salt, because magnesium carbonate is soluble in the presence of an excess of carbonic anhydride.
Thus, for instance, with silver nitrate it gives a precipitate of silver chloride; with sulphuric acid it gives hydrochloric acid and ammonium sulphate, and it forms double salts with certain metallic chlorides and other salts.
The liquid gradually loses its dark red colour and becomes lighter, and when it has become quite colourless a gelatinousprecipitate is thrown down.
After the removal of the ammonia, this precipitate dissolves easily in water with a considerable evolution of heat, but without giving off any gaseous products.
The precipitate (deposit) so formed is collected on a filter, washed, and dried.
Sulphuretted waters may be recognised by their smell of rotten eggs, and by their giving a black precipitate with lead salts, and also by their tarnishing silver objects.
The solution obtained is boiled with a small quantity of lime in order to precipitate the foreign oxides which are insoluble in water.
The least motion of distrust now on the part of the white men will precipitate the bloody scene, awaiting only for a signal to begin.
After twenty or thirty minutes (the hotter the water, the quicker the precipitation) the precipitate has settled in large flocks at the bottom, and the clear water is drawn off into the pure water reservoir.
By adding too much lime, we also use more carbonate of soda in order to precipitate the excess of lime.
A whiteprecipitate would indicate that not enough carbonate of soda had been added.
Our cavalry out-posts were broken doses of soothing syrup for the nervous flanks of the infantry, and often stampeded the front line by their too precipitate retrogression.
Much sarcasm, variegated as Paris green jealousy and red precipitate wrath could dye it, has been expended on this delicate matter of the Mule's paternal ancestry.
Moreover, all the frugal condiments and seasonings which, like timely words in a hot dispute, act chemically and precipitate the sediment--all these made lawful by the Articles of War and acts thereto amendatory.
No black closets fanged with sharp hooks and breathing pestilent mustiness lurked in its dreadful depths, threatening to precipitate a ministerial crisis around the conjugal hearth.
When all who were within hearing had scrambled, in one fashion or another, upon the causeway the precipitate flight was continued, though a distant din of battle showed some survivors to be still waging the conflict of despair.
Their precipitate flight ended at a barricade of timber and stones, that had been thrown across the great avenue during the night.
I trust General Burgoyne's army will meet sooner or later an effectual check, and, as I suggested before, that the success he has had will precipitate his ruin.
Before the troops ordered out by Washington arrived at the post, the marauders had made a precipitate retreat.
It was rendered more precipitateby the shouts and yells of the savages, numbers of whom rushed forth from their coverts and pursued the fugitives to the river side.
Kaotsong, who saved his life by precipitate flight, then agreed to sign any treaty drawn up by his conqueror.
Unfortunately the Mongol prince Togan would not take his advice, and the Annamites, gathering fresh forces on all sides, attacked the exhausted Mongols, and compelled them to beat a precipitate retreat from their country.
Pyroxylin is made by treating cotton with equal parts of nitric and sulphuric acids, then washing with water till the latter ceases to give a precipitate with chloride of baryta; then dry in the air.
The precipitate, after treating again with concentrated alcohol, is dissolved in water and the addition of sub-acetate of lead eliminates the albuminoids and peptones but does not precipitate the papain.
It does not precipitategelatin and contains asparagin.
This passage, and the experience which it depicts, are the answer to such precipitate criticism.
This is what he dreads and deprecates, both in Corinth and Galatia: the precipitate removal from the grace of Christ to another Gospel which is no Gospel at all, but a subversion of the truth.
But he felt that if he did not do so, or something or other did not occur to precipitate matters, the "whole durned shootin' match was li'ble to peter.
Then Dug, with almost precipitate haste, turned back to his visitor.
If strong enough, they may precipitate landslips or fissure the alluvial soil near river-channels.
My first impulse was to make a precipitate rush for the door, but, alas!
Hastily putting away her writing materials, she was preparing to make a precipitate rush for the stairs when a peculiar thumping riveted her attention.
His hand trembled no longer as he carefully poured off the solution so as not to disturb the precipitate at the bottom.